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We are committed to a high level of customer satisfaction and we look forward to hearing your concerns, comments or suggestions. Your questions, no matter big or small, are always welcome. Please do not hesitate to contact us in any way that you prefer. (Please do not send any returns to the address below. If you need to return a product, please contact us at )

Working Hours:
Monday to Friday: 09:30 – 18:00 (Hong Kong Time: GMT + 8)

Any questions, please feel free open a topic on FORUM or send email to:, we will respond your emails within 24 hours during weekdays, 48 hours at weekends.

+86 1-713-082-4905

Be our friend on and we’ll friend you back. We welcome you to place any concerns you might have on our Facebook page. Yes, Facebook is a public place where the whole Internet is listening. But we welcome such transparency in our customer relationships.


  1. Matt statz July 2, 2015 at 9:40 pm - Reply

    I have a 12v 500w single output power supply and a 12v 400w drill motor. Just purchased your small 0.56 tachometer on amazon… How do I wire it?

    • Drok July 3, 2015 at 2:05 am - Reply

      Could you please give me the link of the item you buy. so we can get the exactly detail. thanks

  2. James July 19, 2015 at 10:10 pm - Reply

    I now have 5 of your products all are 5 stars, good products good service the best.

    • Drok July 20, 2015 at 1:01 am - Reply

      Hi, thank you very much! Any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

  3. Verl Rothlisberger July 21, 2015 at 5:53 pm - Reply

    Just purchased meter with v and amps. including shunt. Meter has tree wires and no directions on connections? Black, Yellow and red..???

    Verl K.

    • Drok July 22, 2015 at 2:03 am - Reply

      Hi, thanks for your business. could you please tell us your order number? So you want to get a wiring diagram right?

    • Gary Edwards June 3, 2016 at 12:45 pm - Reply

      I also got the same one and also wasn’t any instructions. They need to include instructions for the shunt three wire DC volt amp gauges.

      • Drok June 6, 2016 at 1:12 am - Reply

        Hi Gary Edwards,
        Thank you for writing in and sorry for the inconvenience caused on you.
        Could you please tell us your order ID or the link of the product so that we can ensure which product you are referring to?
        With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
        Best regards

  4. Zip Indy July 22, 2015 at 1:51 pm - Reply

    I have a 2×80 24V 2 channel amplifier in an enclosure. A 12V battery with 12/24 step-up with 24V on the output side. when adding inout volume from the source, the amp plays, but click/cuts in and out. I only have 2 leads to provide amp, +/-, but the amp has V*/GND/V-, so 3 wire inputs. Any help is appreciated.

    • Zip Indy July 22, 2015 at 1:54 pm - Reply

      … update… The amp is DROK TDA8920 and step is DROK 150W boost module, Input DC 10-32V,Output 10-46V((adjustable, default 19V)

    • Drok July 23, 2015 at 6:23 am - Reply

      Hi, the max output of the module is 150W, but the amplifier need a 160W stable power source. so when click/cunt in and out. The amplifier need dc dual power supply, the recommended voltage is ± 20V- ± 25V, the power is over 200W. So the DROK 150W boost module is not meet the requirement.

  5. John F. Williams August 13, 2015 at 10:32 pm - Reply

    Was trying to find any additional information on 110V controller I recently purchased from DROK, No wiring or instruction was received with the device. Your card with the device requested feedback. After trying to search your web site for additional information, you would not like my feedback. I would be more polite to say I won’t be doing business with you again. Regrets.

    • Drok August 14, 2015 at 2:55 am - Reply

      Dear buyer, thanks for you business and we are so sorry that we don’t have paper instructions for those DIY product but each product have descriptions on the website. Could you please tell us which product you purchased or what’s your order number? we will try our best to solve this problem. Thanks for your understanding and looking forward to your reply.
      Best regards,

  6. D September 10, 2015 at 2:41 pm - Reply

    What is the input current required for DROK DC Buck Voltage Regulator Converter 17-35V 24V to 12V Regulated Power Supply Converter Module Waterproof 3A Car Volt Converters?

    I need this data for my project.

    • Drok September 11, 2015 at 7:10 am - Reply

      hi, there is no limit to the maximum input current, the minimum input current is as if it can supply the output driver. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to write back to us.

  7. Riccardo September 24, 2015 at 2:26 pm - Reply

    Hi, i need the istruction in italian language…. is possible??

    • Drok September 25, 2015 at 3:51 am - Reply

      dear friend,
      thank you for your message.
      we are sorry we don’t have the instruction in Italian language.
      hope you can understand.
      have a nice day.
      best regards

      • Donald J. Mangold October 2, 2015 at 5:29 pm - Reply

        I purchased the following item from your Amazon store:

        DROK® Multifunction Mega328 NPN/PNP Transistor Checker Capacitor ESR SCR/MOSFET LCD Display

        The unit works but the screen is scratched and there is a dark spot on the screen in the upper right corner.

        • Drok October 12, 2015 at 1:05 am - Reply

          Hi, thanks for your business and sorry about the troubles. could you please send us photo, or maybe you can contact us for you order. please don’t worry, we will find a solution for you. Thanks!

  8. Donald J. Mangold October 2, 2015 at 5:28 pm - Reply

    I purchased the following item from your Amazon store:

    DROK® Multifunction Mega328 NPN/PNP Transistor Checker Capacitor ESR SCR/MOSFET LCD Display

    The unit works but the screen is scratched and there is a dark spot on the screen in the upper right corner.

    • Drok October 12, 2015 at 1:04 am - Reply

      Hi, thanks for your business and sorry about the troubles. could you please send us photo, or maybe you can contact us for you order. please don’t worry, we will find a solution for you. Thanks!

  9. Demetrius Gaines October 12, 2015 at 6:02 pm - Reply

    Hello, I have a need for a 50W power amp for my product. I would like to have a quote for the manufacture to fulfill my product needs.What is the scheduling involved and requirements per order?

    • Drok October 13, 2015 at 1:29 am - Reply

      Hi, are you talking this TPA3123/NE5532 Digital Amplifier? if not, please send us the product link and tell us how many you want to buy. BTW, do you live in the US? we will reply the scheduling and unit price according to your order. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks!

  10. Bryant November 2, 2015 at 3:17 am - Reply

    I purchased the following meter through amazon-DROK® 2 Wires DC 0-50A Digital Current Meter Blue LED Amp Meter+Amperage Shunt Resistance

    Please advise proper wiring for it.

    Thank you

    • Drok November 2, 2015 at 9:01 am - Reply

      Hi, sorry the the inconvenience caused. Below is the wiring instructions:
      Please wiring the meter and your device as the diagram. If you have any troubles about the wiring, please send us your wiring photos and tell us more details.
      Best regards,
      DROK Service Team

  11. Martin November 23, 2015 at 7:12 pm - Reply

    Hello, I purchased a DC 24V to 12V step down regulator and was wondering what the light colors mean. Under normal operation they are blue, however they occasionally turn red.

    Thank you

    • Drok November 24, 2015 at 10:16 am - Reply

      Hi Martin, thanks for the purchasing. Sorry that which product do you ask? Could you please give us the product link or your order number. Looking forward to your reply. Regards!

      • Martin November 24, 2015 at 1:36 pm - Reply

        DROK® DC 24V to 12V CC CV Step Down Volts Regulator Constant Current/Voltage 8A DC Adjustable Buck Converter 7-40V To 1.2-35V LED Driver Charger Module with Charging Indicator Solar Power Supply DIY. The manufacturer part number shown is 090009||F with model number 090009_NEW.

        Thank you

  12. Mark. Cavender November 24, 2015 at 3:43 am - Reply

    There is no wiring diagram for the mini amp I bought. This stopped my project dead in the water. X000qkmumv

    • Drok November 24, 2015 at 10:20 am - Reply

      Hi, we are sorry that we don’t have paper instruction for those DIY product, and all the information are on the website. Could you please tell us which product do you want to know. Maybe you can give us the product link or your order number. Also, please provide more details about your using environment and working statues. If you can, we sincerely hope that could you please send us a picture to let us check what is the problem detail? Looking forward to your reply. Regards!

  13. Mike Green November 25, 2015 at 5:27 pm - Reply

    I just bought a voltage regulator from Amazon:

    it’s a nice product, but it would be useful to have some information about how to use it- either with the product, or available on the web site.

    I found out how to set the voltage, but I don’t know how to set the current limit, and I don’t know what the three LED colours mean. At the moment, the green one is on most of the time and the blue one comes on occasionally.

    • Drok November 26, 2015 at 8:41 am - Reply

      Hi Mike, we are sorry that we don’t have paper instruction for those DIY product, and we have updated the website info but it cannot update the product page now. Please following the steps to set the current limit.
      1. Adjust constant-voltage potentiometer to make output voltage reach the voltage value which you want.
      2. Use 10A multimeter to measure short-circuit output current (directly connect two meters to output interface), at the samt time, adjust constant-voltage potentiometer to make output current reach preset over-current protection value.

      And the about LEDs, red light is on in constant current status and off in constant voltage status, blue light is on when charging and off when full-charging and Green light is on when full-charged.

      If you still have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
      Best regards,
      DROK Service Team

  14. Frank Deen December 24, 2015 at 7:31 pm - Reply


    I just bought a:

    DROK®Accurate Arduino Ultrasonic Distance Meassuring Sensor Module Precise ULtrsound Wave Distance Measurement Detector DC 5V Operating Voltage and I would like to view the data values of the distance mesured. Do you guys have like an app or something I could pair with to see how much distance is measured?


    • Drok December 25, 2015 at 7:26 am - Reply

      Dear friend,
      Thank you for your information and Merry Christmas to you.
      The distance measured range is 0~15 feet.
      We are sorry to let you know that we don’t have any items can pair with it.
      Hope this will help you.
      Have a great day.
      Best regards

  15. Gonzalo Velazco January 9, 2016 at 3:31 pm - Reply

    Hi… I bought one Micro Stereo amplifier ( It’s really good. Although, I found that in the picture shown in amazon, it displays it has a “mute switch” and a “power switch”, I would love to know what goes into those so I can improve my amplifier.

    • Drok January 11, 2016 at 10:01 am - Reply

      Hi, Gonzalo
      “mute switch” means you can connect a switch to control it, once you press the switch, the sound will disappear at once.
      “power switch” means you can add a switch to control it. press the switch to choose connect or disconnect the power supply.
      Hope this will help you.
      Best regards

      • Gonzalo Velazco January 11, 2016 at 3:34 pm - Reply

        Thanks… Can you help me find or help me how to look for a switch that could be placed in the board? I was searching and didn’t find anything I could place there.

  16. Erik January 19, 2016 at 7:00 pm - Reply


    I bought DROK® Digital -55-125℃ Celsius Thermometer Small 0.36″ Red LED Panel Display.
    I thought it is operating by battery but it came with two wires (red, black).
    Can you please send me a instruction to connect it to power?

    • Drok January 21, 2016 at 6:38 am - Reply

      Hi Erik,
      Glad to hear from you.
      We feel sorry that we didn’t design a wiring instruction for this easy to install item.
      There are just two wires, one red and the other is black.
      Just connect the red one to the positive of power and connect the black wire to the negative of power.
      If you have any other questions, please write back.
      Best regards

  17. Monika Mocha January 26, 2016 at 5:53 pm - Reply

    Hey Drok Team,

    I’m using the DROK® Bluetooth Remote Control Self-timer Wireless Camera Shutter for iPhone.

    Since I changed my phone from iPhone 5 to 6s the remote control is not working anymote. Blue light on but doesn’t activate the phone to take a picture. Do you have any tips?

    Kind Regards

    • Drok January 28, 2016 at 7:26 am - Reply

      Hi Monika Mocha,
      Glad to received your inquiry.
      First,please turn off the bluetooth on iphone 5, as this remote control will automatically connect the bluetooth on iphone 5.
      If iphone 6S has received the bluetooth signal, please cut off and then research bluetooth once more. To make it work for another phone, you have to make sure the former connection record has been removed.
      If this can’t work, you can contact customer support from your order for refund or resend.
      We will give every our customer best care.
      Best regards

  18. Tony February 8, 2016 at 4:11 pm - Reply

    Hi, I have a Digital Multimeter AC 80-260V 100A Voltmeter Ammeter Power Energy Monitor Panel Meter Electricity Meter LCD Blue Backlight Display with Transformer CT. Can you send me the wiring diagram for the AC side please?

    • Drok February 10, 2016 at 9:27 am - Reply

      hi Tony,
      could you please send email to service at droking dot com?
      so we can offer the wiring diagram to you.
      happy lunar new year,
      best regards

  19. Steve sandholm February 11, 2016 at 11:02 pm - Reply

    I need wiring instructions for the Drok 0 to 100vdc 3.5to30v power white

    • Drok February 16, 2016 at 1:49 am - Reply

      Hello, Steve sandholm,
      Could you pleases tell us your order ID or the ASIN of the product so that we can ensure what product you are referring to? Thanks

  20. Amanda February 17, 2016 at 10:49 am - Reply

    Purchased your DEOK doc 12v digital thermometer X000961E15

    I would like to know where the sensor probe is???
    It has a black wire 8″ long with plastic end – not sure what this is for? (As well as the obvious connecting black and red wires)

    I purchased another digital thermometer from you a couple of months ago with a sensor probe attached to a length of cable (it worked once!) which now doesn’t work! So I was expecting the same probe with this device

    Please advise

    • Drok February 18, 2016 at 2:47 am - Reply

      Hello Amanda,
      The black wire with plastic end is the waterproof temperature sensor probe of this module.
      The red wire is connected to the positive of power supply while the black wire is connected to the negative.
      Could you please send us an email (service at droking dot com) to tell us your order ID or the ASIN of the another digital thermometer you purchased before and more details of how you operate it, such as the supply voltage, the wiring?
      It is better that you can send us some photos of the installation together.
      With your help, we can consult to our technician and find out a solution more effectively.
      Best regards

  21. Randy Jackson February 29, 2016 at 2:37 am - Reply

    Hello, I purchased 2 DC step-down module boards. (DIY LM2596) I am unable to get current through either board. I checked ohms on both sides. The positive is a closed circuit. The negative is open. I have turned the adjustment screw and nothing changes. Any suggestions? If you can’t resolve this, can I get these boards replaced? Or my money returned?

    • Drok March 1, 2016 at 6:15 am - Reply

      Hello Randy Jackson,
      Thank you for purchasing.
      Could you please tell us the ASIN of the product and more details of how you operate the product, such as the wiring, the input voltage/current, the working environment?
      If you can, we sincerely hope that you can sent us some photos of the problem details.
      Waiting for your reply.

      • Randy Jackson March 2, 2016 at 6:51 am - Reply

        Input voltage is 13.64 and may get up 16vdc from a small solar panel in direct sunlight. There is a number R1C3 on the board. Not sure if that is the ASIN. I will try to attach a photo in a email to you.

        • Drok March 3, 2016 at 1:43 am - Reply

          Hello Randy Jackson,
          Thank you for writing in.
          The number on the board is not the ASIN of the product.
          If you do not know the ASIN of the product, could you please tell us your order ID so that we can make sure which product you purchased?

  22. Peter February 29, 2016 at 5:21 pm - Reply


    I recently purchased a 7 Mode USB Monitor from you all through Amazon. I am suspect that it is working properly and the amp meter reads all over the place. When plugged into the wall it will be stable for a moment then fluctuates up and down erratically throughout a charge. I have seen others on You Tube that do not display this way therefore I question if this one is faulty. Before I go through the return process on Amazon I would like to reach out to you all. Any help would be appreciated!

    • Drok March 1, 2016 at 3:35 am - Reply

      Hello Peter,
      Thank you for purchasing.
      Could you please tell us your order ID or the ASIN of the product you purchased and more details about how you operate the product, such as the input voltage/current; the output voltage/current?
      It is better that you can send us some photos of the problem details.
      Waiting for your reply.

  23. Greg March 10, 2016 at 11:01 pm - Reply

    I have recently purchased 2 different DC – DC Buck converters. I am using these to regulate voltage coming from a 12V 20AH battery to run a 12V LED light. The actual voltage coming off the battery is about 13.4V and the lights run too hot at this voltage. I have them running currently at about 11.8V

    Both buck converters seem to work well. one is the Drok 3.5-30V to .8-29V 10A Step-down Volt Adjustable Output Voltage Regulator the other is the Drok DC-DC Voltage Buck Converter Volt Regulator 5V-30V to 0.8-29V Step-down Transformer Power Module 5A Constant Adjustable LED Dual Display (sorry no item numbers available)

    Can you tell me if these are the items you would reccommend for the application or if you might suggest an alternative? preferences on the 2? I am also concerned that it appears that there are only about 6 of one and 10 of the other available on Amazon. i will need about 20 of the item selected. Hope you can help.

  24. Raimund Bigalk March 18, 2016 at 3:43 pm - Reply

    Hallo,Drok! Ich habe mir über Amazon 6 Stück 100 Volt ,10 Amper DC Mini Digital Voltmeter Volt Amp Meter LED Dual Display schicken lassen. Nach wenigen Malen Ein- und Ausschalten an 12 Volt Akkus, bzw. 12-Volt-Ladegerät sind schon drei Stück tot, nichts leuchtet mehr!!! Ich bin von Beruf gelernter Elektriker, Fernmeldemechaniker, Elektro/Elektronik- Ingenieur und seit ca. 65 Jahren intensiver Bastler auf diesem Gebiet. Ich habe auch eine Kurzschlussdiode mit falscher Polung gegen Spannungsspitzen eingebaut!!!!!!!!! Ich habe mit Sicherheit keinen Fehler gemacht!!!! Wer liefert mir Ersatz, der nicht kaputt geht im normalen Betrieb??? Ich habe zum Beispiel ein solches Instrument in mein Segelboot eingebaut, – für “Große Fahrt”! Unmöglich, wenn da andauernd das Instrument nichts mehr anzeigt! Dort muss ich ständig den Ladestrom kontrollieren! Ich kann nur vermuten, dass da irgendwo ein Konstruktionsfehler vorliegt. Sie sollten das umgehend überprüfen, ehe noch mehr Reklamationen kommen.
    Ich bitte alsbald um Ihre Antwort und Stellungnahme. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Raimund Bigalk.

    • Drok March 22, 2016 at 1:38 am - Reply

      Lieber Freund,
      Vielen Dank für das Schreiben in. Wir schätzen Ihr Geschäft und so entschuldigen uns für die Probleme auf Sie verursacht.
      Könnten Sie uns uns eine E-Mail an Service senden Sie bitte Ihre Auftragsnummer an droking dot com zu erzählen oder die ASIN des Produkts?
      Es ist besser, dass Sie uns mehr Details zu sagen, wie Sie die Produkte, wie zum Beispiel die Eingangsspannung / Strom, der Verkabelung, die Arbeitsumgebung zu betreiben.
      Wenn Sie können, wir hoffen, dass Sie uns ein paar Fotos schicken können uns die Problemdetails informieren.
      Bitte um Vergebung und warten auf Ihre Antwort.
      Freundliche Grüße

      Dear friend,
      Thank you for writing in. We appreciate your business and so sorry for any trouble caused on you.
      Could you please send us an email to service at droking dot com to tell us your order ID or the ASIN of the product?
      It is better that you can tell us more details of how you operate the products, such as the input voltage/current, the wiring, the working environment.
      If you can, we sincerely hope that you can send us some photos to let us know the problem details.
      Beg your forgiveness and waiting for your reply.
      Best regards

  25. Luis March 30, 2016 at 4:10 pm - Reply


    I bought 60 of I open 10 of them and they are all 15V output , not 12V. The 5V is fine, but 15 will burn all the devices I am going to use.
    We really need 12V here on that output.

    • Drok March 31, 2016 at 3:56 am - Reply

      Hello Luis,
      Thank you for purchasing.
      Could you please tell us more details of how you operate the product, such as the input voltage/current, the wiring, the working environment.
      If you can, we sincerely hope that you can send us an email(service at droking dot com) to send some pictures to let us check the problem details.
      With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
      Best regards

  26. stewart April 10, 2016 at 1:18 pm - Reply

    i bought 5

    they work perfectly, but just have a mini question, i noticed it after plugin 2 loads in parallel
    what does a red LED signal mean and blue LED signal mean.

    does the red mean not enough current and i shouldn’t be loading the buck converter that much, or can i adjust the current?

    • Drok April 11, 2016 at 2:58 am - Reply

      Hello stewart,
      The LED indicator is charging indicator.
      The red means the battery is charging.
      The blue means the battery is full charged.
      Hope this can help you.
      Best regards

  27. JAMES LEGGE April 14, 2016 at 12:57 am - Reply


    • Drok April 14, 2016 at 1:39 am - Reply

      Hello JAMES LEGGE,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Could you please tell us your order ID or the link of the product?
      With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
      Waiting for your reply.

  28. JAMES LEGGE April 14, 2016 at 2:25 am - Reply

    Hello James legge,
    2 “DROK® AC 220V 3800W…” have shipped.

    Order #103-1251615-4137019

  29. JAMES LEGGE April 14, 2016 at 2:33 am - Reply

    it was through Amazon want to use it as a thermostat control for 220 v need wiring diagram

    • Drok April 14, 2016 at 6:43 am - Reply

      Hello JAMES LEGGE,
      Thank you for your reply.
      Here the PDF file is the Datasheet of the product.
      Hope this can help you.
      Best regards

  30. JAMES LEGGE April 14, 2016 at 10:53 am - Reply

    this don’t help any this all you can get

  31. JAMES LEGGE April 14, 2016 at 10:55 pm - Reply

    find anything else yet please

  32. JAMES LEGGE April 15, 2016 at 10:25 pm - Reply

    anything else yet still waiting

    • Drok April 18, 2016 at 2:40 am - Reply

      Hello JAMES LEGGE,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Sorry for the inconvenience caused on you.
      There is a wiring diagram in the PDF file.
      This product is applied to AC circuit, therefore no need to distinguish the positive terminal or the negative terminal.
      You can series connect this product to the circuit.
      Hope this can help you.
      Best regards

  33. David G Jones April 16, 2016 at 1:22 am - Reply

    I’m keen to buy one of your USB multimeters but am having difficulty finding a supplier who will ship to Australia.

    Can you direct me to a suitable supplier?


    Canberra, Australia

    • Drok April 18, 2016 at 2:24 am - Reply

      Dear friend,
      Thank you for your interest in our product.
      Could you please send us an email (service at droking dot com) to tell us the link of the product you are interested?

  34. kim riordan April 18, 2016 at 8:24 pm - Reply

    looking for

    • Drok April 19, 2016 at 1:43 am - Reply

      Hello kim riordan,
      Thank you for your message.
      GERI is not our brand.
      Here is the similar product of our DROK (ASIN: B00KKICAWS )
      DROK® DC DC 8-50V 12V/24V/36V to 5V 3A Buck Voltage Converter Type A Dual USB Adapter Connector with Ear Power Supply Module Waterproof

      Input Voltage: DC 8-50V
      Output voltage: DC 5V
      Output Current: 3A MAX, 2.5A long-term work
      Output Power: 15W MAX
      Output ripple peak: 100
      Conversion rate: 85%
      Epoxy Glue, waterproof, shock, moisture
      Reverse polarity protection, overcurrent and overtemperature protection, automatic recovery after troubleshooting
      Dimension: 46 * 32 * 18mm
      Low pressure: 2V
      Operating temperature: Industrial grade -25 °c – +65 °c (ambient temperature exceeds 40 °c, please reduce power, or enhance heat dissipation)
      Full load temperature rise: 40 °c

      Please Note:
      No identification resistor, can not be used for Apple devices or the mobile phones with identification

      Hope this can help you.
      Best regards

  35. MURIEL PERRINELLE April 21, 2016 at 12:24 pm - Reply


    pls advise where i can buy this product ??
    for shipment in France

    DROK® Micro Load Tester Board USB DC 0-3A 3-20V

    DROK® Micro Load Tester Board USB DC 0-3A 3-20V Adjustable Constant Current Electronic Load Equipment Module 12V Charging Current Capacity Monitor Aging Device Discharge Resistance with Fan

    price for 2 pces
    price for 100 pces

    TEL 33 1 34 12 38 80

  36. Dick April 22, 2016 at 5:56 pm - Reply

    Hi Drok,

    I have an application for a 12 volt DC Motor that I’d like to reverse via remote control. The supply voltage is also 12 volt. The 2 channel units you offer have the ampacity to do the job. One channel could operate for each direction. What is not clear to me is how to lock them out so that a simultaneous push of both buttons doesn’t short. What can you offer on that topic or otherwise suggest?

