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HV Boost needed 2016-06-24T20:15:33+00:00

Home Forums Advice HV Boost needed

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  • Sheldon Hutchison
    Post count: 0

    I have several projects that require 12-24V inputs and 90-250V DC output at about 20-40 watts. There are other designs that need 600V DC output at 250 mA also. This seems well within your capabilities. I am buying supplies from SMAKN but would be more interested in what you might offer (I like your quality).

    Any chance you might do this sort of thing? There are a lot of audio and radio enthusiasts still building/restoring vacuum tube equipment that would greatly benefit from these supplies.

    Many thanks,

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Sheldon,
    Thank you for your interest in our product.
    So sorry that we do not have a product can support this high voltage output.
    Beg your understanding.
    Best regards

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