You are here:>>AC 80~260V / 100A lcd digital volt/amp meter
AC 80~260V / 100A lcd digital volt/amp meter 2018-08-28T18:38:06+00:00

Home Forums DROK Customization AC 80~260V / 100A lcd digital volt/amp meter

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  • Marc Imerone
    Post count: 0

    Is there an outdoor version of this meter?

    Can coil pickup leads be extended?

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Marc Imerone,

    Thanks for writing in.

    We have two AC 80-260v meters, so we are not sure which one is correct.



    It’s regretted both of them don’t have outdoor version. It’s better not to extend wire, which may have influence on measurement.

    Any more questions, please let us know.

    Best regards.

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