You are here:>>I am looking for a 200075 that supports 100 amp
I am looking for a 200075 that supports 100 amp 2018-12-19T04:28:49+00:00

Home Forums DROK Customization I am looking for a 200075 that supports 100 amp

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  • Larry Schneider
    Post count: 0

    I like the larger .39″ display size of this unit but I need a 100 amp (99.9) version.  Can this unit be modified to display 99.9 amps?  Will you be introducing a 100 amp version with the .39″ display anytime in the future?




    Post count: 2971

    Dear Larry Schneider,

    Thanks for writing in.

    It’s hard to make  modification on ready-made circuit board. We may develop  100A meter with 0.39” display base on market requirement.

    For any more questions, please feel free to contact us.

    Best regards.

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