    • Drok April 24, 2016 at 1:27 am - Reply

      Hello Dick,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Could you please tell us your order ID or the link of the product?
      With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
      Best regards

      • Dick May 2, 2016 at 3:59 pm - Reply

        Part Number 090172 – In addition to the above, can this be set for “non-locking?”

  37. Leo Horowitz April 26, 2016 at 2:19 pm - Reply

    I just purchased a DROK 2203 adjustable BUCK supply. Power input is specified at 22v to 15volt input. I did not not realize that my power supply is 24 volts and I need to step down to 4.5 volts. Can I still use it? Or do I need a different supply.

    If I need a different supply can I exchange it? I bought it from

    • Drok April 27, 2016 at 1:08 am - Reply

      Hello Leo Horowitz,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Could you please tell us your order ID or the link of the product So that we can ensure which product you are referring to?

  38. Greg May 6, 2016 at 4:02 pm - Reply

    I recently purchased one of your inexpensive 7V to 60V pulse width modulators on Amazon. I want to use it to cycle a fuel injector in a cleaning solution. It will turn the fuel injector on and off when I turn the dial, but it will not cycle the injector on and off. I have tried using a simple 9 volt battery and also a 12 volt booster pack. It behaves the same way with either power source. Does this mean that the PWM is faulty or am I doing something wrong.

  39. Ron May 11, 2016 at 5:32 pm - Reply

    I tried to purchase some of the weekly clearance 5pcs Warm White USB Night light
    Promo Code: E03B00U7 and the code does not work… Thoughts???

    • Drok May 12, 2016 at 1:26 am - Reply

      Hello Ron,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Have you added 5pcs of the night light to your cart?
      If not, please add 5pcs of the night light to your cart then try the promo code again.
      Hope this can help you.
      If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
      Best regards

      • Ron May 12, 2016 at 7:44 pm - Reply

        I tried with another item and the promo code worked fine the one for the 5 pc did not The promotional code you entered cannot be applied to your purchase. was what I got….

        • Drok May 13, 2016 at 1:50 am - Reply

          Hello Ron,
          Thank you for your reply.
          Could you please send us an email(service at droking dot com) with some images of the Amazon Checkout page in purchasing?
          With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
          Waiting for your reply.
          Best regards

  40. Mike Dryer May 14, 2016 at 9:38 am - Reply


    Just received 2 off LTC187 DC boost boards. One board does not have a black heatsink (missing completely – not in bag) fitted over the conversion coil. (both silver heatsinks are fitted). Will I have to derate this device?

    • Drok May 16, 2016 at 1:25 am - Reply

      Hi Mike Dryer,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Could you please tell us your order ID or the link of the product you received?
      It’s better that you can send us an email(service at droking dot com) with some images of the product to let us check the problem details.
      Waiting for your reply.
      Best regards

  41. Pouya May 19, 2016 at 4:07 am - Reply

    HI Drok,
    I purchased a digital Voltmeter/Ammeter from Amazon (link attached), I connected the wires as instructed in the figure. For the input, I used a Drok Boost converter (link attached). The voltage on the boost (i.e., input to digital voltmeter) was set to 16V ( I checked with multimeter before connecting) and the current to minimum.
    Once I connected the input, a diode (D1) popped.
    I need this part for my device, I have already designed my enclosure based on it and I have had good experience with Drok. So I am going to order another from Amazon.
    My concern is to prevent this from happening again. Do you have any suggestion as what might have gone wrong.
    I noticed there are two calibration rotary knobs on the board which I do not believe could have been part of the problem.

    V/A meter

    Boost Converter

    Best regards,

    • Drok May 20, 2016 at 2:13 am - Reply

      Hi Pouya,
      Could you please send us an email(service at droking dot com ) with some pictures or video to let us check the problem details?
      With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
      Best regards

  42. Gary Graham May 24, 2016 at 12:58 am - Reply

    I am interested in purchasing Drok small amp and speakers. On Amazon there are two ways. One can buy parts separately or in a “bundle”.

    Please cut and paste into url address box:

    Separate speaker:

    Bundled speaker

    What is the difference between the separate speakers and the ones packaged in the bundle?


      • Drok May 24, 2016 at 2:18 am - Reply

        Hi Gary Graham,
        Thank you for writing in.
        The Separate Speaker is 2″ 4Ω 12W, here is the parameters of them:
        Unit caliber size: 2 inches
        Largest diameter: 53MM
        Speaker opening size: 46MM
        Screw diagonal distance: 60MM
        Adjacent angles speaker: 43MM
        Speaker height: 28mm
        Impedance: 4 Ω
        Undistorted power: 12W
        Effective frequency: 118Hz-20KHz
        Sensitivity: 88dB
        Equivalent capacity: 0.8L

        The speakers in the bundle is 3″ 4Ω 15W, here is the parameters of them:
        Outer diameter: 78mm
        Height: 52mm
        Impedance: 4 Ω
        Rated power: 15W
        Sensitivity: 90dB
        Equivalent capacity: 2.5L
        Effective Frequency: 108Hz-20kHz
        Hole diameter: 71mm

        Hope this can help you.
        Best regards

  43. Gary Graham May 24, 2016 at 4:55 am - Reply

    Thank you so much. Seems like the bundle is not only less expensive but better speakers.

    One more question.

    In the bundle there is a power adapter. But the board is a two position terminal strip 12v + and 12v – [I will call these the power terminals].

    There seems to be a little adapter on the end of the power supply. Does this somehow or other either clip or screw on to the power terminals?

    • Drok May 25, 2016 at 1:56 am - Reply

      Hi Gary Graham,
      Here is a picture instruction of the board in the bundle for you:
      Hope this can help you.
      Best regards

  44. Zeeshan May 28, 2016 at 11:48 am - Reply

    dear sir
    good morning
    i need an AC voltmeter Ammeter for 220 v and 100 amps. Do you have any dealer in pakistan?
    If yes, please provide me his/her address and phone number.


    • Drok May 29, 2016 at 2:27 am - Reply

      Hi Zeeshan,
      Thank you for your interest in our product.
      Could you please send us an email(service at droking dot com) to tell us the ASIN or the link of the product you need?
      Waiting for your reply.
      Best regards

  45. maximilian May 29, 2016 at 6:26 pm - Reply

    I bought a DROK® Numerical Control Voltage Regulator DC 5-32V to 0-30V 5A Buck Converter, 24V 12V to 5V Step Down Power Converter Adjustable Digital Control Voltage Reducer with LED Ammeter Voltmeter Display. It was dead after 3 weeks. I only used like several time and now its not working. No display and very dimmed led and no voltage output. Is there an warranty?

    • Drok May 30, 2016 at 1:21 am - Reply

      Hi maximilian,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Did the product work when you got it?
      Could you please tell us more details of how you operate the product, such as the input voltage/current, the wiring, the load, the working environment?
      If you can, we sincerely hope that you can send us some images or video to let us check the problem details.
      You can send this information to us by email (service at droking dot com).
      Looking forward to hearing from you.
      Best regards

  46. Spencer Sutton June 7, 2016 at 4:24 pm - Reply

    I purchased the AC 0-199.9V meter. It has 4 wires, which wires are for powering the screen and which wires are for measuring the voltage?

  47. john chen June 9, 2016 at 1:21 am - Reply

    Dear DROK. we like your USB based digital display multi-meter products. do you have anything available with USB type-C connectors?

    • Drok June 12, 2016 at 1:40 am - Reply

      Hello john chen,
      Thank you for your interest in our product.
      Here is a recommendation of a load battery tester with USB type-C connectors:
      DROK® DC 3-21V Load Battery Tester, 35W 3A Portable USB Monitor, Intelligent Constant Current Electric Discharge Resistance Power Resistor Kit for Power Bank Capacity Testing Support QC2.0/3.0
      Voltage Range: DC 3-21V (compatible with quick charging such as the Qualcomm QC2.0, 5V/9V/12V/20V, Qualcomm QC3.0, BC 1.2, MTK-PE and Apple 2.4A etc.)
      Current Range: 0-3A continuously adjustable (roughly adjust 0-3A by per 0.1A , precisely adjust by per 0.01A)
      Accumulative Capacitance Range: 0-99999mAH
      Accumulative Electric Energy Range: 0-999.99Wh
      Power Range: 0-35W( the continuous discharging power is less than 35W)
      Accumulative Time Counting: 0-1000h
      Voltage Testing Deviation: 0.01V
      Threshold of Smart Temperature Control: when the temperature﹥55℃(131℉), the fan would automatically work; when﹤45℃(113℉), the fan would automatically turn back off
      Detector of Smart Temperature Control: premium NTC thermistor
      Switching Regulator IC Frequency for Fan: 1.2MHZ
      Power Supply Indicator: blue light when powering on
      Fan Speed: 6000/min, 40×40×20mm
      Controlling Chip: constant current chip
      Radiator: 6063 aerospace aluminum radiator, 40×40×10mm
      Adjustment Potentiometer: durable metal potentiometer
      Discharging Power Tube: voltage-controlled low-impedance MOSFET (more stable constant current when is on high voltage, high temperature)
      Operating Temperature: ﹣10 ~﹢65℃ (14-149℉)
      Product Dimensions: 100mm×48mm×30mm
      Hope this can help you.
      Best regards

  48. John Scharres June 14, 2016 at 4:30 pm - Reply

    I just purchased a couple of your ac-dc 24v converters. While the output is marked + and – there appears to be no marking on the ac input. Does phasing matter with input voltage?

    • Drok June 15, 2016 at 1:58 am - Reply

      Hello John Scharres,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Could you please tell us your order ID or the link of the product?
      With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
      Best regards

      • John Scharres June 15, 2016 at 6:48 pm - Reply

        The Amazon order number was 107-4100990-9620258 and was for AC to DC converter 85 – 265v 50/60HZ AC to DC 24v adapter/industrial module switching power supply board.

        • Drok June 16, 2016 at 6:43 am - Reply

          Hi John Scharres,
          Thank you for your reply.
          AC input no need to distinguish + and -.
          Here is an image that we think it is useful to you:
          Hope this can help you.
          Best regards

  49. Arlene June 17, 2016 at 6:06 pm - Reply

    I would like to verify two part numbers. B00RUUSKS2 AND B01GFVHZUK. Is this in fact your manufacture part number? If these are not your part numbers, can you please provide the part numbers.

    Thank you

    • Drok June 18, 2016 at 6:32 am - Reply

      Hi, B00RUUSKS2 and B01GFVHZUK are Amazon ASINs. The part number of B00RUUSKS2 is 090233, and the other one is 200151. Is there any else we can help with?

  50. Paolo Callegaro July 6, 2016 at 5:01 pm - Reply


    I write from Italy!
    We need to buy urgently 60 pieces of the follwing step-up
    DROK® DC-DC 12V/24V Step-up Boost Converter Adjustable Output Voltage Stabilizer

    Where you can buy it urgently?

    Thank you

    Paolo Callegaro

    • Drok July 7, 2016 at 1:25 am - Reply

      Hello Paolo Callegaro,
      Thank you for writing in.
      You can purchase the products from us directly.
      Since many products are with similar titles, it is hard for us to ensure which product you are referring to.
      Could you please send us an email (service at droking dot com) to tell us the link of the product?
      Waiting for your reply.
      Best regards

  51. Dale Reynolds August 31, 2016 at 9:42 pm - Reply

    I purchased the 090030 from Amazon. I was expecting that some kind of a spec sheet to accompany the order. It did not. I don’t really like to search the forums to get information on the device. Please provide a user manual.

    • Drok September 1, 2016 at 2:09 am - Reply

      Hello Dale Reynolds,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Here the PDF file is the datasheet of the product, please check it.
      Hope this can help you.
      Best regards

  52. Jerry Simmons September 2, 2016 at 11:02 am - Reply

    I want to purchase one of your digital ammeters/voltmeters to fit my Club Car golf carts. Mine is a 1999 model 48 volt. I have no idea as to which one to purchase or what else I need to make it work. What/which one do you suggest I use and what else do I need to make it work?
    Thank you for your reply,
    Jerry Simmons

    • Drok September 4, 2016 at 3:04 am - Reply

      Hello Jerry Simmons,
      Thank you for your interest in our product.
      Could you please tell us more details of your application, such as the input voltage/current, the measuring current/voltage range, the measured device, the working environment?
      With your help, we can recommend a more suitable product for your application.
      Looking forward to hearing from you.
      Best regards

  53. Adam September 6, 2016 at 4:34 am - Reply

    What is the unit of measurement on this device for each item?

    What would capacitance of 27.466 be?

    • Drok September 7, 2016 at 1:56 am - Reply

      Hello Adam,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Could you please tell us the ASIN or the send us the link of the product you are referring to?
      With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
      Best regards

  54. Angel September 10, 2016 at 5:34 pm - Reply

    Dear DROK,
    I have written yesterday here an inquiry, since the product I bought from you clearly didn’t work. I expected a feedback. Instead I can see my inquiry vanished from here.
    Is that how you usually treat your customers?
    Still hoping you will contact me over my email and we can clear this unpleasant case.


    • Drok September 12, 2016 at 2:12 am - Reply

      Hello Angel,
      Thank you for writing in.
      So sorry that we cannot find out your message.
      Could you please tell us your problem details again?
      We will try our best to find a solution to you.
      Beg your forgiveness and understanding.
      Best regards

      • Angel September 13, 2016 at 11:05 am - Reply

        Hell Drok support,
        Nice to hear from you.
        Ok – one more time:
        I have bought from you this device and my intention was / is to step up from 5V to 12V.
        So I read the enclosed instructions, provide 5.0V as input and I can see input / output voltage by pressing (in) / (out) buttons on the left side on the display. Initially the output voltage as shown by the display was 4.9V. So far so good.
        Now I press the (set) button on the right and the number before decimal point starts to blink. However I cannot increase voltage above 4.9 nevertheless how many times I press the (+) button. I can however decrease to 0.0V and increase back to 3.9V the output.
        To summarize I started with 4.9V output and ended up with 3.9V – both far below the expected from me 12V.
        Please help, thanks.

      • Angel September 14, 2016 at 10:44 am - Reply

        Hello Drok support,
        I can see above my message describing the issue I have, however more than 24 later I cannot see your feedback on it?

      • Angel September 15, 2016 at 8:51 am - Reply

        Hello Drok support,
        I am still waiting for your feedback on my issue above – almost a week after I received your useless piece of hardware.
        Is there anybody who read this thread and I can answer my inquiry?

        • Drok September 18, 2016 at 1:23 am - Reply

          Hello Angel,
          Thank you for writing in and so sorry for our late reply.
          Since it is the vacation of Mid-Autumn Festival of China, we do not give you a reply at once.
          The product in the product link you send to us is a buck converter.
          But according to your description of the application, you need a boost converter not a buck converter.
          Please check your order again that if the link you send to us is right or not.
          Hope this can help you.
          Best regards

  55. sviluppo_ict November 28, 2016 at 8:30 am - Reply

    I buy a your product

    DC-DC step-down 5A 12V / 24V a 5V

    The product has the CE Declaration of Conformity?
    I can have a copy of the conformity to see if I can use it in my application?

    Many thanks

    • Drok November 29, 2016 at 1:32 am - Reply

      Hello sviluppo_ict,
      Thank you for writing in.
      The CE Declaration of Conformity is on the road.
      We are trying our best to apply the CE certification but this process is complicate and needs a lot of time.
      Sorry for the inconvenience caused on you.
      Hope you can understand.
      Best regards

  56. Jean-Gabriel December 1, 2016 at 1:05 pm - Reply

    Hi ,
    I sent an email too on november 24 and I still haven’t receive an answer. I want to order around 30 LCT1871 per year and it is not available anymore on I wrote a question on amazon and I was told to contact you via email for this type of inquiery. Please answer my email.

    • Drok December 2, 2016 at 1:26 am - Reply

      Hello Jean-Gabriel,
      Thank you for your interest in our product.
      We have checked our email history that we cannot find your email.
      Could you please try to send the email to us again?
      Sorry for the inconvenience caused on you.
      Best regards

      • Jean-Gabriel December 2, 2016 at 4:06 pm - Reply

        I just sent it again, thank you

  57. Nicolas Gervais December 1, 2016 at 7:54 pm - Reply

    have receive this item this morning DROK® 12V to 5V Numerical Control Step Down Voltage Regulator 5A 5-32V to 0-30V DC Adjustable Digital Control Buck Power Converter NC Constant Volts / Amps Voltage Reducer, LED Ammeter Voltmeter

    but the pronbleme is the device doesnt see the amp and wathever i do it just can give .9 amp (test with multimeter)

    have try defferent power source with different volt and amp

    • Drok December 2, 2016 at 1:35 am - Reply

      Hello Nicolas Gervais,
      Thank you for writing in.
      And since there are many products with similar titles, it’s hard for us to ensure the product.
      Could you please tell us your order ID or the link of product so we can ensure which product you received?
      And it is better that you can tell us more details of your operation, such as the input voltage/current, the load, the wiring, the working environment.
      If you can, we sincerely hope that you can send us some images or video to let us check the problem details.
      With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
      Best regards

  58. kris December 11, 2016 at 8:39 pm - Reply

    Hi folks! I bought this:
    Quick question: my input voltage is 12v. I want to step down to 5v. No matter how I adjust the two pots, it never changes (output reading 12v).

    Is there some trick to adjusting output voltage? Are there instructions anywhere on how to use this?

    • Drok December 12, 2016 at 2:51 am - Reply

      Hello Kris,
      Thank you for writing in and sorry for the inconvenience caused on you.
      Could you please try to counter clockwise adjust the output voltage potentiomenter for more than 10 laps until the value of the output voltage change?
      And then you can adjust the output voltage potentionmeter to adjust the output voltage to your need.
      Please note that when you adjust this potentiometer, you do not need to connect a load.
      Hope this can help you.
      If the output voltage still does not change, please feel free to write back to us.
      Best regards

  59. Nick Grivois December 18, 2016 at 1:03 am - Reply

    I have bought a few of your products and enjoy them very well they’ve done above and beyond what I need them for . But I’m looking for a step up from a low voltage (3-4v) to a constant 12-15v do you have a product like this if so email me a couple links please so I can get them order asap please and thank you for your great products and service

    • Drok December 18, 2016 at 6:32 am - Reply

      Hello Nick Grivois,
      Thank you for your appreciation.
      We are so glad that the product can meet your demand.
      Could you please tell us more details of your need, such as the input current, the load, the working environment?
      With this information, we can recommend a more suitable product to you.
      Waiting for your reply.
      Best regards

  60. Brian Webb December 19, 2016 at 9:51 pm - Reply

    What do you need to do with the jumper on the back of the YH10063D power converter for it to accept the 8-16v?

    • Drok December 20, 2016 at 1:53 am - Reply

      Hello Brian Webb,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Since the “YH10063D” may be just a part number of one of the component, it is hard for us to ensure which product you are referring to.
      Could you please tell us your order ID or the link of the product so we can ensure which product you are referring to?
      With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
      Best regards

  61. ALAIN December 24, 2016 at 10:10 am - Reply

    Hello, I ordered a DC 100 A ampere meter from Amazon, it does not work properly, the display does not stabilize properly and I can not read the indications of it,
    Would you have an explanation for this problem?
    I specify that I am looking for an ammeter that works for a battery, in charging or discharging mode, so that this ammeter must operate in positive or negative display,
    Thank you for your feedback.

    bonjour, je vous ai commandé un ampéremetre DC 100 A auprés d’Amazon, il ne fonctionne pas correctement, l’affichage ne se stabile pas correctement et je n’arrive pas a lire les indications de celui ci,
    auriez vous une explication a ce probléme ?
    je précise que je recherche un ampéremetre qui fonctionne pour une batterie, en mode charge ou décharge, il faut donc que cet ampéremetre fonctionne en affichage positif ou négatif,
    merci de vos retours.

    • Drok December 27, 2016 at 2:27 am - Reply

      Hello ALAIN,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Could you please tell us your order ID or the link of the product so we can ensure which product you have purchased?
      It is better that you can tell us more details of your operation, such as the input voltage/current, the load, the wiring, the working environment.
      If you can, we sincerely hope that you can send us some images or video to let us check the problem details.
      With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
      You can send this information to us via email(service at droking dot com).
      Look forward to hearing from you.
      Best regards

  62. Joel Beltran January 2, 2017 at 8:41 pm - Reply


    I have one process where I need to measure a resistance of 100Ω ± 5%.

    Did you have some ohm meter or something similar to a panel display that measures that range?

  63. Rodolfo Mendoza Montano January 11, 2017 at 1:18 am - Reply

    Thank you!
      I bought this product in amazon, , but it has no instructions, could send me an email with instructions.

    I need a timer circuit, which fulfills the following function, I have a car with a diesel engine, to which I have made all the electricity myself, now I want to put a timer that when opening the key disconnect the loads, the coils of the relays Fans, air conditioner and cabin fan and that only 30 seconds after starting the engine connect them, that way we take care of starter, alternator, battery and motor. I found that circuit in amazon and I only lack the instructions to program it, but it does not bring them. Can you send them to me
      Thank you.
    Yo he comprado este producto en amazon, pero no tiene instrucciones, podrían enviarme un email con las instrucciones.
    Yo necesito un circuito temporizador, que cumpla la siguiente función, tengo un auto con un motor diesel, al cual le he hecho toda la electricidad yo mismo, ahora quiero ponerle un temporizador que al abrir el chucho desconecte las cargas, las bobinas de los relays de los electroventiladores, el aire acondicionado y el ventilador de cabina y que solo 30 segundos después de haber arrancado el motor los conecte, de ese modo cuidamos motor de arranque , alternador , batería y motor. Encontré ese circuito en amazon y solo me faltan las instrucciones para programarlo, pero no las trae. Pueden enviármelas

    • Drok January 11, 2017 at 9:49 am - Reply

      Hello,Rodolfo Mendoza Montano
      Thank you for writing in.
      We appreciate your purchase and we are sorry for any inconveniences caused on you.
      We will send the instruction to your email, please check it.
      Best regards

      • Rodolfo Mendoza Montano January 14, 2017 at 1:56 am - Reply

        Thank you for sending me the instructions .. They have been very efficient.
        I have programmed in p3.2 op to 42 seconds, cl to 9.9.9 hours and lop —. Simply when opening the battery energizes the circuit and this relays the relay for 42 seconds, of them 12 the spark plugs and 30 motor on, then the relay is disconnected and this by NC connects the relay coils of air conditioners And cabin fan, protecting the starter, battery and alternator of these loads in conjunction with the starter
        In addition to being told how long the car is on
        Thank you very much
        thanks for help

        • Drok January 15, 2017 at 6:46 am - Reply

          Hello Rodolfo Mendoza Montano,
          Thank you for your reply.
          We are glad that we can help with you.
          If there is any more question, please feel free to contact us.
          Best regards.

  64. Yordan Dingilski January 25, 2017 at 11:49 pm - Reply

    Dear DROK Team,
    I need 34 digital voltage/current/power meters capable to (1) measure negative current and (2) trigger a relay at preset low voltage value. Do you have something suitable you could offer me.
    Your Digital AC/DC Multimeter 4 Data Display Voltage Current Power Energy looks very nice but is it feasible to achieve (1) and (2).
    Thank you.

