I have a DROK L298N DC Dual H-Bridge Stepper Motor Driver Controller Board I purchase from Amazon (link).
The board responds to the raspberry pi I connected to the Drok controller board very well and I am able to turn a NEMA 17 stepper motor (link) at the speed and direction I desire, but not the desired torque.
Upon further inspection, I found that the drive voltage the controller board provides (OUTA,OUTB,OUTC,OUTD) is only ~2.7 volts even though I have the VCC/GND connected to it’s own 12V 1Amp power supply.
I have the ENA and ENB jumpers on & the button (labeled S1) depressed.
Can you tell me why this is happening, and how to increase the drive voltage to the motor? Is this a limitation of the power supply I am using, or is the controller board not behaving normally?