You are here:>>Drok DC power meter 50 amp Display Issue
Drok DC power meter 50 amp Display Issue 2016-07-04T05:10:59+00:00

Home Forums Advice Drok DC power meter 50 amp Display Issue

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  • Chris Worthingotn
    Post count: 0

    I ordered the DC multi-meter in May this year. I just installed it in my trailer but when powered on the display shows all #8s across the screen. Pushing the reset button does not do anything at all ??
    ordered on Ebay
    Item Id: 381565499955
    Transaction Id 709093175025
    Quantity: 1

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Chris,
    Thank you for writing in.
    We have checked the item ID that this product is not sold by DROK(our eBay stores are kuuco, iawoo, jenny) and it is sold by green-brands.
    There are many eBay sellers copying our brand.
    Since this product is not ours, we are not very sure the features of the product, so it is hard for us to find a solution for you.
    Beg your understanding.
    Best regards

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