    • Drok January 26, 2017 at 3:43 am - Reply

      Hello Yordan Dingilski,
      Thank you for your interest in our product.
      Since it is the vacation of China Spring Festival, our technicians are out of office so we cannot provide a recommendation to you until 4th, Feb.
      Could you please wait a few days to 4th,Feb?
      We will give you a reply as soon as possible.
      Beg your understanding and forgiveness.
      Best regards

      • Yordan Dingilski January 29, 2017 at 8:44 pm - Reply

        Thank you for your reply. I’ll wait till the end of the Spring Festival 🙂

        • Drok February 5, 2017 at 8:47 am - Reply

          Hello Yordan Dingilski,
          We are sorry to keep you waiting.
          To give you a suitable recommendation, could you please tell us more detail about other parameters? For example, the measuring range of voltage/current, etc.
          And could you please send the link of the product “Digital AC/DC Multimeter 4 Data Display Voltage Current Power Energy” you mention?
          It’s hard to confirm which product you mention, as there are many similar titles.
          Beg your forgiveness and look forward to your reply soon.
          Best regards.

          • Yordan Dingilski February 5, 2017 at 9:42 pm

            This is the product I meant:

            Something similar which is capable to (1) measure negative current and (2) trigger a relay at preset low voltage value would be great. The system I need it for is an off-grid PV system with charge controller which manages the battery charge process. As there are moments when the load power is less than the charging power I need it to measure negative current as well. Function (2) is necessary in order to disconnect additional loads at preset Low voltage value which corresponds to certain SOC (batteries State Of Charge).
            The system maximum voltage is 35V. The maximum current is 45A.

          • Drok February 7, 2017 at 8:36 am

            Hello Yordan Dingilski,
            Thank you for your reply.
            We are sorry that the item you mention can’t achieve this two functions you mention.
            And it’s a pity that we don’t have such a item can meet your demand.
            Hope you can understand.
            If there is any more question, please feel free to contact us.
            Best regards.

  65. Stuart February 10, 2017 at 8:56 pm - Reply


    i have one of these:

    (LM2596 board)

    The voltage seems to spike very high when switching on for a small time. I have fried a few LEDs like this, is this normal behavior? I’m stepping down from 24v to around 3v

    • Drok February 13, 2017 at 8:45 am - Reply

      Hello Stuart,
      Thank you for writing in.
      We are sorry to hear that.
      But there are something you may ignore.
      LED is drived by constant current, but the LM2596 board can only offer constant voltage.
      So it isn’t suitable to connect LED.
      Hope this can help you.
      Best regards

  66. Rol February 17, 2017 at 5:25 am - Reply

    Greetings Drok,

    I recently purchase from Amazon the DROK DC 3-21V Load Battery Tester, 35W 3A Portable USB Monitor. Every port on this product functions as designed except the iPhone 5S port. What is your procedure for returning this product for repair or exchanged.

    On another note, this is one of the BEST products I have purchased for my personal electronic shack – I also purchased the Numerical Control Voltage Regulator DC 6-55V to 0-50V 2A Buck Converter Module and the DC 0-120V 0-100A Digital Multimeter Charge-Discharge Battery Tester. The quality and functionality in each of these products is GREAT!

    I will not stop only with these products purchased.

    Thank You.

    Best Regards.

    • Drok February 17, 2017 at 9:04 am - Reply

      Dear friend,
      Thanks for your message.
      We sincerely appreciate your purchase and support.
      We are sorry that this item can’t meet your demand.
      If it can’t work for you, could you please contact Amazon service to return it?(Because your order is sold by DROK and fulfilled by Amazon.)
      And we are so glad to do business with you.
      Hope we can service you again.
      Best regards

  67. Sarath February 22, 2017 at 12:52 am - Reply

    Hii, i am looking for a dc to dc boost voltage converter with a peak output voltage of 120V , can you guide me to a product you might have ?

    • Drok February 22, 2017 at 9:16 am - Reply

      Hello Sarath,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We appreciate your interest on our product.
      We have many kinds of converter, but so far we are sorry we don’t have one that can output 120v.
      Beg your forgiveness.
      We are striving to improve our item and service.
      Look forward to more cooperation in the future.
      Best regards.

  68. Jean-Claude Arroyas February 23, 2017 at 9:00 am - Reply

    Hello. I integrate your converter (DEOK DC Convertisseur de Tension 12V/24V to 48V Régulateur Boost Chargeur de Voiture Réglementé Alimentation DIY 10-32V à 36-60V) into a solution which I market and I wish to know if you plan to maintain his its marketing or if I shall have to make stocks. Beforehand thank you.

    • Drok February 24, 2017 at 8:20 am - Reply

      Hello Jean-Claude Arroyas,
      Thanks for your writing in.
      So far this item is in good sale, We will maintain its marketing.
      But we can’t also promise anything,after all, we cann’t forecast what will happen in the future.
      Beg your forgiveness and hope you can understand.
      Best regards

  69. Sun-Chlor February 24, 2017 at 6:07 pm - Reply

    Hi Drok,

    Looking for your Drok DC/DC Converter 12/24V Input, and 5V10A Max Output….. needing a price for 20-30 quantity.

    This is an URGENT request. Please contact us if necessary 1-480-388-9971. Much appreciated, Carmen

    • Drok February 27, 2017 at 12:56 pm - Reply

      Hello Sun-Chlor,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are glad to receive your inquiry.
      Could you please contact us by Service at replace at with @).
      Best regards.

  70. Clay March 2, 2017 at 9:44 pm - Reply

    Do you make a PWM controller with a constant voltage output (12V) but with an adjustable current limiter? I would like to maintain 12V but be able to adjust the current available from about 8 amps down to .25 amps or so.

    • Drok March 5, 2017 at 3:33 am - Reply

      Hello Clay,
      Thank you for your writing in.
      We are sorry most of our PWM controllers can’t maintain constant voltage.
      We will reflect this to our technician and try to improve our item to give you a best service.
      Look forwards to more cooperation in the future.
      Best regards.

  71. Nicola March 3, 2017 at 11:51 am - Reply

    Hi DROK,
    I Looked at the dc-dc converter on amazon store (, but I would like to buy (, the product cod. are same.

    I noticed That the components in the image are differents.

    The products are same?

    Best regards.

    • Drok March 5, 2017 at 2:56 am - Reply

      Hello Nicola,
      Thank you for your writing in.
      According to the description on, it looks like the item is the same as our item.
      However, as this item is not from us, we can’t get further information about it. Therefor we are sorry we can’t promise they are completely the same.
      Beg your forgiveness and hope you can understand.
      Best regards.

  72. Antonio March 4, 2017 at 2:09 pm - Reply

    Hola donde podría adquirir una caja de preinstalacion para multimetro digital data 4 DisplayPort?.. Gracias

    • Drok March 5, 2017 at 2:38 am - Reply

      Querido amigo,
      Gracias por escribir.
      ¿Podría usted por favor haganoslo saber que tema que mencionas?
      Hay muchos títulos similares para nuestro tema, lo sentimos no podemos confirmar el tema.
      ¿Podría, por favor, envienos la referencia del tema?

      Dear friend,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Could you please let us know which item you mention?
      There are many similar titles for our item, we are sorry we can’t confirm the item.
      Could you please send us the link of item?
      Best regards.

  73. Mauricio Cruz Valdez March 22, 2017 at 10:55 pm - Reply

    Hola que tal muy buenas tardes
    Soy Mauricio Cruz de Mexico solicitando informes de cotizacion y distribuidor en Mexico del siguiente articulo el cual necesitamos en nuestra compañia y lo encontramos en AMAZON

    DROK® Salida a prueba de agua adjustable Regulador de voltaje DC Buck Convertidor 8 – 22V al transformador 1 – 15V 5V 12V 3A Fuente de alimentacion Step-down Junta Modulo Volt para el coche auto Motor Vehicle Regulado SR
    Requiero 10 piezas inicialmente

    Agradezco su atencion y quedo a la espera de su respuesta

    • Drok March 23, 2017 at 9:53 am - Reply

      Buenos días Mauricio Cruz Valdez,
      Gracias por escribir.
      ¿Podría contactarnos por medio del servicio # droking dot com (por favor, reemplace # con @)?
      Además, hay demasiados títulos similares para el artículo, no podemos cerciorarnos del artículo que usted menciona.
      Si puede, por favor envíe el enlace del producto a nuestro correo electrónico.
      Espero su respuesta.

      Hello Mauricio Cruz Valdez,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Would you please contact us through service#droking dot com ( please replace # with @) ?
      In addition, there are too many similar titles for item, we can’t make sure the item you mention.
      If you can, please send the link of product to our email.
      Look forward to your reply.
      Best regards.

  74. j April 26, 2017 at 1:28 am - Reply

    People complained about the startup sound, and connection tones. Have these been removed from the latest mini amps you are selling on Amazon?

    DROK® Mini Stereo Audio Wireless Bluetooth Amplifier Digital Signal Power AMP Electrical Portable DIY 30W*2 Two Channel Amplifier Board Module Aluminum Body with UK Power Adapter for Speaker Auto Car Motorcycle Tablet PC Smartphone TV Iphone iPad iPod Laptops with Bluetooth (Blue)

    OR, do these still have the annoying start up sound?

    There is also this version:

    Yeeco Hifi Mini Bluetooth Amplifier 50W+50W DC 9-24V Dual Channel Wireless Bluetooth Stereo Audio Receiver Power Amp Ampli Board with UK Power Supply Adapter for Home Sound Audio System Computer Laptop (Red)

    has this 50w version had the start up music and connection music removed??


  75. Brian May 13, 2017 at 4:59 pm - Reply

    I recently purchased 2 voltage boosters from your company, and unfortunately when I connected a digital voltage reader to the output terminals, and turned the potentiometer that regulates output voltage, there was no change in the output voltage. The same problem was observed on both boosters. I’m not sure what to do now as I need them for a project that will be competing in a few days.

    • Drok May 14, 2017 at 2:06 am - Reply

      Hello Brian,
      Thank you for writing in.
      To find out solution for you, would you please tell us which voltage boosters you are mentioning?
      Just send us the link or ASIN. And please tell us more details about your operaton, for example input voltage/current, wiring, working environment and etc.
      It would be appreciated if you can take some pictures or a testing video to show your problem.
      You can send them to service#droking dot com ( please replace # with @). There we can contact with you in time.
      Look forward to your reply.
      Best regards.

  76. Mark Miller May 24, 2017 at 6:11 pm - Reply


    Fantastic website/product lines ! Brilliant feedback loop for improving products as well !!!

    Does your “DROK AC 100-300V 100A Digital Voltage Current Multimeter LCD Volt Amp Meter Gauge Panel Tester Voltage Amperage Dual Display Power Monitor” work with any low cost dataloggers ?

    How would you suggest I use your products with a low cost data logger like this product [web page link removed]

    So customers can review , analyse, chart the data that is outputted… Big opportunity for customers who want to monitor and control electrical loads.

    Thanks You !

    • Drok May 25, 2017 at 7:14 am - Reply

      Hello Mark Miller,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorry the meter you mention doesn’t have interface for data transmission.
      Therefore it can’t be use with data logger. Hope you can understand.
      Best regards.

  77. keith dungworth June 1, 2017 at 8:18 pm - Reply

    Hello Drok.
    I have recently purchased a digital thermometer with 3 metre probe from you. I am very pleased with it. However, it is only a stopgap solution. The device is to monitor the temperature of the water in our hot water cylinder (censor on exterior of cylinder)
    We heat our water via a wood burner with back boiler in winter, and solar via immersion heater in summer. Without a thermometer we have no way of monitoring the water temperature. The 3 metre cable only gets from the cylinder to our upstairs landing, we really need to be able to view the readout downstairs. Can the cable be extended? Or, is there wireless devise we could use, if the latter, the sender would need to be permanently switched on, and the readout to be to a decimal point.

    • Drok June 4, 2017 at 6:15 am - Reply

      Hello keith dungworth,
      Thank you for writing in.
      We can’t ensure the item you mention.
      Would you please tell us the ASIN or send us the link for confirmation?
      Look forward to your reply.
      Best regards.

  78. Christian Sturtz June 25, 2017 at 11:03 pm - Reply

    I just purchased a 300473 from Amazon. I need a wiring diagram for the product. Wouldn’t of purchased it if i would have know the terminals were not labeled and that it didn’t come with instructions.

    • Drok June 26, 2017 at 8:37 am - Reply

      Hello Christian Sturtz,
      We are sorry for inconvenience caused you.
      And thank you for bring this issue to our attention. We will reflect this to our team and make some improvements.
      Here is the diagram and instruction.
      300473 PDF
      Best regards.

      • Nick P July 25, 2018 at 8:58 am - Reply

        Hi, can you repost this pdf please!

        • Drok July 26, 2018 at 9:55 am - Reply

          Hello Nick P,
          Thanks for writing in.
          We found your question in other post, so we have attached instruction there, please check it.
          Any more questions, please feel free to contact us.
          Best regards.

  79. Jonathan June 26, 2017 at 2:00 pm - Reply


    I have a question about your AC/DC multimeter:
    I have a 24 V motor supplyed with a 24V alimentation. The maximum current of the motor is about 1 A.
    I would like to measure the current who need the motor.
    In your Amazon store, I found a multimeter who can measure currents up to 15 A.
    I would like to supply the multimeter with the 24V alimentation that we use for the motor.
    So, is this multimeter compatible with this power supply?

    thank you,

    Best regards

  80. Buck Maddrey August 28, 2017 at 12:55 am - Reply

    Have just purchased several your usb voltage testers.
    I would like to request some of your Logo Stikers to place on other pieces that I own.
    I destroyed the one that was on the box of the 7 modes multi, while trying to remove it .
    purchased from seller @ Amazon

    Thank you

    • Drok August 28, 2017 at 7:42 am - Reply

      Hello Buck Maddrey,
      We are sorry we don’t have logo stiker on Amazon warehouse.Hope you can understand.
      Would you mind making a simple stiker by yourself?
      Best regards.

  81. Tam Nguyen September 29, 2017 at 6:05 pm - Reply

    I bought a 25w buck boost (3A). The Vin should be 3-15v. I have use Vin = 12v and the unit work ok. However, 2 scenarios in which Vin = 5v is used: with Vin=5v and load is connected, the output shows 0v no matter which direction the voltage adjust. With Vin=5v and no load, I can see voltage change with the adjustment. As soon as load is connected, the output read 0.
    Vin=3v will only show 0v in either scenario.

    Can you please advice before the return period expire.

    Also can you share the Vout calculation/formula.
    Thank you.

    • Tam Nguyen September 29, 2017 at 6:12 pm - Reply

      Order # 114-3313842-0045813

    • Drok September 30, 2017 at 9:15 am - Reply

      Hello Tam Nguyen,
      Thanks for writing in and we are sorry for what happened.
      Do you use the same load when the input voltage vary?
      Would you please take some pictures or video to let us check the problem details?
      You can send information to our serive email:
      We will show it to our technicians and find solution for you as soon as possible.
      Best regards.

  82. Tam Nguyen September 30, 2017 at 3:20 pm - Reply

    I had send photos with explanation to thanks.

  83. Tam Nguyen October 2, 2017 at 6:43 pm - Reply

    I don’t know the regulator ic used in this converter, but wanting to know the value of the voltage dividers: potentiometer and a fix resistor. Along with these, what is the equation to calculate voltage output. I appreciate if you could share the information. Thank you.

  84. Tam Nguyen October 10, 2017 at 2:13 pm - Reply

    Hi there,
    I have question concerning the buck/boost converter.
    1. What is the value (ohm) of the trim pot (voltage change)?
    2. What is the default state of on/off switch at output?
    3. Will the unit output be switch to “on” every time the converter turn on? Can it remember the setting?

    Manufacturer ref number: 090638

    • Drok October 13, 2017 at 9:08 am - Reply

      Hello Tam Nguyen,
      The ohm value of trim pot is 20k. The default state of output mode is off.
      This item has Memory Mode. Long press S1key for 3 seconds, the module automatically remembers the current work status as the default power-on state.
      Hope this can help you.
      Best regards.

  85. Bill Schmitz October 18, 2017 at 6:14 pm - Reply

    Audio amp PAM 8403 : Tied 5vdc, condenser mic, and two ear buds to unit. The volume control works fine on the hum from body contact to input, but audio input from mic is zero. Any suggestions? (power polarity is correct, and ear buds connected before 5vdc.)

    • Bill Schmitz October 18, 2017 at 6:15 pm - Reply

      see above

    • Drok October 19, 2017 at 8:56 am - Reply

      Hello Bill Schmitz,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We can’t ensure the item with limited information. Would you please tell us the ASIN number or send us the product link?
      Best regards.

  86. Robert Rizzardi October 23, 2017 at 10:54 am - Reply

    I am looking for a device to go from 12vdc to 9vac do you sell anything that would work for this

    • Drok October 24, 2017 at 7:27 am - Reply

      Hello Robert Rizzardi,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Do you need a buck converter? What is your other requirements?
      Best regards.

  87. Atlee raber October 30, 2017 at 1:59 pm - Reply

    DROK DC8-63V Digital Battery Capacity Tester Indicator, Two Wires 12V/24V/36V/48V Lead Acid Battery Monitor with Protective Shell Green LCD Display, lost instructions what is the code for 36 volt lead golf cart batteries?

  88. Atlee raber November 20, 2017 at 9:54 pm - Reply

    Hey thanks Guys

  89. Brandy January 2, 2018 at 8:35 pm - Reply

    I am looking for 15amp or higher 12-48 input 0-30v output 0-max amp adjustable output regulator.

    • Drok January 4, 2018 at 4:43 am - Reply

      Hello Brandy,
      Do you need a buck converter? would you please let us know what doesn “0-max” means?
      Best regards.

  90. marko January 4, 2018 at 11:41 pm - Reply

    How do i save and restore settings on the MPPT ? ?
    I cant seem to get them to stay.

    • Drok January 5, 2018 at 7:08 am - Reply

      Hello marko,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Have you contacted us via service email, we have received the same question by email. And we have replied to it.
      Best regards.

  91. Andy Hodge January 11, 2018 at 4:49 pm - Reply

    Hi my name is Andy
    I have the 6 in 1meter I hooked it up and on the display screen I have input voltage
    The power factor and the Hz
    I’m not get any reading on watts
    Energy and kWh
    I connected the CT to it can u tell why I’m not getting any reading

    • Drok January 12, 2018 at 7:16 am - Reply

      Hello Andy Hodge,
      Thanks for writing in.
      With less information, we can’t ensure the meter you mean. would you please firstly send us the product link or ASIN number for confirmation?
      Best regards.

  92. Andy Hodge January 13, 2018 at 3:48 pm - Reply

    And just to let u know my meter came without the external CT shunt so I had a P1 pzct-02 100A (1000/1) 0.5 oms 10 oms is that ok or not let me know please

    • Drok January 15, 2018 at 9:24 am - Reply

      Hello Andy Hodge,
      As we can’t ensure the item you mention, we are unable to give accurate answer.
      Would you please send us the product link or ASIN?
      Best regards.

  93. john brooks January 15, 2018 at 7:22 pm - Reply

    iam looking for a transformer with a 240 vac input a 48 volt dc output at 300 amps do u carry something like this

    • Drok January 16, 2018 at 6:52 am - Reply

      Hello john brooks,
      So far we don’t have such item with 300amps output current.
      Best regards.

  94. Ben Samuel January 22, 2018 at 6:56 pm - Reply
    • Drok January 23, 2018 at 7:41 am - Reply

      Hello Ben Samuel,
      We don’t authorize this seller. That is plagiarized from us.
      Thanks for your information.We will take action later.
      Best regards.

  95. Ty February 3, 2018 at 3:36 am - Reply


    Hi there. I am interesting in buying your 150W DC-DC Boost Converter, seen here:

    However, I noticed that its maximum power output is actually only 90W, not 150W, unless “dissipation” is “enhanced”.

    I am wondering how i can enhance the heat dissipation to use the board in the following setup:

    Input: 12V,
    Output: ~30V at a maximum of 3A.

    Given the input of 12V, i should be dissipating 12*10, or 120W maximum. Thus, i need to enahcne the heating.

    Should i remove the heatsinks that come with the board and add bigger ones? Or should i leave them but blow air over the board with a fan? Is there any way to know how much of an enhancement is needed, or if the air from a fan will be enough?

    Thank you for your time and help,
    -Ty Tonus-Burman.

    • Drok February 11, 2018 at 8:35 am - Reply

      Hello Ty,
      Thanks for writing in.
      You need to add a cooling fan to enhance heat dissipation. There is a “FAN+” terminal near to input termianl.
      Best regards.

  96. Rich Webster February 11, 2018 at 11:53 pm - Reply

    Drok Panel Meter – 4 display – Voltage, Current, Power, Wh… UK Amazon B015GQOLU2 … Taking large current from 220VAC supply (short spikes > 3A!!). Measured with Tektronix AC Current Probe. Can something be added to the power meter’s AC input to prevent this (L or C? – 1R resistor has no effect (and lowers voltage reading due to large spikes of current still drawn through it). This Power Meter is to be used in a TRIAC dimmer product, but it’s not yet passing initial checks at 220V. Testing at V < 220VAC (TRIAC dimmer) caused the screen to go BLACK and the unit to overheat. Minimum voltage is advertised at 80V, but this screen blackening has been noted at  80VAC < V < 220VAC!! Can you advise a workaround so the meter can be incorporated in this project (at least for the spikes of current)? Is this unit compatible with TRIAC dimmers?

    • Drok February 12, 2018 at 10:09 am - Reply

      Hello Rich Webster,
      Thanks for your writing in.
      We are sorry we have no way to reduce spikes current. Does the spikes current occur when connect TRIAC dimmer? If spikes current is eliminated, dimmer may not be able to work normaly, we suggest not to do that.
      About the second question, would you please let us know more details? Does the meter overheat and get black when measuring voltage is within 80-220V AC?
      Best regards.

  97. Pechan February 13, 2018 at 7:53 pm - Reply

    Hello, I purchased your BLDC controller:
    Brushless Sensored Motor Control Board Motor Driver Regulator Controller DC 5~36V 16A 350W BLDC Motor Controller/Control Switch/Speed Controller
    The board I recieved is a little different than the one in the picture. Mine does not have the 5 ping connector where the external potentiometer plugs in only a 3 pin. can you tell me what pin is the speed out?



    • Drok February 14, 2018 at 6:14 am - Reply

      Hello Pechan,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Could you please tell us your order ID or the link of the product you purchased?
      If you can, we sincerely hope that you can send us a picture of the product you received.
      With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
      Look forward to hearing from you.
      Best regards

  98. Pechan February 14, 2018 at 4:19 pm - Reply

    That is the link of where I bought the board. Here is a picture of the board I received.


    • Drok February 24, 2018 at 10:00 am - Reply

      Dear Pechan,
      Since it was the Chinese Spring Festival, we are sorry for delayed response.
      We can’t check the picture. When click on the link, we need to login in.
      Would you please send pricture to
      Best regards.

  99. Paul Kelly February 19, 2018 at 6:39 pm - Reply


    Recently purchased an AC Digital Voltage & Current Meter model D85-2042AG on I overlooked that it. is for 50HZ systems. Do you have a model for 60 HZ

  100. Mohammad February 22, 2018 at 6:39 pm - Reply

    I bought this [] but one of the 3 interfaces (the one that contain the amount of mAh) is in Chinese. How can I switch it to English?

    • Drok February 26, 2018 at 7:22 am - Reply

      Hello Mohammad,
      This item can display Chinese or English. The interface you see should be Chinese inteface,which can’t be switch to English.
      Best regards.

  101. Seth Hardin February 26, 2018 at 5:42 am - Reply

    So far with everything I purchased from you, it has been of the utmost highest quality for the price range. I have bought four of the 4 ohm 40 watt full range speakers, and a 180w amp. With all this together, I have extreme bass and also high quality sound. The only thing I wish is that the subs were meant to hit lower Hertz… if you could find a way to hit lower and yet keep dBs High, I would buy everything from you. I would buy your company. Just joking, but everything you make is well worth the money. Shout out you you guys! Best people EVER! I’m 15, and I’ve had a few experiences with garbage audio equipment. But after putting those four in a t line box specifically made for them, I can say it’s the best sounding audio ever. Just what I needed, I can put it in the truck or car and it sounds good, I can have it in my room for music or gaming, still sounds good, or take it over to her friend’s house and impress them! You guys have kick-started my own business! I seriously can’t thank you guys enough! I’m taking in those stacks of you guys! I have the absolute upmost respect for you guys! THNX!

    • Drok February 26, 2018 at 7:38 am - Reply

      Dear Seth Hardin,
      Thanks a lot for sharing you experience here.
      We’re glad our products can satisfy you. That is a great encouragement for us.
      Best regards.

  102. Barry Greengrass February 27, 2018 at 11:23 am - Reply


    Please can you help?

    I have a Drok “160W NC Power Supply Module DC 6 ~
    40.00V to 0 ~ 32.00V 5.1A Adjustable Buck Voltage Regulator DC 12V 24V Adapter
    / LED Driver Module” I have broken the nylon feet.
    I have been searching the internet and cannot find
    the same feet anywhere, please can you tell me where I can buy these feet from?

     Kind regards Barry


    • Drok March 1, 2018 at 6:11 am - Reply

      Hello Barry Greengrass,
      Thanks for writing in.
      It’s hard to confirm the item with this title. Would you please send us the product link?
      Best regards.

  103. Anupriya Rence March 1, 2018 at 11:30 am - Reply


    I need DROK 0.36″ 5 Digits DC Voltmeter Panel Mounting Meter 0-33.000V 12V/24V Voltage Monitor Tester Volt Gauge with Green LED Display –06 NOS.

    Please confirm form where I can procure the same in India.

    My address details are as below.
    Thanks & Regards
     Anupriya Rence l AVL Technical Centre Pvt. Ltd.
    376-377, Udyog Vihar Phase – IV, Haryana – 122015
    Land Line: +91 (0)124 4090300, Extn. – 402


    • Drok March 2, 2018 at 9:15 am - Reply

      Hello Anupriya Rence,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Is it this product? 100035
      We are sorry we don’t have seller in India. If it is convenient to purchase from Amazon, you can order directly from us. We will ship item from China.
      For more details, please kindly contact us via
      Best regards.

  104. Chris March 1, 2018 at 4:34 pm - Reply


    I’m considering the purchase of several “DROK USB Load Tester & USB multimeter” electronic loads from your Amazon store to support our QA department.  On the Amazon product page there’s a description of the product that indicates it will work with Qualcomm Quick Charge compliant USB power supplies.

    My question is, how does the DROCK load tester work when connected to a quick charge compliant USB power supply and a regular USB power supply that only provides 5V output?

    Does it hand shake over the D+, D- lines to the connected power supply that allows it to know when the power supply supports?

    Will the Load Tester work with DCP only USB power supplies?

    Thanks for the help.

    Best regards,


    • Drok March 3, 2018 at 7:56 am - Reply

      Hello Chris,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Since we have many kinds of load testers, could you please kindly send us the produdct link or ASIN numbe for confirmation?
      Bst regards.

  105. Anam March 4, 2018 at 3:08 pm - Reply

    Hi Dork Team,  where I’ll get DROK 4-20mA Signal Generator, DC 12-30V Constant Current Source, Stable Signal Source with 0.01mA Adjustable Potentiometer, Voltage, Current LED Display

    In Singapore?



    • Drok March 5, 2018 at 9:23 am - Reply

      Hello Anam,
      Thanks for writing in.
      It’s regretted we don’t sell items in singapore. You can order on Amazon or from us directly.
      For more order details, please kindly contact us through service email(service
      Best regards.

  106. Chris March 6, 2018 at 5:28 pm - Reply

    Hi Again,

    Here’s the load testing that I’m interested in:

    I read my original post again and it seems my question is a bit unclear.  Let me try it again…

    I would like to use the load tester in the above link to Amazon to do the following:

    1) To test a battery powered USB output port that supports Quick Charge 2.0 devices like cellphones for example.

    2) To test the same battery power USB output port in normal mode or meaning that the connected load is not a Quick Charge type, just a regular USB device.


    My hope is that the load test in the above link can be used to test this USB output port in both modes of operation.  If the load tester can do both, how do I control it so that it will load for one mode or the other?

    Thanks and best regards,


    • Drok March 9, 2018 at 11:55 am - Reply

      Hello Chris,
      If your device has quick charge protocol,our item will automatically choose quick charge mode.
      There is no way to switch between two modes.
      Best regards.

  107. David March 6, 2018 at 6:07 pm - Reply

    On the DROK Signal Generator, amazon# B071NLGP6L, I need to know where, on the terminal board to put the wires for the input 24vdc supply  and also where to put the output wires for the 4-20ma signal. I am assuming that the input 24vdc supply is connecting to the first 2 pins labelled 24v and 0v, and the output 4-20ma wires are connected to the 3rd and 4th pins labelled 0v and 0-20ma. Is this correct?

    • Drok March 9, 2018 at 12:11 pm - Reply

      Hello David,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Yes,”24V” and 0V terminals are for input power;the other “0V” is port,4-20ma for current signal output and 0-10V is for voltage signal output.
      Best regards.

  108. Roland Govantes March 11, 2018 at 8:36 pm - Reply

    Greetings Drok,

    Is there an operating/installation manual pertaining to the Drok DROK Digital DC Multimeter 0-90V 0-100A Voltmeter Ammeter Power Capacity Time Meter Monitor, Charge-Discharge Battery Tester, Volt/Amp/Watt/Ah Meter Tester, LCD Color Screen with 20mm Hall Sensor?

    I own several Drok products and I am very satisfied with Drok’s products performance; however, when it comes to product’s operating manuals there is no emphasis.

    Is there a place withing the Drok’s website a customer can search for operating manuals, product wiring strategy, and component specification, i.e., for the 20mm Hall Sensor.

    Thank you for reading the above concern.




  109. Drok March 12, 2018 at 8:24 am - Reply

    Hello Luke Lovatt,
    Thanks for writing in.
    Would you please let us know if it is this one? 110011
    Best regards.

    • Drok March 13, 2018 at 6:43 am - Reply

      Hello, Luke Lovatt,
      Operating voltage for this item is Dual AC 12V, so please make sure this input parameter is correct.
      Best regards.

  110. jW Meijer March 12, 2018 at 11:56 am - Reply



    looking for a pannel mount AC power meter with Power factor / A / V / W meter.


    Kind regards,


    Jan Willem Meijer

    • Drok March 16, 2018 at 2:02 am - Reply

      Hello jW Meijer,
      Thanks for your inquiry.
      We are sorry so far we don’t have ac meter with power factor.
      Best regards.

  111. Joe Rivas March 12, 2018 at 3:29 pm - Reply


    I am interested in increasing the length of the wires from my 2 in 1 voltmeter (Item # 100174) and i am not sure what type of plugs are used. Do you have a spec of what crimp connectors are needed for both plugs?


    Thank you for your time.

    • Drok March 16, 2018 at 2:01 am - Reply

      Hello Joe Rivas,
      The spec is 2.54mm pitch.
      Best regards.

  112. Ray E March 17, 2018 at 5:02 pm - Reply


    I cannot find a datasheet for what the 4 pins do on the DROK 090485. Do you have a datasheet you could please send me?

    • Drok March 21, 2018 at 9:09 am - Reply

      Dear Ray E,
      We are sorry for inconvenienc caused on you.
      As this is a semi-manufactured module, it doesn’t have paper instruction.
      Actually, the connection is easy. The two pins near “IN ” is for input. USB terminal is output. The other two pins near to “KEY” is for power on/off, you can connect a switch there.
      Any more questions, please let us know.
      Best regards.

  113. David Beals March 21, 2018 at 8:16 pm - Reply

    I have just purchased  following product

    where can I find a manual explaining the display module  the written instructions included are lacking

    for example when I set the LVP and then ran the battery down to below this voltage, the unit did not  shut off the load.  Isn’t it supposed to?




    DROK DC 0-120V 0-100A Digital Multimeter Charge-Discharge Battery Tester, Volt Meter/Ammeter/Watt Meter/Time/Capacity/Electricity Usage Monitor, LCD Color Screen with Overvoltage Protection

    • Drok March 23, 2018 at 9:18 am - Reply

      Dear David Beals,
      Thanks for writing in. We think you should mean this item.
      Only when connect a relay, NCP,OCP,LVP and OVP these four functions are available.
      Best regards.

  114. Barry Greengrass March 22, 2018 at 6:01 am - Reply

    Please can you help?
    I have a Drok “160W NC Power Supply Module DC 6 ~40.00V to 0 ~ 32.00V 5.1A Adjustable Buck Voltage Regulator DC 12V 24V Adapter/ LED Driver Module”
    Product link
    I have broken the nylon feet. I have been searching the internet and cannot findthe same feet anywhere, please can you tell me where I can buy these feet from?

     Kind regards Barry

  115. Les Wenger April 4, 2018 at 5:26 pm - Reply

    I have purchased boost buck power supply #090747. Please provide copy of user instructions. Thank You

    • Drok April 5, 2018 at 8:51 am - Reply

      Dear Les Wenger,
      Here is the instruction.090747
      Best regards.

  116. RIDVAN YAKUT April 5, 2018 at 7:10 pm - Reply

    Hello I have drok dc dc buck converter. Their power looking zero. I tried several times but it didn’t changed. Energy coming to bulk module, it is looking working but it seems zero power. So outlet amper also seems zero. How can I change it. Thanks for your support. Have a good day.

    • Drok April 6, 2018 at 3:32 am - Reply

      Hello RIDVAN YAKUT,
      Thanks for writng in.
      Would you please offer a product link or ASIN number so that we can confirm the converter you mean?
      And could you please tell us more details about your problem and operation?
      Best regards.

  117. Pat April 6, 2018 at 2:24 pm - Reply

    I am installing a D85-2042A meter and have three questions:

    Can the Hall transformer be exposed. to weather?

    If meter is exposed to over the 100 Amp limit of the unit will it be damaged?

    is the orientation of the hall transformer to the load cable critical (i.e. must be 90 degrees to the Avis of the cable?

    • Drok April 7, 2018 at 8:32 am - Reply

      Dear Pat,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We think it should be this item.100105
      Hall transformer can’t be under blazing sun or rain. And the measure current can’t be over 100A, otherwise it will burn up.
      It doesn’t matter if it is 90 degrees.
      Best regards.

  118. dor April 9, 2018 at 11:59 am - Reply

    hello, do you have a datasheet for this module?

    I have been trying to find one and didn’t..

    best regards,


    • Drok April 13, 2018 at 2:11 am - Reply

      Hello dor,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Would you please tell us which module you mean?
      Best regards.

  119. Danny April 15, 2018 at 4:44 pm - Reply

    Hi Drok,

    Could I have the datasheet for a DC-DC step-up convertor please? (300.01 or SKU7011)

    Preferably with a circuit diagram of the device.

    Thanks in advance!


    • Drok April 17, 2018 at 9:17 am - Reply

      Hello Danny,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We don’t have SKU number7011. Could you please send us the correct SKU number or product link?
      Best regards.

  120. John Yanche April 15, 2018 at 8:58 pm - Reply

    I purchased “DROK 110V 220V UPS Battery Backup Uninterruptible Switching Power Supply 12V 120W 110V-240V to 13.5V DC 50/60Hz with Battery Interface for Charging” on Amazon.  Product label says “Power Supply Model 4310”.  There are no connection instructions.  Can you please provide a user manual or circuit schematic.

    • Drok April 17, 2018 at 9:20 am - Reply

      Hello John Yanche,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We get your message through our service email, so we have replied to you there.
      Best regards.

  121. Ron Bolser April 20, 2018 at 12:09 am - Reply

    I need further instructions on a 10 led battery closet light.

    • Drok April 20, 2018 at 12:49 pm - Reply

      Hello Bolser,
      Would you please send us the product link or ASIN number so that we can confirm the product?
      Best regards.

  122. 1stSAGE April 23, 2018 at 11:36 pm - Reply

    I have the DC 3-phase Hall BLDC Driver Board SKU: 2001708003. What is the part number for the large 5 pin rectangular connector. I want to build more mating harnesses. This is the large connector with MA/MB/MC/GND/VCC pins. Thanks.

    • Drok April 24, 2018 at 8:59 am - Reply

      Hello 1stSAGE,
      The part number of large 5 pin plug is HV3.96 -5P.
      Best regards.

      • 1stSAGE April 24, 2018 at 8:24 pm - Reply

        I couldn’t find that part on the big distributors like Digikey, do you have a link for that part? Thanks in advance.

        • Drok April 25, 2018 at 9:59 am - Reply

          Hello 1stSAGE,
          If you can’t find it with “HV3.96”, pleae try to search “VH3.96 5P”. It is easy to be found on Amazon and there are many choices.
          Best regards

  123. Dave April 24, 2018 at 2:09 pm - Reply

    Working with DC three phase hall brushless motor control. Is forward/ reverse controlled by 5volts to one side or the other or physical connection to middle connector? Using Arduino to control with differential drive.


    • Drok April 25, 2018 at 10:06 am - Reply

      Hello Dave,
      Here is a diagram for your reference.
      Best regards.

  124. Dave April 25, 2018 at 5:58 pm - Reply

    Forward and reverse is controlled how? Center pin 5v forward,,, ground reverse?.

    • Drok April 26, 2018 at 9:06 am - Reply

      Hello Dave,
      As the last diagram showed, forwar and reverse is conrolled by a jumper.
      It is easy to operate. Short connect the lef pin or right pin with centerl pin. The centerl pin is common.
      Best regards.

  125. James Harrison April 25, 2018 at 9:31 pm - Reply

    The Drok Dc-Dc converter has no instructions! It says power in and power out ! I connected it to the battery and as soon as I connected it to the bazooka speaker it started to sizzle and smoke ! So disconnected it ! Can someone please call me I 512-944-4200

    • Drok April 26, 2018 at 9:10 am - Reply

      Hello James Harrison,
      Would you please send us a product link or ASIN number so that we can confirm the product you mean?
      And to check problem, could you please tell us more details about your operation? For example, input voltage/current, output volage you set.
      It would be appreciated if you can take some images to show the wiring.
      Best regards.

  126. Mirco Schütz April 26, 2018 at 12:48 pm - Reply

    Hello Drok-Team, we are searching for an UL/CSA approved DC-DC Regulator like your product code: 090081. Any item available?

    • Drok April 27, 2018 at 9:04 am - Reply

      Hello Mirco Schütz,
      Thanks for writing in.
      As this is semi-finished product,we are sorry we don’t have UL.
      Best regards.

  127. Joseph F Walsh April 26, 2018 at 7:01 pm - Reply


    I am an engineer with AquametericsUSA in Auburn, Washington, USA.

    I have purchased several of your 600 w 12-60v to 12 – 80 V DC to DC converters for evaluation.

    question 1:

    The power supply came without instructions. There are two trim pots.

    What is the function and location of each prim pot ? Is there a site with instructions for this and other products?


    question 2: Our products are are also made in China. If we use your power supplies in our products in our products, we assume that our Chinese manufacturer be able to buy your DC to DC power supplies in China and avoid over seas shipping charges. Is that correct?

    Please send a link to a complete list of your AC/DC and DC/DC converters.

    Thank you,

    Joseph Walsh engineer



    • Drok April 27, 2018 at 10:08 am - Reply

      Hello Joseph F Walsh,
      Would you please confirm if it is thie product.
      As this is a semi module, our manufacture doesn’t have insruction for it. Here is a pdf we make. 090089
      It is availabe to order directly for us. You can look through our product here.Amazon store
      Best regards.

  128. 1stSAGE April 30, 2018 at 4:36 pm - Reply

    Hi Drok team,

    Got another question on the DC 3-phase Hall BLDC Driver Board SKU: 2001708003. I bought two of these, and neither one shows any signs of life when I hook up MA/MB/MC on an oscilloscope. I applied 6V at VCC, the board has a little red LED that lights up and I can measure 5V at the 5V regulator output. I tried hooking it up to my motor, but it doesn’t spin. Do I have two defective units? Is there something I’m missing? I just need to connect MA/MB/MC to my 3 wire motor, the motor return should connect to GND of the board, and I can apply any where from 5V to 36V DC to VCC right (I use 5V-6V for my motor)? 

    • Drok May 2, 2018 at 6:33 am - Reply

      Hello 1stSAGE,
      Would you please check if you hook it up like below diagram?
      Best regards.

      • 1stSAGE May 2, 2018 at 6:01 pm - Reply

        I hooked it up that way except for the hall sensor, I left those floating. Do I need those terminated for this version of the board to work?

        • Drok May 3, 2018 at 9:02 am - Reply

          Hello 1stSAGE,
          This item is for brushless sensor motor. Without sensor, it can’t work. If your motor is sensorless, it is not suitable.
          Best regards

          • 1stSAGE May 3, 2018 at 4:43 pm

            Is there a way to disable the hall sensor part and make it work with this board? Or do I need to buy the sensorless version you guys make?

          • Drok May 4, 2018 at 5:14 am

            Hello 1stSAGE,
            There is no way to change it. If you motor is sensorless, pleae choose sensorless one.
            Best regards.

          • 1stSAGE May 7, 2018 at 11:53 pm

            Do you sell a sensorless version with 5V PLC speed control? If so can you link it? Thanks.

          • Drok May 8, 2018 at 8:46 am

            Hello 1stSAGE,
            Here is an item for your reference.2001712009
            Now it has been out of stock. As it has been updated, we will sell the new version later.
            Best regards.

          • 1stSAGE May 8, 2018 at 7:43 pm

            Do you have a product link to the new sensor less design? When will it be available? Thank you.

          • Drok May 10, 2018 at 3:40 am

            Hello 1stSAGE,
            We don’t get the new version now, so we don’t have product link to it. It may take at least one week to prepare
            Best regards.

  129. James Landi May 1, 2018 at 1:24 pm - Reply

    Need help— Purchased a Drok digital time relay from AMazon.   I have inputed some time data point that I now want to RESET— how do you CLEAR the memory and start over.  There are no instruction to reset the device and clear data point.  James

    • Drok May 2, 2018 at 7:08 am - Reply

      Hello James Landi,
      We have many kinds of time relay. Would you please offer a product link or ASIN number so that we can confirm the item?
      Best regards.

  130. 1stSAGE May 1, 2018 at 6:17 pm - Reply



    I bought the Mini 3-phase BLDC driver, part #2001710013 from Amazon, can I remove the potentiometer and control speed with a 5V signal across the 3 pins? If so, how would I do it? Do I need to supply the 5V logic to MIN or MAX pin?


    • Drok May 2, 2018 at 9:41 am - Reply

      Hello 1stSAGE,
      It is unavailable to it by that way.
      Best regards.

      • 1stSAGE May 2, 2018 at 6:02 pm - Reply

        Do you sell a mini one, sensor-less, but one that I can control speed with a 5V supply?

        • Drok May 3, 2018 at 9:03 am - Reply

          Sorry, so far we don’t have such mini one
          Best regards.

  131. James Landi May 2, 2018 at 8:41 am - Reply

    Here is the description of the item that I have copied from the AMazon site, as follows:


    This item: DROK DC 12V Timing Delay Relay, 10A 1500W Multifunctional Automotive Relay Switch with 18 Functions, 0-999S/M/H Wide-range Digital Delay Module with Dual-color LED Display, Support Cycle of Time


    My question again is as follows: How do I erase, clear, and reset the device.  I CANNOT get it to set up to count down in hours (P 2)– it will only permit me to set up in seconds P 0 or minutes P 1.  I want the device to cycle every 12 hours… so that the relay “pulls” for 12 hours, then releases to 12 hours, and keeps doing JUST that cycle with NO interruptions .  Please help me.   James Landi

    • Drok May 2, 2018 at 10:21 am - Reply

      Hello James Landi,
      Please check if it is this one. 300456
      There is no way to clear the data. You can only change setting parameters. Did you keep press SET then come to PO mode? Can you short press up or down button to choose P0-2?
      Best regards.

  132. Burak Erdogan May 3, 2018 at 8:40 pm - Reply


    I’m Burak Erdogan from Germany. I need a constant 5V for 4V to 30V variable input for the automotive project. I found your product on Amazon (

    Can I use it or can you suggest me another product?

    And what is the delivery time to Germany for this product


    • Drok May 4, 2018 at 10:06 am - Reply

      Hello Burak Erdogan,
      We received your message through our service email, so we have replied to you there.
      Best regards.

  133. tony May 6, 2018 at 2:37 pm - Reply

    Need manual for electronic load with OLED screen. Thanks

    • Drok May 7, 2018 at 9:54 am - Reply

      Hello tony,
      Thanks for your message。
      Would you please firstly send a product link so that we can confirm the item?
      Best regards.

  134. Nick May 7, 2018 at 4:31 pm - Reply

    We purchased some DROK DC/DC Converters several years ago that take in 24V and put out 12V5A Max (X000H7BZ51). 3 need to be replaced but I can’t seem to find the item on the website can you help?

    • Drok May 8, 2018 at 8:23 am - Reply

      Hi Nick,
      X000H7BZ51 is Amazon package label, please confirm it is this item. 090607
      Best regards.

  135. Bobby Stevens May 8, 2018 at 5:23 pm - Reply

    I have the L298N V3 DC Stepper Motor Controlle. Do you have any wiring examples to hook up an RPi and one or two 4 wire stepper motors?  TIA

    • Drok May 10, 2018 at 4:03 am - Reply

      Hello Bobby Stevens,
      We are sorry we don’t have wiring example like that.
      Ther are only some wiring instructions, as follows:

  136. Berend Lens May 16, 2018 at 4:47 am - Reply

    dear DROK

    please send us a quote for 20 pcs

    water proof amp hour meter


    for measuring total hour of use of our trolling motors

    we are a solar / electric boat rental company

    we wish to know how many hours our engine have run in order to service them.

    our engines are 12v 600w max 55amps draw

    we have 4 x lead acid batteries each 100amp deep cycle





    • Drok May 16, 2018 at 7:02 am - Reply

      Hello Berend Lens,
      Thanks for your interest.
      Would you please tell us the detailed parameters? What is the measurement range?
      Best regards.

  137. David M May 16, 2018 at 11:48 am - Reply


    please send user manual for 110.048

    I would also like to confirm that this will work in bridge mode to provide 220watts at 4ohms to a subwoofer.

    • Drok May 17, 2018 at 8:18 am - Reply

      Hello David M,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We have attached manual on Amazon product page. Here is the link for it 110048
      In bridge mode, it provide 220W at 3 ohm instead of 4 ohm. Power supply is 36V.
      Best regards

  138. DL May 17, 2018 at 11:51 am - Reply

    We need this SMPS 5 Nos immediately. If there any possibility to get this within 7 to 10 days. We are from India,Tamilnadu(Chennai)


    15W Power Converter AC 90~240V 110/220V to 5V/3A LED DC Switching Power Supply/Voltage Regulator/Power Adapter/Driver

    • Drok May 18, 2018 at 2:09 am - Reply

      Hello DL,
      Thanks for your inquiry.
      As this item is from China warehouse, we are sorry it may be hard to reach you within 7-10 days.
      Any moure questions, please let us know.
      Best regards.

  139. dhana May 17, 2018 at 11:57 am - Reply

    We need this SMPS 5 Nos immediately. If there any possibility to we get within 10 days. We are from India, Tamilnadu, Chennai.


    15W Power Converter AC 90~240V 110/220V to 5V/3A LED DC Switching Power Supply/Voltage Regulator/Power Adapter/Driver

  140. Christopher Vottela May 24, 2018 at 4:01 pm - Reply

    Hi here Christopher From Colombia,

    I would like to know, if you free shipping your products over an specified amount on the USA. I will buy five 15 watt power amplifier boards and six 8 ohm 15 watts full range 3 inch round speakers.

    Best regards.

    • Drok May 25, 2018 at 8:56 am - Reply

      Hello Christopher Vottela,
      Thanks for your interest.
      Do you mean place order through Amazon or from us directly?
      Could you please tell us which items they are?
      Best regards.

  141. Darvin Sparks May 25, 2018 at 5:31 am - Reply


    Sorry but searching your website or forum is useless!  No results are ever displayed no matter the search terms.  I have copied several of your Amazon items for sale and entered many variations of the item names and/or descriptions but your search engine always says nothing is found!  Please fix this so your website is workable.


    • Drok May 25, 2018 at 8:57 am - Reply

      Hello Darvin Sparks,
      Thanks for your suggestion.
      We still have lots of shortcomings, we will try our best to do better.
      Best regards.

  142. Stephanie May 25, 2018 at 6:18 pm - Reply

    Good afternoon!
    Would you have any US Vendors that would have the below available by chance?
    DROK Signal Generator
    Power Supply: DC 12-24V
    Output Voltage: 0-10V
    Output Current: 0/4-20mA

  143. john May 30, 2018 at 10:10 pm - Reply

    Just purchased vac9010h meter how can you extend cable from Hall effect sensor to meter?

    • Drok May 31, 2018 at 9:16 am - Reply

      Hello john,
      You can extend the original cable with shield cable. If it is not convenient for you to refit the original one, you can buy longer one directly.
      Hope this can help you.
      Best regards.

  144. john June 1, 2018 at 2:50 pm - Reply

    Where do I buy a longer cable?

    please respond to my email,

    thank you

    • Drok June 6, 2018 at 8:32 am - Reply

      Hello john,
      If you want to buy a longer cable with 6pin connector, you can serach it on Amazon. The connector pitch is 2.54mm.
      Hope this can helpl you.
      Best regards.

  145. Fred Bloggs June 9, 2018 at 10:56 pm - Reply

    I am trying to add extra speakers to my home theatre receiver which has line-out levels of 100mV/2.2kOhm. I purchased the Drok audio amplifier SKU 200336, but it does not say what the audio input is expecting. The previous amp I purchased (different manufacturer) claims line-in, but is expecting headphone levels. Obviously this does not work as the levels out of the receiver are not enough to compare with  headphones. Is this the case with the Drok that I purchased.

    • Drok June 10, 2018 at 10:16 am - Reply

      Hello Fred Bloggs,
      There are two Audio Inputs: connect with wireless Bluetooth 3.0/4.0/4.1, or choose the headphone (Line in) way.
      Best regards.

  146. nick June 14, 2018 at 8:06 pm - Reply



    we are looking for





    /* Style Definitions */
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    mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;
    mso-fareast-font-family:”Times New Roman”;
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    DROK DC-DC CONVERTER   481220L           QTY – 6
    please advise price and delivery


    Nick   Canada


    • Drok June 16, 2018 at 6:38 am - Reply

      Hello nick,
      Thanks for your inquiry.
      We received your email, so we have replied to you there.
      Best regards.

  147. June 22, 2018 at 9:06 pm - Reply

    Ahaa, its nice conversation about this piece of writing at this
    place at this webpage, I have read all that, so now me also commenting at this place.

  148. Daniel July 2, 2018 at 3:10 pm - Reply

    Do you sell cases for SKU:180051 preferably a see through case, if not do you know where i could purchase one?

    It doesn’t seem safe to use without a case or enclosure to prevent accidentally short circuiting.

    • Drok July 3, 2018 at 3:01 am - Reply

      Hello Daniel,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorry we don’t sell case. This item doesn’t have specific case. It is semi-manufactured module for DIY, so you can try to find one case which size is nearly close to its.
      Any more questions, please let us know.
      Best regards.

  149. David July 3, 2018 at 10:09 pm - Reply

    I have jumpered J1, J2, J3, and J4 to put the 160Wx2 amp with chip TDA7498E into BTL mode.  a red light comes on at D9 when power is turned on.  is this normal?

    • Drok July 4, 2018 at 9:31 am - Reply

      Hello David,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Do you mean this item? 110048
      As long as you connect power supply, D9 light will turn on no matter whether it is BTL mode.
      Best regards.

  150. Brian Hill July 13, 2018 at 4:42 am - Reply


    I have purchased an amplifier SKU:2001709008, the mono version. The audio input has 3 pins. How should those be connected to a single ended input which has only 2 pins?

    Thank you.


    • Drok July 13, 2018 at 10:02 am - Reply

      Hello Brian Hill,
      We have received your email and replied you by email.
      Please kindly check email.
      Best regards.

  151. Alex July 17, 2018 at 5:40 pm - Reply

    I bought the MPT-7210A and installed with one 40V/8A panel, with a 48ah/24V battery. But the charge voltage i need is about 27V. The problem is that the charge voltage of the MPT is around 33V. I think is too high and may damage my battery bank. Any suggestions, I set the panel on 40V and the battery voltage to 26V. Need support…

    • Drok July 18, 2018 at 8:20 am - Reply

      Hello Alex,
      Is this the item you bought? 200322
      It is a boost converter. Output votlage must be higher than input voltage.If you want to set output votlage to 26V, input voltage should be below 26V.
      Best regards.

  152. Richard Materio July 19, 2018 at 1:50 pm - Reply

    seeking application advise , I need to reduce the power drain on 12 volt batteries the load is 2 strings of led modules each string has 18 modules which draw 3.2 watts x 18modx 2 strings = 115.2 watts at 12volts the load is approx. 9.6 amps I need to reduce the current to approx. 3.7 amps knowing that the illumination will be almost reduced by 50%  I’m currently using your drok dr 180076 numerical control. which I’ve been buying though amazon  is this the best product to use for my project?Any advise you can provide is appreciatedRichard MaterioFiore

    • Drok July 20, 2018 at 7:50 am - Reply

      Dear Richard Materio,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Would you please tell us more details about your setting? According to your descrption, input voltage should be 12V, what is output voltage?
      For this item, input voltage must be 1.1 time larger than output voltage.
      Best regards.

  153. Justin Limb July 24, 2018 at 2:10 am - Reply

    Hi, I purchased the 60-amp motor controller board on Amazon.  I didn’t receive any kind of a schematic or connection reference.  Will you please provide one?



    • Drok July 24, 2018 at 8:12 am - Reply

      Hello Justin Limb,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Would you pleae tell us which item you bougth?
      We will find solution for you when we confirm what it is.
      Best regards.

  154. Mark Rosswurm July 27, 2018 at 4:05 pm - Reply

    Do you sell the current sensor for the VAC9010H without the display?   

    • Drok July 29, 2018 at 8:28 am - Reply

      Hello Mark Rosswurm,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorrry we don’t sell this kind of sensor separately. Any more questions, please let us know.
      Best regards.

  155. wilberto July 29, 2018 at 8:23 pm - Reply

    hello I try to buy this article in USA but when I enter another different module will appear
    Switching Power Supply Module AC 85~264V or DC 110~370V to DC12V1A / 5V1A Dual Output Buck Voltage Regulator/Power Adapter/Power Converter/Driver Module

    • Drok July 30, 2018 at 8:22 am - Reply

      Hello wilberto,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorry now we don’t sell this item on Amazon, so Amazon page doesn’t show it.
      Any more questions, please let us know.
      Best regards.

  156. Yaz F Bilimoria August 1, 2018 at 12:00 am - Reply

    I just bought:

    DROK DC 9-48V 16KHZ PWM Electric Motor Speed Controller, Small 20A DC Motor Controller with Sensitive Knob, Support 0-5V Frequency Converter Input Control for Car Automotive DC Electric Fan on Amazon.
    It works fine, but I am not able to turn off the power to the controller – the red light always stays on even when the system is not in use.  I have to physically disconnect the wires from the motor to shut off the power.  Is this a defect, or are they designed to leave the light on all the time – it would run down my battery even when not in use for several days!

    Amazon ORDER # 112-1946581-9329044 

    • Drok August 1, 2018 at 9:27 am - Reply

      Hello Yaz F Bilimoria,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorry this item doesn’t have on/off switch, so it can’t be turned off directly unless disconnect power supply.
      Any more questions, please let us know.
      Best regards.

  157. Perry Khan August 1, 2018 at 4:00 pm - Reply


    I purchased a DC BidirectionalDigital Multimeter from Amazon a couple of days ago and realized I ordered it without the shunt necessary for me to access all of its functions. Would it be possible for me to order it directly from you?

    Model : SIN9020S

    SKU : 200320


    • Drok August 2, 2018 at 9:59 am - Reply

      Hello Perry Khan,
      Thanks for your order.
      200320 doesn’t need shunt, here is instruciton 200320 pdf
      Best regards.

  158. Steve August 4, 2018 at 6:48 pm - Reply

    Just received my power meter:  “DROK DC 0-300V 200A STN LCD..but the ct cable is neatly sliced. See photo. Please contact me to send a replacement ASAP.


    • Drok August 6, 2018 at 9:01 am - Reply

      Hello Steve,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Would you please tell us what wrong with it? There is no photo, could you please send it again?
      And please kindly check your email address. Our email can’t be sent out and it show this email address doesn’t exist.
      Best regards.

  159. Steve Falkenberg August 6, 2018 at 7:53 pm - Reply

    I purchased the DROK Portable Wireless Bluetooth Audio Receiver Board. Supports three inputs. From Amazon.

    I must install it behind a panel and cannot access the buttons.  Is there any way to latch the volume to max.  I could solder a jumper or change a resistor.

    Your assistance is greatly appreciated.  Thank you so much.


    — Steve Falkenberg



    • Drok August 7, 2018 at 10:05 am - Reply

      Hello Steve Falkenberg,
      Thanks for your order.
      Is it possible to have a hole in the panel? That should be more convenient for you to adjust volume.
      Best regards.

  160. sdd August 8, 2018 at 6:30 pm - Reply

    need circuit digram (schematics)
    are there discount possible
    if buying more then one item ?

    • Drok August 9, 2018 at 10:04 am - Reply

      Hello sdd,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorry our technicians doesn’t allow to show circuit digram.
      Would you please tell us which item you want to buy? For more details, please kindl contact us directly by email(
      Best regards.

  161. Sid August 9, 2018 at 1:42 am - Reply

    Purchased a DROK NC Buck Converter Part Number 200326

    I’m supplying it with 48V DC but I cant seem to any voltage higher than 9V out of the unit. Anything high than 7-9V and its stuck in CC mode even though the current is set to 15A. The voltage fluctuates between 0-9V and sometimes won’t output anything at all. I’m looking to use the unit to charge some batteries at 36V. Any help is appreciated.


    • Drok August 9, 2018 at 10:11 am - Reply

      Hello Sid,
      Thanks for writing in.
      This item doesn’t have CC mode. Did you set output current as 15A? What is the output votlage you set?
      To find solution for you, would you please take a short video to show the problem and your operation?
      In that way, we can get more information and find solution more quickly. (If it is hard to upload video here, please try to send it to our service email: )
      Wait for your reply.
      Best regards

  162. Levi August 11, 2018 at 5:34 am - Reply

    On DROK Signal Generator, amazon# B071NLGP6L how can I connect a switch to it? I see a 6 pin input for Power with On and Off on the front

  163. Cary Woodson August 21, 2018 at 6:24 pm - Reply

    Need the instructions for product code 200088

    The URL for other requests for this set of instructions does not work.


    • Drok August 22, 2018 at 10:12 am - Reply

      Hello Cary Woodson,
      Thanks for writing in.
      For some of products, we have pdf instruciton on Amazon product page. It is on “Technical Specification” part.
      Please kindly click on these link to download it.
      Any more questions, please feel free to contact us.
      Best regards.

  164. Alexandra Andreeff August 24, 2018 at 9:47 pm - Reply

    do you have paper catalog? My boss prefers to shop that way, we purchased a couple of your items and interested to see what else you offer.

    • Drok August 26, 2018 at 4:08 am - Reply

      Hello Alexandra Andreeff,
      Thanks for writing in.
      As our products are updated quickly,it is hard to update paper in time, so we are sorry we don’t have paper catalog.
      All of products can be found in our Amazon store, would you mind browsing through there?
      For any more questions, please let us know.
      Best regards,

  165. Andrea Bosio August 27, 2018 at 3:04 pm - Reply

    Hallo I have just ordered 5 tweeter 1.5 inch 6 ohm, but I realized I need instead 5 at 8 ohm .

    Could you change the order please?


    • Drok August 28, 2018 at 3:38 am - Reply

      Hello Andrea Bosio,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We have received your message on facebook and replied there.
      Best regards.

  166. Philip Dara September 7, 2018 at 10:18 pm - Reply

    #30212REPLY |


    • Drok September 9, 2018 at 10:05 am - Reply

      Hello Philip Dara,
      Please try the following zero clearing operaton:
      1. Please move the red cursor to “NCP”
      2. Keep pressing up button for 3 seconds. After that, there will be 3 options.
      3. Make the red cursor pointing to C-I, and press “OK” button. Then you will see “I=0”, at this time, please press up or down button to reset. (Please notice in zero clearing process, it can’t be connected with any load and no output current)
      4. Press “OK” button again, you will see “I>0”(connect a 3A load). Then press up or down button to make the current value is in accord with 3A load. Press “Ok” button to save settings.
      Best regards

  167. Brent Pearson September 11, 2018 at 12:19 am - Reply

    I purchased a Drok JS-C33 General Programmable Power Display. I installed in my 36 volt golf cart. When fully charged the indicator displays 37v and 100% battery. Issue is the longer I use the cart the voltage level decreases slightly however the battery level remains at 100%. Is there a setting to apply for a 36v golf cart so the battery level displays properly?


    Brent Pearson

    • Drok September 11, 2018 at 9:45 am - Reply

      Hello Brent Pearson,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorry we can’t search item with JS-C33. Would you please send us product link? Or ASIN number, all of products on Amazon has that number.
      Best regards.

  168. Barbara Gonzalez September 11, 2018 at 2:19 am - Reply

    Hello! I have bought some LCD Digital Volmeter 110V/220V by in Mexico, but I realized there is no more stocks available within this website.

    I got your business card inside my package, so I would like if there is any possibility to continue buying your products by Amazon Mexico or if there is another way to get your products in a few time, but a just price.

    Please let me know your coments.


    Thank you in advance,


    • Drok September 11, 2018 at 9:58 am - Reply

      Hello Barbara Gonzalez,
      Thanks for your supporting on our product.
      Would you please tell us which item it is?
      We may not sell item on Amazon Mexico in the future.But you can order on Amazon US, which should be the fastest way.
      If it is not urgent,you can also order directly from us. We will ship items from China warehouse.
      Any more questions, pleae let us know.
      Best regards.

  169. Kent Riffell September 11, 2018 at 6:42 pm - Reply

    I purchased a Drok signal generator.  Can you please give me instructions on using it to generate a signal for troubleshooting?

    • Drok September 13, 2018 at 9:56 am - Reply

      Hello Kent Riffell,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Would you pleae tell us which signal generator it is?
      ASIN number or product link can help us to confirm item quickly.
      Best regards.

  170. SETSIT TANTHONG September 13, 2018 at 10:16 pm - Reply

    I look for DC switching power supply 220Vac with variable DC 48 to 60VDC output. Max current 15 and 20A

    I have a telecom project with q’ty 200pcs to quote to my customer.
    It is switching power supply for charging 48VDC Battery. The output current max can be 15 or 20 A. I intend to offer 2 models to the customer.
    Could you please send us quote for q’ty 2/20/80 ea?

    • Drok September 14, 2018 at 9:12 am - Reply

      Thanks for writing in.
      It’s regretted we don’t have item can meet your requirements completely.
      For any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
      Best regards.

  171. Rad Gharavi September 15, 2018 at 2:53 am - Reply

    I purchased 2 dc 5v-48v 16A dual H bridge from Amazon. It requires PWM and direction input. I programmed and connected an Arduino to control the voltage and I’m using a stable variable voltage source. Even though I have checked the connections and the program several times for errors, it does not work. I cannot find any information regarding the board and it is getting very frustrating. I have checked the power supply and the motor with other controllers and they both work fine. I have checked different power supplies, Arduino boards, and motors with this product and none work.

    Please provide information on what may be the issue otherwise I will have to return both controllers and look for alternatives.


    • Drok September 17, 2018 at 9:54 am - Reply

      Hello Rad Gharavi,
      Thakns for your message.
      Is it this item?
      Would you please tell us how it can’t work? It doesn’t power on or it can’t control motor.
      And could you let us know more details about operation parameters? For example, input voltage, motor specification, is it dc brush motor? and etc.
      It would be appreciated if you can take some images to show wiring and details.
      With more information, we can find solution more quickly.
      Best regards.

  172. Richard Cauchi September 16, 2018 at 3:24 pm - Reply

    Hello:   I recently purchased a battery monitor, sku : 200191   200192. The unit seems to give a fairly accurate reading, impressive.   My only issue is the light on monitor does not switch off. The light is always on when connected.    I hope you can help me out with this unit,, or suggest a model that would show battery status for lead acid 12v and 24 v.          Love your stuff.     Rick



    • Drok September 17, 2018 at 10:09 am - Reply

      Hello Richard Cauchi
      Thanks for your order and support.
      We think you should talk about backlight. We are sorry there is no way to turn off backlight.
      Here is an item for your reference. Its display can be turned on/off,
      Any more questions, please let us know.
      Best regards.

  173. John Lane October 5, 2018 at 10:35 pm - Reply

    I recently purchased a model 090118 voltage regulator from and need instructions for using it.

    • Drok October 11, 2018 at 9:32 am - Reply

      Hello John Lane,
      Thanks for your order.
      Here is the pdf instruction.090118
      Hope it can help you.
      Best regards.

  174. Daniel John Van Gompel October 8, 2018 at 7:59 pm - Reply


    just bought your dc motor controller dc6-90v. what is the max input voltage

    • Drok October 11, 2018 at 9:35 am - Reply

      Hello Daniel John Van Gompel,
      Thanks for your order.
      Is it 300429? Input voltage range: DC6-90v.
      Best regards,

  175. Brock Batteh October 10, 2018 at 7:57 pm - Reply

    I am apart of a major distribution company. Is there someone we can contact if we would like to see if we are set up to buy from the company direct instead of through amazon and at a discounted rate if we are going to buy the product in bulk?

    Thank you

    Brock Batteh

    • Drok October 11, 2018 at 9:37 am - Reply

      Hello Brock Batteh,
      Thanks for your message.
      Would you please contact us throught You can send your order requirement there.
      Best regards.

  176. Patrick Baldock October 12, 2018 at 7:26 pm - Reply

    Need wiring diagram for connections on signal generator

  177. Brégite Bardeau October 19, 2018 at 2:48 pm - Reply

    information sure vos produit et Entreprise Tel:581-329-8930

    • Drok October 22, 2018 at 9:33 am - Reply

      Hello Brégite Bardeau,
      Thanks for your message.
      If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us here or by email(
      Best regards.

  178. Justin October 22, 2018 at 10:44 pm - Reply

    Hello I’ve purchase probably 100 or more of the DC volt meter model #031 they all used to turn on at about 1v but the last 3 I’ve gotten. Don’t turn on until 7v is there a different model with the same size case I can get that does turn on at 1v? Thanks for any help.


    • Drok October 23, 2018 at 9:54 am - Reply

      Hello Justin,
      Thanks for your orders.
      We are sorry we can’t confirm the item. would you please offer a product link?
      Best regards.

  179. Jon Kulp October 26, 2018 at 2:04 am - Reply

    I purchased a Drok cycle timer, MPN 2001711005, but it did not come with any programming instructions. Are they available online?

    This is a link to the item:

    Thanks for your help,



  180. Jason Haftar October 29, 2018 at 1:50 pm - Reply

    I purchased 4 of these back in May 04/18 AC 130-500V 200A LED Volt Amp Meter. 

    We installed our first one, and the amp meter is reading 3 times higher than it should. Could it be defective. I have included a link to the item. I can also send a pic.


    • Drok October 30, 2018 at 9:13 am - Reply

      Hello Jason Haftar,
      Thanks for writign in.
      Would you please tell us how large is the reading and actual current? What kind of load did you measure?
      And did you check it with other precise meter?
      If you can, please kindly send picture to our email.(
      Best regards.

  181. Ralph Smith October 29, 2018 at 8:40 pm - Reply

    I purchased the DC6-90V 15 Amp max for a motor control on a salt spreader. When we wire it up it does nothing to control the speed of the motor. Is something wrong with it?

    • Drok October 30, 2018 at 9:56 am - Reply

      Hello Ralph Smith,
      Is it this item? 300429
      Would you please tell us more details? For example, input votlage/current. Does the output voltage not change when you regulate potentiometer? And is your motor DC brush one?
      Is it convenient for you to take a video to show how it is? You can send it to
      With more information, we can find solution more quickly.
      Best regards.

  182. Ralph Smith October 30, 2018 at 1:02 pm - Reply

    The voltage goes down but the speed of the motor does not change. input voltage is 12 VDC and it drops it to 10 VDC only.

    • Drok October 31, 2018 at 9:49 am - Reply

      Hello Ralph Smith,
      Is it DC brush motor? And how is the output when without load?
      To check it carefully, could you please kindly take some images or video to show more details?
      Thanks for your patience on this issue.
      Best regards.

  183. bob hloska November 2, 2018 at 1:41 pm - Reply

    I purchased model fs11d12a3 to go from 12v to 5v max doesn’t seem like this will work for what I need

    • Drok November 5, 2018 at 10:09 am - Reply

      Hello bob hloska,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Would you please send us the ASIN number or product link so that we can confirm which it is?
      And what is your problem on this item?
      Best regards

  184. Rick November 7, 2018 at 10:11 pm - Reply

    I purchased  114-0431245-7650634 off amazon USA. It doesn’t work.

    • Drok November 8, 2018 at 9:00 am - Reply

      Hello Rick,
      Thanks for writing in.
      To find solution for you, Would you please tell us more details about the problem?
      Best regards.

  185. Maria del refugio November 12, 2018 at 2:54 pm - Reply

    Good morning I would like to pay with a credit card but it does not give me the option, they could help me with that.

    • Drok November 13, 2018 at 8:57 am - Reply

      Hello Maria del refugio,
      Did you use credit card through PayPal? You can use credit card through paypal directly without paypal account
      Any more questions, please feel free to email us.
      Best regards.

  186. Jerry November 21, 2018 at 1:44 am - Reply

    Hi, I just bought a Humidity and Temperature Controller Product Code: 200381.

    The display may suddenly become blank. I have to disconnect and reconnect the power to make it work.

    Will please let me how to prevent it from happening?

    Thanks, Jerry

    • Drok November 21, 2018 at 9:37 am - Reply

      Hello Jerry,
      Thanks for writing in.
      This issue may be caused by connector or sensor. Is it possible the connection is not strong enough?
      If it doesn’t have above issue, please kindly email us your order ID so that we can deal with it.
      Best regards.

  187. Tim December 4, 2018 at 5:06 pm - Reply

    I bought the DROK -20 to +100℃ Digital Thermometer, DC 4-28V Indoor Outdoor Thermometer at Amazon and installed it in my vehicle today.  It functioned properly for about five minutes, then the outside sensor display suddenly switched from the OAT to “ERR”.  I extended the sensor wire by about one meter, in order to mount it under/inside the front bumper.  Again, the device initially worked fine.

    • Drok December 5, 2018 at 10:00 am - Reply

      Hello Tim,
      Is it this item? 300462
      Do you mean the meter display “ERR”? Could you please kindly take some images to show how it is? And how large is the power supply?
      If you are not sure how to send picture here, please send it to service email(
      Best regards.

  188. Hector December 5, 2018 at 2:13 pm - Reply

    I purchased the DROK Digital Programmable Time Clock Switch Timer Relay Board DC 5-60V Input Time Controller 24 Hours 4 Digit Timing Delay Module with Micro USB 5.0V Input Port but the load pulses instead on activating the load 100%.  I disconnected a lead from the load (9V motor) and when I reconnected with the motor again it worked normally.  I’m using a 9v batter as the power source.  Any idea why this is happening?

    • Drok December 6, 2018 at 7:19 am - Reply

      Hello Hector,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Would you please tell us more deails about the problem? Which wiring did you use?
      Do you mean it can’t control motor before reconnecting?
      Best regards.

  189. Eddie December 6, 2018 at 7:58 am - Reply

    I purchased this amplifier with Bluetooth to do a review on my YouTube channel and was excited to see it in the mail.  I started the video where I talk about the board and show closeups of how great it looks and the type of chips used.  I then connect power and Bluetooth connect and everything is going well – but then the volume will not increase.  I just can’t seem to get any power out.

    i am an electronics engineer so I do know how to connect things.

    Any suggestions?  I will return it to amazon and give it the review it deserves at this point on both my channel and amazon unless I hear back from you.

    Thank you in and advance,

    Eddie Aho
    Amplifier Wireless BT 3.0/4.0/4.1 

    • Drok December 7, 2018 at 8:18 am - Reply

      Hello Eddie,
      Thanks for your order.
      Is it this item? 200336
      Would you pleade tell us how large the input voltage and input current? If input power is not enough, it is hard to power speaker.
      Best regards.

  190. Wayne Philbrick December 12, 2018 at 11:13 pm - Reply

    I saw your waterproof voltmeters on amazon and wanted to know if I ordered 50.00 worth would I get for any better price?What would the shipping be also

    • Drok December 13, 2018 at 9:34 am - Reply

      Hello Wayne Philbrick,
      Thanks for your inquiry.
      Would you pleaes tell us which item it is and shipping address?
      Can we email you for more details? Our service email is
      Best regards.

  191. Vishwak December 19, 2018 at 9:27 am - Reply

    Hi… Do you have any dealers in India? How can we get your products delivered to India?

    • Drok December 20, 2018 at 6:45 am - Reply

      Hello Vishwak,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We don’t have delers in India. But we can ship items to you from China directly.
      For any more questions about order, would you please kindly contact us by email? (
      Best regards.

  192. Darrell Crum December 19, 2018 at 9:54 pm - Reply

    I recently purchased a your transistor tester from amazon and it has a constant D5 displayed diagonally

    on the screen. I can send you a pic if you need it.

    • Drok December 20, 2018 at 6:57 am - Reply

      Hello Darrell Crum,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Is it 300427? Does it occur when you receive it?
      It would be appreciated if you can show how it is by images. If you are not sure how to upload pictures here, please send them to our service email.(
      Best regards.

    • Drok December 21, 2018 at 6:55 am - Reply

      Hello Darrell Crum,
      We confirm the “D5” is on protective film, please tear it off firstly.
      Best regards.

  193. Robert Schoenfeldt December 19, 2018 at 10:15 pm - Reply

    I just bought a 4-20 mA signal generator . Do you have a wiring diagram for its use  or some instructions somewhere?

    • Drok December 20, 2018 at 7:04 am - Reply

      Hello Robert Schoenfeldt,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We have several 4-20mA signal generators. Would you please kindly tell us which one it is?
      Best regards.

  194. Dillon December 25, 2018 at 12:37 am - Reply

    Hello, I just purchased this amplifier module:

    DROK Mini Stereo AMP Audio Amplify Board Digital Portable Ampli Module 10W + 10W Dual Channel Amplifier Class-D 12V DC



    I need the wiring diagram/schematic or instructions on how to wire it up correctly if you have it.

    Thank you


    • Drok December 25, 2018 at 6:08 am - Reply

      Hello Dillon,
      Thanks for your business.
      Please refer to following picture. Any more questions, please feel free to contact us.
      Best regards.

  195. Charlotte December 31, 2018 at 5:41 pm - Reply

    I just bought 5 of the Mini USB LED lights, but none them work in THREE chargers that I tried.  Is it me, or the lights??

    • Drok January 2, 2019 at 9:31 am - Reply

      Hello Charlotte,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Would you please offer product link or other details so that we can confirm which usb light it is?
      And could you please take some images to show your opearation?
      With more information, we will find solution quickly.
      Best regards.

  196. Tom Bolf January 3, 2019 at 7:54 pm - Reply

    DROK TPA3116 Digital Power Amplifier Board 12-24V High Power Amplifier Module 50+50W Power Amplifier Chip with Volume Adjustment Potentiometer Switch Support PBTL 100WCAN YOU SEND ME A DRAWING OF THE WAY YOU WIRE THE INPUT AND OUTPUT SPEAKER WIRES FOR RUNING A MONO SPEAKER? I know you have to       unsolder S1 and solder S2,S3,S4,S5,S6!Thank

    • Drok January 4, 2019 at 9:07 am - Reply

      Hello Tom Bolf,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorry we don’t have that drawing. Below is S1-S6 setting for different mode.
      For any more questions, please kindly let us know.
      Best regards.

  197. Steven January 4, 2019 at 9:35 pm - Reply

    Hi, I got the Relay Module XY-WJ01 and I do not understand the diagram for the DC 6-30 and the middle two connectors. The only time the display lights up is when the batteries go into the -^+^ connecters. Nothing happens when the motor is connected to the other two connectors.

    I need to run a 12v battery pack in to the timer and have it turn on an electric motor for x.xx amount of seconds and then turn off the electric motor.

    Did I buy the wrong relay or does it require an external trigger (as in the bottom diagram) to make that happen? Please help.

    • Drok January 7, 2019 at 1:59 am - Reply

      Hello Steven,
      Thanks for writing in.
      With XY-WJO1, we find out this item, 200391
      As per DC6.0-30v wiring diagram, please connect power supply to V+ and V-, then connect middle two ports; the last port is connected to the negative ofload; the positive of load is connected to power supply positive.
      Any more questions, please feel free to contact us .
      Best regards.

  198. William Helvig January 8, 2019 at 10:39 pm - Reply

    I have several of the 100 Amp AC current transformers and I was wondering if a load resistor is required and if so what value is recomended.?

    • Drok January 9, 2019 at 8:38 am - Reply

      Hello William Helvig,
      AC current transformer is connected directly to meter. It doesn’t resistor.
      Best regards.

  199. tom poe January 13, 2019 at 5:47 pm - Reply

    Is it acceptable to wire several meters with a common AC power source, or do does the power leads need to be one the of same as the conductors that the CT is monitoring?

    • Drok January 14, 2019 at 8:58 am - Reply

      Hello tom poe,
      Would you please tell us which item is it?
      Best regards.

      • tom poe January 17, 2019 at 7:37 pm - Reply

        I have the DROK D85-2042A digital meter with a Current Transformer.

        Question was regarding use of multiple meters. Can thay share a common power source?

      • tom poe January 17, 2019 at 7:38 pm - Reply


        Question was regarding use of multiple meters. Can thay share a common power source?


        I have the DROK D85-2042A digital meter with a Current Transformer.

  200. Alec January 13, 2019 at 6:34 pm - Reply

    Hi, I bought your 100a battery meter and just recently tested it out. It seems to work great except for it doesn’t show the correct amperage. It will show around 5 amps more than it is really pulling. The voltage reading is also off a little. Is there some reset or calibration I can do to get it to read right?

    • Drok January 14, 2019 at 8:59 am - Reply

      Hello Alec,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Could you please tell us which battery meter it is?
      Best regards.

  201. John Mikell Jr January 15, 2019 at 5:42 pm - Reply

    I just purchased a model DF-01-TV.1

    voltmeter and Thermometer in F – Do you have the same model with a usb charger? Must read degrees in F not C

    • Drok January 16, 2019 at 9:53 am - Reply

      Hello John Mikell Jr,
      Thanks for your order.
      We don’t have same model with usb charger. Item with usb charger can only read centigrade degree.
      Best regards.

  202. Rich January 17, 2019 at 4:45 pm - Reply


    I recently purchased a
    Bluetooth Amplifier Board, DROK Digital Amplifier Wireless BT 3.0/4.0/4.1 Audio Amp Board Headphone 2 Channel 50W+50W Small Amplifier Module with Protective Shell
    from Amazon.  When power is applied the board announces the input – line or bluetooth.  If the volume is set high, this can be annoying.  Is there any way to disable this announcement?

    Thank you.

    • Drok January 18, 2019 at 10:21 am - Reply

      Hello Rich,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorry the volume can’t be disabled.
      Best regards.

  203. Don Priest January 17, 2019 at 6:02 pm - Reply

    Hello my name is Donald Priest on Jan.13 i received from amazon yb4835va ac volt/amp meter. When i got it and opened the box there was 2 wires red /Black to the power line. So i connected a 2 wire power cord plunged it in worked fine. In connecting the ac pick up coil plunged in the meter one of the coil wires come loose in picking up the i tuched the bare wire and GOT A REAL BAD SHOCK. I am a ham radio operator and 37 yrs at Whirlpool here at Evansville Indiana i have a bad heart and on 4 lii. of oxygen and 80yrs old.So after picking my self up off the floor i starting seen what is wrong. Weii you are sending this idem out to the pubic with a 2 wire service so you have a 50/50 chance purging in the pick up coil is charger with line voltage. I would hope you take these things off the marked.

    • Drok January 19, 2019 at 2:58 am - Reply

      Hello Don Priest,
      We are sorry to hear that.
      As per your description, it seem you connect meter when circui turn on. Is it right?
      Please hook it up when power off, and firstly connect CT part then voltage measurement part. Otherwise,it is easy to get an electric shock.
      Any more questions, please kindly let us know.
      Best regards.

  204. Robert January 18, 2019 at 4:09 pm - Reply

    purchased part 100132  digital car clock thermometer volt meter. information shows the clock 12 hour. how do I switch from 24 hour to 12 hour.

    • Drok January 19, 2019 at 3:12 am - Reply

      Hello Robert,
      100132 should show 12 hour time system only. Did you receive wrong item?
      Best regards.

  205. Mark Beebe January 19, 2019 at 12:08 am - Reply

    I purchased 2 of your 200223 PWM units.   I was planning to monitor the output of each unit with a digital panel meter.  The meter can monitor two sources but has a common ground.  Can I use the meter to monitor the outputs if I use diode isolation?


    Thanks, Mark

    • Drok January 21, 2019 at 7:24 am - Reply

      Hello Mark Beebe,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We hope to check the wiring. Would you mind drawing a simple diagram to show that?
      Best regards.

  206. Jim Withey January 25, 2019 at 3:31 pm - Reply

    I purchased a 2001709010 from amazon it worked for 2 days now only flashes random letters does not respond to k buttons on back

    • Drok January 27, 2019 at 8:41 am - Reply

      Hello Jim Withey,
      Thanks for writing in.
      May I know more details about operation? For example, the battery voltage, setting.
      Is it convenient for you to show how it is by video? You can upload video here or send it to
      Please don’t worry, with more information,we will find soluiton for you.
      Best regards.

  207. Charles Hostick January 27, 2019 at 9:20 pm - Reply

    I’m looking for the manual / datasheet for 090143 Buck Converter

    Component Amazon Link



  208. Casey January 28, 2019 at 8:35 pm - Reply

    Does this CC CV buck converter require I add a diode in series on the output when used to charge batteries?   I have seen where some buck converters require a diode added on the output in order to prevent the battery backfeeding into the converter and damaging it when it isn’t powered.

    Is this one of those buck converters?   I don’t see it listed in the notes requiring such so I wanted to make certain.

    • Drok January 29, 2019 at 9:03 am - Reply

      Hello Casey,
      Thanks for writing in.
      This item don’t have protection on current back feeding. If it is used for charging, it it better to add diode on output terminal.
      Any more questions, please feel free to contact us.
      Best regards.

  209. george wheeler January 31, 2019 at 7:36 pm - Reply

    I bought a dc buck module x001xqt3n1 from amazon.  It came with no description or use instruction.

    i need to know its specs and how it works


    • Drok February 1, 2019 at 8:04 am - Reply

      Hello george wheeler,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorry we can’t find item with x001xqt3n1, which is not a reference number.
      Would you please kindly send us product link or ASIN number?
      Best regards.

  210. Omkar Bhandakkar February 6, 2019 at 5:45 pm - Reply

    I connected DC-DC buck converter (091029US) to load and set it up at 1.2V using potentiometer. But, I am not able to change the current using other potentiometer. Please help me with this issue.
    Omkar Bhandakkar

    • Drok February 7, 2019 at 2:16 am - Reply

      Hello Omkar Bhandakkar,
      Thank you for writing in.
      Could you please tell us more details of your application, such as the input voltage/current, the wiring, the load?
      If you can, we sincerely hope that you can send us some images or testing video to let us check the problem details.
      With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
      Best regards

  211. Dave Simon February 13, 2019 at 7:18 pm - Reply

    Hello. I have your SKU 200356. My objective is to apply a 2.0 amp load to my circuit for 48 – 72 hours. Will this item work? Or, what is the max length of time this item can handle a 2.0 amp load?

    • Drok February 14, 2019 at 10:08 am - Reply

      Hello Dave Simon,
      Thanks for writing in.
      If working temperature is over 80℃ or power is over 25w, it will stop working. If you want to run it for 48-72 hours, please kindly pay attention to temperature and power.
      Best regards.

  212. Allen L February 13, 2019 at 7:42 pm - Reply

    Hello, my question is about the single way relay module delay power-off Trigger Delay Cycle Timing Circuit Switch, Is there a way to reverse P6 to work first the CL Time and then the OP Time? Please let me know.

    • Drok February 14, 2019 at 10:10 am - Reply

      Hello Allen L,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorry we can’t confirm the item. Would you please kindly send us a product link or other information?
      We will find solution for you once confirm which item it is.
      Best regards.

  213. Roland Fordham February 18, 2019 at 3:21 pm - Reply


    I have brought a Droking 4-20mA DC12V 24V Signal Source Signal Generator, Constant Current Source 0.01mA Potentiometer Adjustable, CC Power Supply Signal Generating from amazon uk.

    It was nearly twice the price of a similar item so had hoped i would get a good unit with its proper documentation. I was as you can understand dissapointed.

    would you please send a copy of the documentation-in english, or i will be forced to return the unit as unusable.

  214. David February 18, 2019 at 10:27 pm - Reply

    Hi, I just buy DC Speed controller, DROK 6-90V 15A. Work good but the motor turn on the wrong way.

    Can you tell me how to change the sens of rotation?

    Thank you


    • Drok February 21, 2019 at 7:54 am - Reply

      Hello David,
      Thanks for your business.
      Is it this item? 300429
      You can exchange motor cables to change direction.
      Best regards.

  215. Sivakumar Srinivasan February 23, 2019 at 5:25 am - Reply


    I need 24v / 20a / 0 – 24 v variable control power supply. I need to deliver within ten days is it possible. How much total cost will come. Please send the details. Thank you very much I am in India. Chennai city.

    • Drok February 24, 2019 at 9:05 am - Reply

      Hello Sivakumar Srinivasan,
      Thanks for your inquiry.
      We are sorry we can’t confirm which item it is. Would you please sens us a product link?
      The fastest ways should be shipped by DHL.
      Best regards.

  216. Sivakumar Srinivasan February 25, 2019 at 4:42 am - Reply

    Good morning sir

    I am sivakumar, I saw your products and I need 24v / 20A / 0 – 24 v variable control.

    Please send me how much cost will come  including shipping charges and how many days it will take to shipping to my place ( with in 10 days delivery)

    Thanking you

  217. Sivakumar Srinivasan February 25, 2019 at 4:48 am - Reply


    Please check I am sending the link of the product,

  218. Sivakumar Srinivasan February 25, 2019 at 4:51 am - Reply
  219. Sivakumar Srinivasan February 25, 2019 at 4:53 am - Reply

    Dear sir

    I am waiting for your earliest reply


  220. Jerome February 25, 2019 at 6:14 pm - Reply

    Posted: Do I need two “DROK® Digital Multimeter AC 80-260V 100A Voltage Amperage Power Energy Meter AC Volt Amp Tester Voltmeter Ammeter Watt Meter LCD Digital Blue Display Volts Current Measuring with Transformer CT” meters, one on each leg to monitor a 220v sub panel, or is there a way to do it with one meter?


    Can I get the answer to this? Diagram 200123?

    • Drok February 26, 2019 at 8:40 am - Reply

      Hello Jerome,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Do you mean monitor two loads with one meter?
      Meter can only connect one load. It can’t meet your requirement.
      Best regards.

  221. Dwight February 26, 2019 at 8:19 pm - Reply

    hi i would like to purchase DROk 12vdc digital timer relay board 1500 Watt relay module these off a vendor/distributor in united states, is that a possible?

    • Drok February 27, 2019 at 9:39 am - Reply

      Hello Dwight,
      Except, we are sorry we don’t have other distribution channel in united states.
      OPur items are stored in Amazon warehouse and fulfilled by them, you can get it soon after placing order.
      Best regards.

  222. Moacir Almeida February 28, 2019 at 3:44 pm - Reply

    Hi, every device has a user manual ok? I bought a transistor tester from amazon and it came without a instruction manual.Can i get it?

    • Drok March 1, 2019 at 10:05 am - Reply

      Hello Moacir Almeida,
      Thanks for writing in and sorry for inconvenience may cause.
      Could you please tell us which item it is? Most of items have a pdf manual on Amazon product page. If it is hard to find that, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  223. Bryan Robbins March 1, 2019 at 9:25 pm - Reply

    Hello. I just received the 12-60v to 80v dc-dc converter and I noticed no solder on the left pole on what I assume are a type of transistor.  Also only one has a screw and insulator between it and the heatsink.  Just curious if this is how it is supposed to be.  Thank you

    • Drok March 4, 2019 at 10:07 am - Reply

      Hello Bryan Robbins,
      Is it possible to tell us your order ID so that we can confirm which item it is?
      And could you please kindly show us how it is by images?
      Wait for your reply sincerely.
      Best regards.

  224. Otto March 5, 2019 at 5:18 pm - Reply

    Hello, wondering if you have product #2001710003 with the temprature sensor wire in stock? I had previously ordered but you gave me one with just two wires and had told me you had no stock of temprature sensor. Thanks otto

  225. Vishal Dali March 7, 2019 at 4:39 pm - Reply

    I represent a Vending Machine Manufacturing company and planning to use one of your amplifiers in our product line. I am looking for a local representative in Dallas,TX USA

    • Drok March 8, 2019 at 4:19 am - Reply

      Hello Vishal Dali,
      Would you please kindly tell us which amplifier it is? We don’t have other seller channel in USA but
      Any more questions, please kindly email us.
      Best regards.

  226. Drok March 10, 2019 at 8:47 am - Reply

    Hello Jay H Mcleran,
    Your tracking number is LT371622797CN (EUB)
    Best regards.

  227. Tom P March 12, 2019 at 12:21 am - Reply

    I just installed a Dro-bt  sku #200367, the Bluetooth light keeps flashing rapidly but does not show up on any devices to connect

    • Drok March 12, 2019 at 7:31 am - Reply

      Hello Tom P,
      Quick flashing means it is waiting for a connection. Could you please tell us what kind of devices you are going to connect?
      Best regards.

  228. Mark Wells March 12, 2019 at 11:39 pm - Reply

    I just received from amazon your DC Buck Module, DROK Adjustable Step Down Voltage Buck Converter 6V-32V 30V 24V 12V to 1.5-32V 5V 5A LCD Power Supply Volt Reducer Regulator Transformer Module Board with USB Port Protective Case but the case kit contained to top clear plastic plates! Should I send the kit back to Amazon or will you send me the bottom plate?

    • Drok March 13, 2019 at 9:09 am - Reply

      Hello Mark Wells,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Do you mean you only receive top plastic plate? Could you please offer your order ID? Please kindly send your order ID to
      Best regards.

  229. Jordan March 14, 2019 at 2:28 am - Reply

    Hi DROK. I ordered a DC buck converter and on the second day I cracked the screen. Is there any way for me to order the lcd screen and replace it myself?

    It’s a 22 pin screen with backlight.

    • Drok March 15, 2019 at 9:40 am - Reply

      Hello Jordan,
      It’s regretted to hear that. We don’t have screen replacement.
      Would you please kindly tell us which buck converter it is? Product link or order ID wil be helpful.
      We can try to check if it is easy for you to buy a screen.
      Best regards.

  230. Erick March 14, 2019 at 6:28 pm - Reply

    I purchased a DROK Self-Lock Wireless Relay Garage Door Remote Control 12V DC 1 Channel Switching Board and after connecting power and ground to the appropriate contacts the relay does not latch contacts O and D. The Led on the board is lit and the remote control lights up but pressing the remote control does not do latch the relay.

    • Drok March 15, 2019 at 10:00 am - Reply

      Hello Erick,
      As per your description, we find out this item 090173
      Is it convenient for you to show us wring by images? And is there any barriers? how long is the remote distance?
      You can send image here or to our servie mail.
      Best regards.

  231. Randy March 15, 2019 at 2:28 pm - Reply

    I have a drok signal generator how do I get power to it

    • Drok March 18, 2019 at 10:06 am - Reply

      Hello Randy,
      We have many signal generators. Could you please send us product link so that we an confirm which one it is?
      Best regards.

  232. Roman Cepeda March 20, 2019 at 10:29 pm - Reply

    can you send me a diagram on how to connect
    160W 2 Channel DC Motor Driver Module Positive Negative PWM Speed Regulation Optocoupler Isolation Dual H-bridge Motor Controller
    to a 6 channel rc receiver and what else do i need to control each motor individually i am building an rc dozer. Thanks

    • Drok March 21, 2019 at 9:42 am - Reply

      Hello Roman Cepeda,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sory we don’t have specific wiring diagram for rc receiver. You can refer to the wiring diagram in this instruction 200206
      As long as you hook it up correctly, you can send individual signal to control each motor.
      Best regards.

  233. Charles Freedenberg March 22, 2019 at 6:03 pm - Reply

    I just purchased your USB to 9V, 5V to 12V with LED Voltmeter display. I need the output to have a negative center instead of a positive center post. What can I do to reverse the polarity? Do you make a polarity reversing adapter?

    • Drok March 24, 2019 at 9:00 am - Reply

      Hello Charles Freedenberg,
      You should try polarity reversing adapter, that is the simplest method.
      We don’t make adapter, but it is easy to find it.
      Any more questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  234. Regan Luckie March 24, 2019 at 5:25 pm - Reply

    I must say that I am very pleased with your products. I have just purchased my 3rd item, Digital Meter USB tester 300043 but did not receive the case that it usually comes in. It may seem trivial to some but to a meticulous person like myself I take pride in my items and take very good care no matter what the price was! The card reads “WE WOULD MUCH RATHER LEAVE YOU SMILING”…well I would like to continue you smiling as well as making more purchases. But I need my protective case, Thank You.

    • Drok March 25, 2019 at 9:12 am - Reply

      Hello Regan Luckie,
      Sincerely apprecaite your supporting.
      May I know what kidn of case it is? Is it packing box?
      Best regards.

  235. Regan Luckie March 25, 2019 at 6:20 pm - Reply

    The previous meter I received came in an aluminum type of case that read DROK across the top of the case. This one came in a small cardboard box with instructions and card inside. I also just received my usb um25 and that even came inside aluminum case.

  236. George March 26, 2019 at 2:13 am - Reply

    Hi, I’ve purchased on Amazon “DC Speed Controller, DROK DC 6-90V 15A DC Motor Controller, Universal 0.01-1000W 16kHz PWM Stepless Brushed Motor Control, Variable Speed Control Generator Kit with Output Voltage LED Display”.

    I want to run it in a 12 V car with a ground (negative) shared between battery and the motor. When I connect negative (-) motor and negative (-)  battery together, and (+) battery to the battery and (+) motor to the motor, the controller stops working and always puts out +12V to the motor (+) regardless of the position of the knob.

    How to wire it with a common ground (-) shared between the battery and the motor? If it can not be done with this product, do you have another regulator which allows connecting (-) battery and (-) motor?


    • Drok March 26, 2019 at 9:52 am - Reply

      Hello George,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorry we don’t have other regulator can do that. When you connect motor negative to battery negative, current flows through to battery directly instead of output control circuit. It can’t work in that case.
      Any more questions, please let us know.
      Best regards.

  237. Tom Hoflich March 30, 2019 at 1:28 am - Reply

    I have a 200139.  for  some time it worked fine.  Now the voltage value is wrong.  for example 10 volts reads 18, 13.3 reads 22.71

    what can I do?

    • Drok April 1, 2019 at 9:58 am - Reply

      Hello Tom Hoflich,
      Could you please kindly try to calibrate meter?
      1. Connecting power supply (20V/1A) and load.
      2. Short connect two calibrating spots (Open the back cover, you can find two holes which
      marked by “W” on the edge of board)
      3. Turn on the power supply.
      4. When the screen display changed from “CAL—“ into” —PASS”, that means the calibration is finished.
      Please kindly notice, it must be exactly 20v/1A power supply.
      Any more questions, please kindly let us know.
      Best regards.

  238. Tom Hoflich April 3, 2019 at 3:07 pm - Reply

    Thanks. That worked.

    Curious about why it became “uncalibrated”


  239. Fred Puhlfuerst April 3, 2019 at 6:32 pm - Reply

    I just bought a battery power display unit.  It works well, however the instructions by the mfg. co.  are hard to follow.  The writer is not fluent in English and I am not sure I have programmed it correctly for proper read out.  If you could check to make the instructions clearer it would be easier for the customer.    Thanks,  Fred Puhlfuerst

    • Drok April 4, 2019 at 9:28 am - Reply

      Hello Fred Puhlfuerst,
      We are sorry it is hard to confirm which item it is. Could you please kindly offer product link or tell us the SKU number in instruction?
      Best regards.

  240. Morgan April 7, 2019 at 6:42 pm - Reply

    How do I change the C to F for temperature ?

    Battery power indicator panel



    • Drok April 9, 2019 at 10:03 am - Reply

      Hello Morgan,
      We are sorry it can only show celsius temperature。
      Best regards.

  241. Mike A April 9, 2019 at 3:28 pm - Reply

    Do you make an extension cable for the Hall effect sensor for your model WLS-PVA200 DC Current/Voltmeter?  (0-300V, 0-200A)

    The one included with this meter is too short for my application, it is only 140mm long.


    • Drok April 12, 2019 at 8:55 am - Reply

      Hello Mike A,
      Thanks for writing in. Is it this item? 2001712003
      We are sorry we don’t have extension cable. If you need a longer cable, it must be shield cable, otherwise it will have influence on measurement.
      The connector specification is XH2.54-3P.
      For any more questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  242. Alan Campbell April 12, 2019 at 3:56 pm - Reply

    My name is Alan Campbell and I am looking for a power solution that is 28VDC input 5VDC output @ 216W. It can be in 2 modules but I would like them to be sealed. You can reach me @ or (508) 344-1378

    • Drok April 15, 2019 at 9:43 am - Reply

      Hello Alan Campbell,
      To get 216w output, that means output current should be 43.2amps. Is it right?
      We are sorry so far we don’t have converter can meet this application.
      Best regards.

  243. Thurman Chatman April 17, 2019 at 5:45 pm - Reply








    • Drok April 18, 2019 at 9:34 am - Reply

      Hello Thurman Chatman,
      Thanks for writing in.
      There are several kinds of simialr items, could you please check if it is this one? 100262
      Best regards.

  244. Paul Hupman April 18, 2019 at 8:31 pm - Reply

    I’ve got the XY-FZ35 Electronic Load. If functions well in manual mode, but any character sent over serial gets the response “fail”. Several TTL/Serial interfaces have been tried and I’m wondering if maybe the serial mode is disabled? If so, how is it enabled?

  245. jim ball April 24, 2019 at 2:00 am - Reply

    Digital Multimeter Charge-Discharge Battery Tester   200320
    Need user manual that a user can use.   This is in a finished project and I cna’t work it!!!!!!!!!!

  246. Émile Caron April 24, 2019 at 4:19 am - Reply

    I bought a L298N Motor drive (X000HR791F)
    seems only one side is working (right side).

    could there be a problem with the EnA?
    thank you

    • Drok April 24, 2019 at 9:23 am - Reply

      Hello Émile Caron,
      Thanks for writing in. Is it this item?
      Do you mean The output A can’t work? Could you please kindly tell us more details about operation? How is it if you only enable output A?
      If possible, could you please take some images or video to show the whole connection?
      You can upload images here or send it to
      Best regards.

  247. Patrick Fields May 2, 2019 at 8:08 pm - Reply

    I need to purchase a 3 phase BLDC controller to use with a Maxon motor with hall sensors.  I found your DROK DC 6-50V Three-phrase Brushless Sensorless Motor Control Board BLDC Motor Driver Regulator Monitor 380W High Power Motor PWM Duty Cycle Speed Controller Module with Heat Sink, PLC Control Switch on Amazon.  Description includes this comment: The brushless motor speed control is fit for DC brushless three-phase motors without Hall sensor.  However, I see in diagram that it has positions for 3 hall.  Can I solder in pins and use them for Hall sensor?

    • Drok May 8, 2019 at 3:49 am - Reply

      Hello Patrick Fields,
      This item can’t work for hall sensor motor. We are sorry there is no way to change it.
      Any more questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  248. Mark Patterson May 4, 2019 at 7:29 am - Reply


    I recently purchase a QS121CBA-150W I’m in Australia it took 3 weeks to arrive and I tested it on my bench before installation and can’t get it to work it was in a bubble wrap package but still has damage I suspect it was damaged before it was sent to me. Can you help I need it to finish a project before the end of May.

    Regards Mark

    I have pictures but can’t load them

  249. Philip Deal May 7, 2019 at 4:06 pm - Reply


    I am doing some experimenting on low-voltage, hobby micromotors. I want to do some careful voltage control ( 0-12vdc).  I just took delivery of your:

    DC Motor Controller 12V, DROK DC 6V~90V 10A Speed Controller 500W Universal Forward and Reverse Control PWM Module Speed Regulator 16kHz Multistage Stepless Motor Speed Governor with LED Display Knob

    via Amazon.

    I particularly am drawn to your digital readout on this model.

    What should I use for input?  Batteries, alternate DC supply??

    Thank you,



    • Drok May 8, 2019 at 6:17 am - Reply

      Hello Philip Deal,
      Thanks for writing in.
      You can use any DC power supply, as long as it is stable.
      Best regards.

  250. John Gressman May 11, 2019 at 1:19 pm - Reply

    How to program YB28VTM-W Digital waterproof meter power display to (6) 6 volt batteries (36 volt system).  Directions or choices do not include 6 volt lead/acid  batteries?Also how does this unit turn off as not to draw down batteries?Thanks,John G.

    • Drok May 12, 2019 at 9:33 am - Reply

      Hello John Gressman,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Please program it according to your total battery voltage. As it is 36v, please select 12v in 2-b menu and program 3 in 3-c menu.
      This item doesn’t have on/off function. You can add a switch for it.
      Any more questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  251. Keith May 14, 2019 at 12:25 am - Reply

    Hello.  I purchased the DROK TPA3116 HiFi Dual-channel Stereo Audio Amplifier from Amazon.  Can you please tell me where to find matching JST connectors for the 3-pin audio and 2-pin voltage terminals?  I searched but cannot find exact matches anywhere.

    • Drok May 15, 2019 at 9:04 am - Reply

      Hello Keith,
      Thanks for your order.
      Is it this item? 200212
      The connectors are XH2.54 3P and XH2.54 2p
      It is easy to find that. If there are any questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  252. Bill Griffin May 15, 2019 at 8:38 pm - Reply

    I am trying to find out status of my order as follows:Order ID: 4953Date Added: 30/04/2019Payment Method: PayPal Express Checkout

  253. David Williams May 27, 2019 at 2:10 pm - Reply

    I ordered your timer relay from Amazon. The specs say that it can be powered from AC voltage. Following the instructions that came with the product, I connected the input terminals to my house power, 115 volts, 60 cycles. When I plugged it in, there was a bright flash and the input terminals were charred. It is as though the voltage was way too high for the product. The power supply in the unit was labeled for 85 -265 volts. However, the printed circuit board, at the connection terminals was labeled: VCC and GND. Amazon is sending me a replacement product. However, I want to be certain that the same failure will not happen again. I very carefully checked my wiring to be certain I did not make a wrong connection. It looked correct to me. I purchased this particular product because it will be easy to use for my application. I have a Koi fish pond and, to prevent food from being drawn into the skimmer pump, I turn it off while the fish are eating and then turn it back on in about 15 minutes. Your product seems perfect to automate that cycle. I don’t have 12 volts available, nor do I wish to add a power supply for that. I hope to power your delay timer directly from the 115 volts supplying the pump. Please let me know that I can power the unit that I purchased with 115 volt 60 cycle power. Thanks.

    • Drok May 28, 2019 at 7:52 am - Reply

      Hello David Williams,
      As we have many kinds of relay, we are sorry we can’t confirm which one it is.
      Would you please tell us the ASIN number or product link? And it would be appreciated if you can show us your connection.
      You can upload pictures here or send it to
      Wait for your reply sincerely.
      Best regards.

      • David Williams May 29, 2019 at 2:53 am - Reply

        I sent the following comments in an email with a wiring diagram attached. However, it was rejected with a response in Chinese characters that I do not understand. I believe that the diagram may have caused the problem. It was a PDF document. If you still need it, how can I send it to you? My first message to you had the terminals mixed up – my fault. The following description is correct. Thank you for your help.

        I am not not sure what happened to my relay. I claimed, in my last message, that I had connected the source AC power to the left most terminals. I could not have done that and don’t recall how those terminals got charred. I have created a drawing of my intended wiring to your product. I used the instruction sheet that came with the product and added my wiring to it.  I’ve attached that diagram to this email. Before I plugged the product into the AC power, I carefully checked my wiring to be sure that I hadn’t made a mistake. It was according to the attached diagram. Even if I had wired the AC power to the relay contacts instead of to the power input, nothing should have happened because the relay is normally open.  Correct?  In that case, the input power would have been connected to the load terminals (I used a desk lamp to test the setup instead of the heavy motor load). Since that would mean that the timer had no power, the relay should have remained open. What could have happened?  Please let me know because I now have the replacement product sent by Amazon and I don’t want to destroy it. I spent my entire career in electronics and have degree in electrical engineering.  I do know what I am doing. Any advice that you can give would be greatly appreciated.

        David Williams

        • Drok May 29, 2019 at 8:31 am - Reply

          Hello David Williams,
          Thanks for your reply.
          As we are not sure the item you ordered, it is hard to give proper answer. There should be a SKU number in our instruction; could you please tell us that?
          Regarding to your drawing, did you sent it to If it can’t work, would you please try to sent it to the other mail address,
          Wait for your reply.
          Best regards.

          • David Williams May 30, 2019 at 3:08 am

            Here is the SKU number from the instruction sheet: 2001711005. I did use which rejected my diagram. I’ll try sending it with the alternate address that you suggest.

            David Williams

  254. Freddy H May 27, 2019 at 6:05 pm - Reply


    I purchased 10 pcs of the Drok Battery Meter, Blue Light LCD Battery Capacity Monitor.

    Only 3 pcs are Back panel mount dispays, 7 where front panel mount versions that are unuseable for me.

    What will you do?

    Thanks in advance.


  255. Federico M. May 28, 2019 at 4:30 pm - Reply


    two weeks ago I bought this UPS: marked MODEL 5310.

    As there is no instructions leaflet in the box, could you please provide me with PDF instructions or at least give me information on:

    – LEDs behavior and meaning

    – purpose of SW1 microswitch

    – behavior of the two TEST terminals


    Thanks in advance


    • Drok May 29, 2019 at 7:42 am - Reply

      Hello Federico M.
      Thanks for your order and sorry for inconvenience may cause.
      As this is semi-manufactured modlue, factory doesn’t have paper for it. Here is simple pdf for you,
      TEST terminal and SW1 switch are not main parts. TEST terminal is used to check if there is electric supply. If the terminal doesn’t have voltage, that means it doesn’t have electric supply.
      And you can switch to battery power manually by pressing SW1 switch. But it will switch automaticlly when electricity cut off.
      For any more questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

      • Federico M. May 29, 2019 at 2:32 pm - Reply

        Hello Drok, thanks for the comprehensive and very quick reply!


      • Federico M. June 9, 2019 at 12:05 pm - Reply

        Hi Drok,

        I need to mount the power supply vertically, resting on the long side.

        The two long sides differ in that one is full of venting holes, while the other one has no venting holes but has three threaded holes for mounting screws.
        I imagine the that when mounted vertically, the former, with venting holes, should be up, and the latter should be down, is that correct?

        Should I apply any derating when the power supply is vertically mounted?

        Thanks in advance

        • Drok June 11, 2019 at 10:03 am - Reply

          Hello Federico M.
          as long as the venting holes are not blocked, actually installation is flexible. You can install it as per what you think.
          Best regards.

  256. ed May 30, 2019 at 3:47 pm - Reply


    I bought
    DROK 090077 Small Little DC Digital Voltmeter 2-Wire 0.56″ DC 3-30V Red Bright LED Car Motor Panel Mount Meter 5V 12V 24V 27V Solar Battery Volt Accurate Power Monitor Gauge
    on April 23 on amazon for $5.49, to measure the voltage of my kids 18v power wheels battery, I have the negative connected to an on off switch, and will turn it on for a few seconds at a time to check the voltage (probably 5 to 10 times per battery cycle). I have cycled the battery 5 to 10 times since I installed it. So it has a small amount of use on it.

    It stopped working last week, would you be able to replace it?

    This is the second one that failed for me, the first was from Smakn, and it was exactly the same except the display was blue, and failed after a short time. Is there something I’m doing that is causing these voltmeters to fail? Should I connect the positive wire to the on/off switch instead of the negative? Is there a particular component that is failing that I can replace?

    I did calibrate using the the screw on the back of the unit, but it did not need much calibration.

    Thank you,


    • Drok May 31, 2019 at 9:29 am - Reply

      Hello ed,
      Thanks for writing in.
      As we don’t sell this meter since March, we are sorry your order may not be sold by us directly.
      You can try to contact seller for replacement. As supplier, we would like to try our best to offer technical support.
      Could you please tell us what kind of load is connected to battery? Is it possile there is power ripple or voltage change? And did you try check the actual battery votlage?
      Best regards.

  257. Steven Wilson June 1, 2019 at 6:20 pm - Reply

    My recent purchase of your buck converter arrived. I hooked it up. Your voltage adjustment control does not work. Obviously I purchased to reduce my 12v supply IN to be 5 volts OUT.

    I bought your converter, I paid shipping both ways, I still have nothing. I will ship this thing back to you this Monday.

    Fix this …. then TEST it! ONLY THEN …. SEND ME A VERIFIED WORKING CONVERTER that I paid for.


    Steve Wilson

    1725 Lindenmeier Circle

    Loveland CO 80538

    • Drok June 3, 2019 at 10:12 am - Reply

      Hello Steven Wilson,
      Thanks for wriitng in and sorry to hear that.
      Did you order it throught Amazon? Would you please kindly offer a product link so that we can confirm which one it is?
      With more inforamtion, we can find solution as soon as possbile.
      Best regards.

  258. John Pissey June 4, 2019 at 3:45 pm - Reply

    I’m wanting to purchase one of your DC converters but need a voltage follower.  That is as the input voltage varies and I want the output to do like wise.  Not a constant set output voltage.  Can you tell me if you have some and what item numbers they would be.  I have looked on Amazon and found several like the DC 3-34 3amp with LED reading voltages but it doesn’t indicate whether it is a follower currant output.



    • Drok June 5, 2019 at 9:14 am - Reply

      Hello John Pissey,
      Thanks for wrirting in.
      It’s regretted so far we don’t have such converter.
      Best regards.

  259. Robert June 4, 2019 at 6:53 pm - Reply

    Hello Drok,


    I purchased
    Buck Boost Converter Display, DROK Buck-Boost Board DC 5.5-30V 12v to DC 0.5-30V 5v 24v Adjustable Constant Current Voltage Step UP Down Voltage Regulator 3A 35W Power Supply Module.

    Nice looking unit,




    How does one turn off the LCD display when not in use? It is draining my batteries. Thank you. Robert –

    • Drok June 5, 2019 at 9:12 am - Reply

      Hello Robert,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorry LCD display can’t be turned off. You can try to add switch to control input power.
      Any more questins, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  260. Matt June 5, 2019 at 9:56 am - Reply

    I’ve recently purchased, 12 Volt Timer Relay, DROK 0.1s to 999min 50mA 4-Mode On-Off Automotive Digital Delay Relay, Electric Delay Timer Switch, Cycle Time Delay Module with LED Display, Manufacturer Number 300473. Amazon is showing no stock, nor is your website. I’m not interested in similar models, can DROK still acquire the 300473 model number and if so what is the lead time. I will need 30 here in the upcoming future

    • Drok June 6, 2019 at 8:56 am - Reply

      Hello Matt,
      Thank for writng in.
      300473 is out of stock now, it will take at least one week to prepare items. And we need to ship items to Amazon warehouse.
      So it may not be available soon. If it is urgent, you can order directly from our website.
      Any more questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  261. Greg May June 6, 2019 at 2:26 pm - Reply

    I have purchased the following from Amazon: AC Voltage Display, DROK 3pcs Digital LED Display Voltmeter AC 60-660V Voltage Meter Monitor 110v 220v Volt Detector Green Red Yellow Signal Indicator Light Panel.

    Is the lamp shade Ultra Violet resistant?

    • Drok June 9, 2019 at 10:08 am - Reply

      Hello,Greg May
      Thanks for your order.
      As per product title, it should be 200333
      It is not Violet resistant.
      Best regards.

  262. david clark June 14, 2019 at 10:43 am - Reply

    DC 10/50/100 A Voltmeter Ammeter LED Dual Digital Volt Amp Meter Test Gauge Tool from ebay please would you send me wire diagrams as i did not get any thank you

    kind regards

    david clark


    • Drok June 16, 2019 at 9:27 am - Reply

      Hello david clark,
      Thanks for writing in.
      As the item you showed is not from us, we are not sure if it is the same one. You may refer to our 100016 wiring diagram.

      Best regards.

  263. Benjamín June 14, 2019 at 3:45 pm - Reply

    Hi, I got 2 drinks pruduct and I need assistan understanding the codes ie: cv codes (u-set, I-set,s-ivp etc special with a-ocp) can you provide way of hnowing the message of the cc-cv?

    • Drok June 16, 2019 at 9:34 am - Reply

      Hello Benjamín,
      Thanks for your messsage.
      As we are not sure the product you mean, it is hard to give accurate answer. Would you please kindly offer a product link or other inforamtion?
      Best regards.

  264. John June 18, 2019 at 10:02 pm - Reply

    Looking for availability on the following. I can find a PN for these.

    5pcs Mini Voltage Reducer DC 4.5-24V 12V 24V Step Down to 5V Buck Converter Board 3A Volt Step-Down Transformer Power Supply Module

  265. Johnny Richard June 19, 2019 at 12:04 am - Reply

    How to set for a 36 volt cart

  266. Drok June 19, 2019 at 10:12 am - Reply

    Hello John

    Are you talking about this item?

    Best regards.

  267. Drok June 19, 2019 at 10:12 am - Reply

    Hello Johnny Richard,

    Would you please tell us which item you mean?

    Best regards.

  268. Dave June 24, 2019 at 2:17 am - Reply

    I installed a vac9010 meter and I can’t get the amphours to count down, along with battery scale. I have the hours set at 400, battery shows full and meter counts up when running on battery power. What am I doing wrong


    • Drok June 24, 2019 at 9:56 am - Reply

      Hello Dave,
      Did you set OAH parameters?
      And please kindly check if current direction is correct. From the front of sensor to the back, capacity will decreases; From the back to the front, capacity will increase.
      Any more questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  269. Mike Alsmo June 27, 2019 at 12:32 am - Reply

    I purchased a 100115 from amazon and receive a unit with a single wire harness? cannot find a wiring diagram. With red, black and yellow,not sure I can use this as it was shown with two harnesses when purchased

    • Drok June 27, 2019 at 9:45 am - Reply

      Hello Mike Alsmo,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Does the meter you received has two sockets? 100115 should have two 2-pin cable for that sockets. If it is not correct, would you please kindy contact Amazon customer service for replacement?
      For any more questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  270. Marcos Fermin June 28, 2019 at 3:18 pm - Reply

    I would like to purchase
    Dual Output Power Supply Module DC 4.8~40V to ±15V Power Converter/Voltage Regulator/Adapter/Driver Module

    Product Code: 2001708005

    but I need datasheet in order to have the exact location of the holes for PCB design

    • Drok June 30, 2019 at 8:27 am - Reply

      Hello Marcos Fermin,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Below is the physical dimenstion.
      Best regards.

  271. Billy July 9, 2019 at 4:24 pm - Reply

    I need help with hooking this up I followed diagram  Not running right



    • Drok July 10, 2019 at 7:09 am - Reply

      Hello Billy,
      Would you please tell us which item it is? It would be appreciated if you can send us a product link or other information.
      And the problem details.
      We will try our best to find solution once confirm what wrong it is.
      Best regards.

  272. Ramon L Collazo July 15, 2019 at 11:54 am - Reply

    Hello. I got three JS-C33 displays. Do not understand the #2 & #3 proramming submenus. In #2, delay of what time?  In #3, it reads “Left side is power 0%, represents the low battery voltage.” What I am setting there? What are the usual settings for a regular car 12V battery?

  273. Wallis McMath July 16, 2019 at 3:07 pm - Reply

    I purchased a Drok voltmeter/ampmeter several years ago that displayed the voltage in red and the current in blue. the ampmeter was 0-3amps and the voltage was 0-33v

    The supply voltage was 3.5 to 28vdc and the ampmeter was 4 digits.


    Can I still purchase this meter?, If so where do I find it?


  274. Thuy Dung July 18, 2019 at 8:42 am - Reply

    Item: 1500W Power Supply Module DC10~60V to 12~90V 20A Power Converter/Adjustable Voltage Regulator DC 12V 24V 36V 48V Adapter/Charger
    I want order 9PC this item, pls check price and your stock then confirm help me.

    If this item out of stock, pls check leadtime.


  275. Thomas R Thibeault July 18, 2019 at 8:25 pm - Reply

    I recently purchased a  Bidirectional  Voltage and Current Meter Model# VAC9010H and when I connected it according to diagram 1-3 or the second picture on page 2 it will not indicate any data. I am using a LiFePO4 12.92 VDC and connected it in accordance with your diagram, is there any special way to turn it on or is it supposed to indicate as soon as it is connected to a power source. Thanks Tom

    • Drok July 19, 2019 at 8:28 am - Reply

      Hello Thomas R Thibeault,
      Thanks for your message.
      Is it convenient for you to show us your wiring so that we can check what wrong it is?
      You can upload pictures here or send it to our service email (
      Wait for your reply sincerely.
      Best regards.

  276. Larry Smith July 30, 2019 at 1:10 am - Reply

    I purchased a product that does’nt do what i need. It is SKU 2001712003. I thought it would tell me the output of my solar panels. Upon reading the instructions it needs a power supply under 90v. My panel output is 105-110v. Do you have a product that will work for this? Can i exchange it?

    • Drok July 30, 2019 at 9:53 am - Reply

      Hello Larry Smith,
      You can connect independent power supply for meter. Actually, when measuring voltage is out of the range DC5-90V, it is necessary to power meter separately.
      If it can’t meet your requirement, would you please tell us more details? Do you need to monitor battery capacity, voltage and current in the meantime?
      Best regards.

  277. Michel Gervais August 3, 2019 at 4:00 pm - Reply

    How do i connecte a volt amps meter?      A diagram would explain.    Or wires colour identification.

    • Drok August 5, 2019 at 8:58 am - Reply

      Hello Michel Gervais,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Would you please kindly offer a product link or other inforamtion so that we can confirm which item it is?
      Best regards.

  278. Compara zapatillas Nike August 3, 2019 at 7:32 pm - Reply

    Fantastic beat ! I wish to apprentice while you amend your web site,
    how can i subscribe for a blog website? The account aided me a
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  279. Bill Robertson August 5, 2019 at 3:18 pm - Reply

    We have recently purchased 4 off 0/4-20mA signal generators but we need them to work as 4-20mA rather than 0-20mA. Is there an easy way to change them to 4mA?

    • Drok August 7, 2019 at 10:00 am - Reply

      Hello Bill Robertson,
      As we have several kind of signal generators, it is hard to confirm which one you mean.
      Would you like to send us a product link or other information for confirmation?
      Best regards.

  280. Bill Robertson August 8, 2019 at 12:41 pm - Reply

    It is marked SG-02 The bar code is marked X0011AUH77

    • Drok August 12, 2019 at 7:15 am - Reply

      Hello Bill Robertson,
      We are sorry for missing your reply.
      According to your information, it should be 300482
      We have checked with technicians, it can’t be change to 4-20mA directly.
      Any more questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  281. Tom Robinson August 13, 2019 at 2:01 am - Reply

    I installed on Mercedes Van very carefully and after about 1/2 hour volts display only shows “0.00V”

    still displays amp data. Amazon is replacing it.  “When standby display” is presumed to be data readout ?

    I cycled power with no change

    • Drok August 13, 2019 at 9:25 am - Reply

      Hello Tom Robinson,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Would you please kindly offer a product link or ASIN number so that we can confirm which one it is?
      And to check problem for you, it is convenient for you to take some images or draw a diagram to show connection?
      With more information, we can find solution as soon as possible.
      Best regards.

  282. David Henderson August 22, 2019 at 12:43 am - Reply

    Date 8/21/2019  Your web site is messed up. No mater what item I click on in the clearance section I get the same page with the message below. The page you requested cannot be found.
    The page you requested cannot be found!

    • Drok August 22, 2019 at 8:03 am - Reply

      We have fixed the problem. If there are any questions, please feel free to email us.
      Best regards.

  283. LUIS A ACKERMAN August 22, 2019 at 9:18 pm - Reply

    using instruction for SKU: 200310

    Step no.4 Cannot get “out” volts or “out” current (amps) to change. up and down buttons not responding when trying to change out voltage and out current. when I press up key for increasing volts on the “out” it just goes to increasing the original “in volts” settings but the out voltage is not changing? can’t seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. “set” toggles the “in” volts and amps. and the “ok” button toggles the “out” volts and amps. but keys not responding to increase or decrease “out” voltage or amps. Trying to set to 13v or 14v going out. will not pass 11.9 and out current is showing fluctuating numbers less than 1 amp.

    what’s up?

    • Drok August 23, 2019 at 9:58 am - Reply

      Hello LUIS A ACKERMAN,
      200310 doesn’t display input voltage/current. What it can display is output voltage,current, capacity, time.
      Could you please tell us how large the input voltage is? And is it convenient for you to show your operation by video? You can share us video link or send attachment to
      With your help, we can find solution quickly.
      Wait for yoru reply.
      Best regards

  284. Anders Almaas August 28, 2019 at 12:33 pm - Reply

    Hi! I bought a Bluetooth Digital Amplifier Module

    This one:

    And I was wondering – can I change the name of the Bluetooth Device?

    At the moment it has the name “XY_BT”.

    Kind regards, Anders 🙂


    • Drok August 29, 2019 at 9:41 am - Reply

      Hello Anders Almaas,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorry bluetooth nambe can’t be changed.
      Any more questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  285. Michael Werner September 5, 2019 at 1:57 pm - Reply

    need to purchase ten 090010 units for immediate build. do you have a distributor in the USA that stocks these?

    • Drok September 6, 2019 at 8:21 am - Reply

      Hello Michael Werner,
      We don’t have distributor. You can order it from Amazon, items are stored in Amazon warehouse and fulfilled by them.

      Best regards.

  286. shane September 11, 2019 at 10:50 pm - Reply

    is there a low voltage shut off in the sku:200310 buck converter.?

    can i use the uart on the buck with an arduino nano to shut off the out put of the buck when the in put voltage is low?

    i have a 48v battery that should not drop past 36v and the 200w led needs 42v  iam using a solid state relay to flash a 200w led with a nano

    • Drok September 12, 2019 at 8:10 am - Reply

      Hello shane,
      It can’t shut off automatically when input voltage is low. Through UART port, you can only turn off output manually.
      Any more questions, please kindly let us know.
      Best regards.

  287. Jim Sunia September 11, 2019 at 11:35 pm - Reply

    I bought a LY7 thru Amazon.  The unit won’t enter the battery set up screen. I have the meter installed in my rv, it has a 12 volt lead acid battery.  The other issue is when the meter is set to F3, I choose V & %, but the meter only displays %.  The on button powers the unit and only displays %. The on button turns the unit off. My amazon order # is 114-9788789-0826655 the unit is DROK DC 5-66V LCD battery capacity indicator meter  New  SKU X001N12VM1

    • Drok September 12, 2019 at 8:23 am - Reply

      Hello Jim Sunia,
      Please hold “K-” button then connect power source. Then it will enter set up mode. And did you press OK button after choosing display mode?
      If it still can’t work, would you like to take a video to show your operation?
      Best regards.

  288. Morty September 13, 2019 at 7:45 pm - Reply

    I have an SKU200388 volt meter, it’s set up for 48 volts I need to set it up for 36 volts

  289. Alexander Dynda September 16, 2019 at 5:48 pm - Reply

    Hello, I have a LCD Hall Cullen Current Voltage Power Electric Energy Meter, SKU 2001712003, with a voltage reading wildly fluctuating between 0 and ~30V. I have the third wire (yellow) connected to a positive 144v battery terminal. A 12V battery powers the other two wires (red and black). Do you have any diagnosis for this issue?

    • Drok September 17, 2019 at 10:15 am - Reply

      Hello Alexander Dynda,
      Did you connect 144v battery negative and 12v power togehter negative together?
      Is it convenient for you to show us the whole connection so that we can check further? You can share picrture here or send it to
      Best regards.

  290. Alexander Dynda September 24, 2019 at 9:08 pm - Reply

    Thanks for the reply. I don’t think connecting the 12v car battery’s ground to the 144v ground would be safe. I got a separate 5v battery to share a ground with the 144v battery and the voltage now reads just fine. Thanks for the help.

  291. Christopher Gildner October 7, 2019 at 12:23 am - Reply

    I am looking for a direct current boost  module.  That is capable of taking a varying input voltage from 3 V to 12 V and turn it into a constant 12 volts.

    • Drok October 9, 2019 at 2:19 am - Reply

      Hello Christopher Gildner,
      Besides input voltage range, we also need to confirm the input current and output current. Could you please tell us that?
      Best regards.

  292. Stephen October 8, 2019 at 2:59 am - Reply

    I have a 200399 delay relay. It reads the signal perfectly but sometimes the red LED comes on signalling the relay should have been activated, but it doesn’t break the circuit (normally closed mode). I tried soldering directly to the board so I can directly see the wires aren’t being shorted.

    • Drok October 9, 2019 at 2:42 am - Reply

      Hello Stephen,
      We are sorry we are not sure if we get through it. Normally closed mode mean circuit is turned on instead of breaking the circuit.
      Could you please tell us which working mode do you program and more details about your problem?
      Best regards.

  293. Mylie Cottingham October 8, 2019 at 6:59 pm - Reply

    DC DC 8-40V to DC 12-60V Boost Step-up Module Non-Isolated 160W Adjustable Module DC Mobile Power Supply DC Step Up Converter

    Product Code: 090723

    We just purchased this converter. Can you tell me where is the input, where is the output, and how to adjust the voltage on this?

    • Drok October 9, 2019 at 3:55 am - Reply

      Hello Mylie Cottingham,
      Thanks for wriitng in.
      There are marks on the board. “IN+,IN-” are input ports; “OUT+,OUT-” are output ports. “CV” potentiometer is for adjusting voltage.
      For any more questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  294. David B October 9, 2019 at 12:00 am - Reply

    I ordered the DC Buck Module, DROK Adjustable Buck Converter Step Down Voltage Regulator 6V-32V 30V 24V 12V to 1.5-32V 5V 5A LCD Power Supply Volt Reducer Transformer Module Board with USB Port Protective Case on amazon but only came with brown cardboard case vice the clear see through case. i called amazon and they said they would send with clear case, but sent it again with cardboard case. What is up with that?

    • Drok October 9, 2019 at 2:27 am - Reply

      Hello David B,
      All of acrylic plates are covered with protection films. Have you removed it?
      Best regards.

  295. scott b October 14, 2019 at 2:15 pm - Reply

    I utilize the Drok Digital Control Voltage Regulator Buck converter DC 10-75v 0-60v 12a 720 and I use them on my solar powered systems.  What happens is when my battery bank drops voltage the Drok Buck Converter shuts off and does not come back on when battery bank is builds back up.  How do I program it to always stay on at 12v and 5amps so I don’t have to manually turn it back on?  Thank you!

    • Drok October 15, 2019 at 9:25 am - Reply

      Hello scott b,
      It this item?
      Do you mean it doesn’t power on or output is not on?
      If problem is on output status, please kindly refer to the sixth subparagraph of below instruction. “Auto-output function when powering it”
      Any more questions, please kindly let us know.
      Best regards.

  296. John October 15, 2019 at 3:26 pm - Reply


    I am looking for (3@) panel mount 12 to 20 Volt digital AC Ammeter (0 – 20A AC);

    this will be used for measuring/monitoring the three phases of a 12VDC/20A alternator


    thank you.

    • Drok October 16, 2019 at 7:43 am - Reply

      Hello John,
      We are sorry we don’t have meter for three phases AC circuit.
      Best regards.

  297. Ken Manning October 17, 2019 at 2:42 am - Reply

    I have a power converter that converts 110 V ac in to 18.6-18.7 V dc out.  The converter is actually rated for 12 V at 30 A outputput.   I need the output to be less than 14 Volts.  Do you make a voltage regulator that can reduce 18.7 V dc to 13.5 V dc at a 30 Amp output?  Adjustable would be fine but i need the high amperage output.  Can you give me a model # and where I can get it.

    • Drok October 17, 2019 at 8:50 am - Reply

      Hello Ken Manning,
      Thanks for writing in.
      Do you mean converter need to offer at least 30 amps output current? There are many items can meet your requirment on voltage adjustment, but so fat no items can deal with 30 amps output.
      Best regards.

  298. Jason Miller October 18, 2019 at 5:10 pm - Reply

    i have been installing the 200400 voltmeter Ammeter panel and have communication failures on 3 of the 5 units received.  the X box on the top left of the display does not clear or go the wireless or wired connect icon.  is there a software setting in the instrumentation module/board that is not set?  Or is the board comms/wiring IC broken. I have tried to see if wired or wireless communication works, with failures on both.

    Thanks, Jason

    • Drok October 20, 2019 at 10:08 am - Reply

      Hello Jason Miller,
      Do you mean both wireless and wired connection can’t work?
      Is it convenient for you to take some images or video to show how it is?
      In that way, we can check it carefully. You can send it to
      Best regards.

  299. JOHN D October 21, 2019 at 9:42 pm - Reply




    • Drok October 22, 2019 at 9:54 am - Reply

      Hello JOHN D,
      So far we don’t make such item. For any more questions, please feel free to contact us
      Best regards.

  300. Art Caldwell October 22, 2019 at 7:29 pm - Reply

    I have a sku:200388 leadacid battery capacity monitor, I want to install in my Yamaha 48 volt golf cart.What is the correct voltage that the meter I need to make it work. I have 6 -8volt batteries for power, and a 12 volt dc reducer for accessories. If you have a diagram I would need it to hook up correctly thanks

    • Drok October 23, 2019 at 9:56 am - Reply

      Hello Art Caldwell,
      Please refer to below instruction. “P48” is for 48v lead acid battery.
      Best regards.

  301. VJ October 23, 2019 at 4:23 am - Reply

    Hello Drok,


    I have a question regarding the Droking Step Down (buck) converter which utilizes the LTC1625cs IC. Is it possible for you to make available the size of the inductor used in this buck converter? I am trying to compare the measured capacitor ripple voltage with a calculated value (and I need the inductor value in my calculations). So far I calculated the inductor value to be 1.08uH but am unsure if this is the inductor size used in the product.

    For your reference, this is the link that describes the product:


    Thank you for your time and consideration.




    • Drok October 23, 2019 at 9:59 am - Reply

      Hello VJ,
      Inductor is customized. We don’t have specific modle number.
      Inductor value should be 10uh.
      Best regards.

  302. Austin Richards October 23, 2019 at 10:16 pm - Reply

    I bought two XY-LJ02 relay boards. What is the input impedance of the trigger input to trigger the relay?

  303. Aaron Fsadni October 25, 2019 at 7:20 am - Reply


    We are looking for a charger input 12v output 24v app 20amp. Do you have any? And price please.

    Please contact on email.

    Best regards


    • Drok October 25, 2019 at 9:32 am - Reply

      Hello Aaron Fsadni,
      We are sorry so far we don’t have boost converter deal with 20 amps output.
      Best regards.

  304. Chema October 26, 2019 at 9:34 am - Reply

    I use an Adjustable Time Delay Relay Controller Module 5V 12V 24V Delay-off Cycle Timer Micro USB 5V Power Supply Board (Product Code 200399) and I am very happy how it suits my project. However, I cannot stop wondering what is the purpose of the 5 contacts located between UART and mini-USB. I think they could be an FTDI… I really would love to know.

    Best regards

    • Drok October 28, 2019 at 7:09 am - Reply

      Hello Chema,
      Thanks for your support.
      The 5 holes between UART and mini-USB are not useless. You can just ignore it.
      Best regards.

  305. Ali Abdel October 28, 2019 at 8:55 pm - Reply

    I need a recommendation for a power supply for the following speaker and amp products I will be procuring from you – Speakers & Amp.

    Links above.


    • Drok October 29, 2019 at 10:03 am - Reply

      Hello Ali Abdel,
      Thanks for your inquiry.
      We are sorry we don’t sell power supply. It should be easy to find a power source for this amplifer and speaker.
      Rated power of speaker is 15w, if amplifer want to power speaker, power supply should also offer at least 15w. And working voltage for amplifer is DC 10~25V.
      Any more questions, please kindly let us know.
      Best regards.

  306. Daryl October 29, 2019 at 12:10 pm - Reply

    I would like a copy of the instructions for my battery capacitor. Mine were a misprint and didn’t get the whole set. Could you email it to me???


  307. Michael Rohan Jr October 31, 2019 at 11:43 pm - Reply

    i ordered a js-c33 battery power display,can I hook all 6 battery’s up to this one unit,they are 6v each in series for a total of 36vdc

    • Drok November 1, 2019 at 7:43 am - Reply

      Hello Michael Rohan Jr,
      It is no problem to connect batteries in series, as long as total voltage is not over the range.
      Best regards.

  308. Chema November 2, 2019 at 5:49 pm - Reply

    Problem with Adjustable Time Delay Relay Controller Module 5V 12V 24V Delay-off Cycle Timer Micro USB 5V Power Supply Board (Product Code 200399)

    I am trying to use UART to know when/if the relay has trigged, all I get when sending read is the parameter set (P7,OP:0120)

    How can I get a count down, or get the status of trigger/relay?

    • Drok November 3, 2019 at 10:08 am - Reply

      Hello Chema,
      About the UART commands, please kindly refer to our manual.
      Best regards.

      • Chema November 3, 2019 at 10:32 pm - Reply

        Yes, that is the problem, the only command that retrieves information from the device is read, which returns the program and the time set, but not the remaining time or trigger status. I was expecting there was a way to send a warning past the relay that the power is about to be cut, not requiring extra circuits.

        Sadly this Relay Controller is no longer useful for my current project.

        Best regards,


        • Drok November 4, 2019 at 9:56 am - Reply

          Hello Chema,
          UART communication can only read what you progarmed and change setting.
          If you need to check remaining time, please kindly check the display of relay.
          Best regards.

  309. Greg November 6, 2019 at 7:02 pm - Reply


    Need this in a multi meter DC 300A, can you help me?

    Would like it to measure AC current as well….

    is this possible?

    • Drok November 11, 2019 at 10:00 am - Reply

      Hello Greg,
      We are sorry so far we don’t have meter can measure both of DC and AC current. And we don’t sell 300A version now.
      Best regards.

  310. MATTHEW D DIFFLEY November 11, 2019 at 9:51 pm - Reply

    hi! i have lost my manual for DR-US200150. I was wondering if you could help me obtain a new manual!

    • Drok November 12, 2019 at 6:51 am - Reply

      We have received your email and reply. Please kindly check it.
      Best regards.

  311. Noel Allaud November 12, 2019 at 5:46 pm - Reply

    Problem with signal generator 4-20 ma/ 0-10 volt.
    Unable to read any current from signal generator , however voltage works as it should.
    Any thoughts



    • Drok November 13, 2019 at 4:04 am - Reply

      Hello Noel Allaud,
      We are sorry it is hard to confirm which item it is. There are have several kinds of signal generators, could you pleae kindly offer product link or SKU number?
      And to check problem for you, is it convenient for you to show us your connection and how it is now? You can share images here or send them to
      Wait for your reply.
      Best regards.

  312. robert duperre November 18, 2019 at 4:26 pm - Reply

    I have purchased a D85-2042A and i saw that we can burn it if we use square or modified hertz .I will use grid electricity and gaz generator will it be ok?

  313. Drok November 19, 2019 at 8:57 am - Reply

    We have replied to your message throught Amazon seller-message. Below is our reply.

    Best regards.

  314. SK RANA November 21, 2019 at 12:59 pm - Reply

    Do have  constant low current source  as per below specifications.
    Input Voltage : DC
    Output voltage : 30 V DC may be variable
    Current : 4 miliamps constant
    Load : 12 W

    Please reply with pricing offer & datasheet

    • Drok November 22, 2019 at 9:08 am - Reply

      Hello SK RANA,
      We have received your email.
      We can’t confirm what kind of item you need.Is it buck converter or boost converter? Please kindly tell us more details about input parameters.
      Best regards.

  315. Ilkka Kiesiläinen November 25, 2019 at 9:42 am - Reply

    I’ve got a transistor tester 1.12k version and it says it’s not calibrated. When I connect the 3 different pins together it asks if I want to run self test mode. I press the button within 2 seconds (as the manual suggests) but instead of calibration menu it just makes a single test and displays resistance. Is there any way to get it into self test mode and calibrate it?

    • Drok November 26, 2019 at 7:26 am - Reply

      Hello Ilkka Kiesiläinen,
      We have recevied your email. Below is our response.
      Dear customer,
      Thanks for your message.
      We need to check if you are talking about below item. #300427

      If it is this item, we are sorry we are not sure the calibration menu you need. Would you like to show us how it displays by images or video?
      Best regards.

  316. David Blight December 4, 2019 at 4:20 pm - Reply

    Hello, I need the mechanical data on the location of the mounting holes and 5v voltage taps on SK 200347 (Step Down Regulator Board 56x32x13 mm). I am mounting it on PCB with other components,

    • Drok December 5, 2019 at 8:35 am - Reply

      Hello David Blight,
      Pleae refer to below diagram.
      Best regards.

  317. Kenneth Willison December 16, 2019 at 3:00 pm - Reply

    Experimenting election bikes need volt and amp merger 48 volt dc! Ken

    • Drok December 17, 2019 at 9:12 am - Reply

      Hello Kenneth Willison,
      Would you please tell us more details about your problem?
      Best regards.

  318. Chris Stephens December 16, 2019 at 7:48 pm - Reply

    I purchased a ZK-PP1K about e weeks ago from Amazon and it has malfunctioned. The problem being it is constant on condition even if “out” is not displayed and the frequency and duty cycle have no effect. I even used a FET so not to burden the unit with excessive current. Input Vcc never exceeded 5volts, I didn’t need more.

    I would love a replacement I had plans for this little guy.

    Please respond to email

    Thanks , Chris

  319. Normand Pare December 17, 2019 at 4:13 am - Reply

    You have very interesting products, but I am confused of which one will be the best for me. I want to supply a steady 12v (about 1 Ah) for my modem and router at home. To do so, I will connect it to a Li-ion pack of 4 cells, which will give roughly 16 volts, but will decrease with time during load to reach a limit of 13.6 volts. So, I need a step-down converter that will continually supply a steady 12 volts (1 Ah) from my battery pack that voltage input will start from 16 to let’s say 13 volts. Which one will be best for me ? Many thanks! Normand

    • Drok December 17, 2019 at 9:11 am - Reply

      Hello Normand Pare,
      We have received your message and replied.
      Please kindly check it.
      Best regards.

      • Normand Paré December 17, 2019 at 3:34 pm - Reply

        Thanks for your time.
        May be I haven’t been very precise in my question.
        What I am looking for is a converter that will supply a steady output of 12 Volts from input that varies from 16 Volts to 13 Volts without the need to manually adjust the voltage output. This is exactly what I need.
        Do you recommand the items (DROK LM2596 Regulator with Shell) or (DROK Boost Buck Converter with LCD Display) ?
        Many thanks

        • Drok December 19, 2019 at 7:43 am - Reply

          Hello Normand Paré,
          We are sorry it is hard to confirm the items you mention.
          Here are similar items for your reference.

          Best regards.

  320. Alan Judisch December 20, 2019 at 7:28 pm - Reply


    I need the mechanical data on the location of the mounting holes on 2001709005. It will be mounted to a panel using standoffs.

    Thank you

    • Drok December 23, 2019 at 9:05 am - Reply

      Hello Alan Judisch,
      Mounting dimension is 47.8 x27.8mm.
      Best regards.

      • Alan Judisch December 23, 2019 at 3:30 pm - Reply


        I also need the mounting hole diameters on 2001709005.

        Thank you

        • Drok December 24, 2019 at 7:44 am - Reply

          Hello Alan Judisch,
          Diameters 2.0 mm.
          Best regards.

  321. Bolanle Onodipe December 22, 2019 at 2:23 am - Reply

    I bought 6 units of Drok digital current multimeter, and none of them works. Only the LEDs came on at all 0’s. Am I missing something?



    • Drok December 23, 2019 at 8:58 am - Reply

      Hello Bolanle Onodipe,
      Would you please kindly offer product link or other inforamtion so that we can confirm which item it is?
      And to check probelm for you, could you please kindly show us your connection? You can upload picture here or send it to
      Best regards.

  322. William (Bill) G. Freed December 29, 2019 at 10:18 pm - Reply

    Need some help I bought  the sku # 200327, I have a flowmeter designed for 1,000 gpm that is running at 250 gpm so the 4-20 output is on;y 4-8 ma actual, the feed pump that I need to pace off that signal wont accept a value less than 10 ma as the “high” signal.

    The flow meter will accept a 0-10 volt signal so I bought the 200327 unit thinking that I could set 0 for 4 ma and the nominal 8 ma as 10 volts but the unit wont let me adjust the high end higher than about 3.3 or so.

    I am powering with a 24 volt power supply the input ma is about 7.8 ma the jumper for 1-2 is on the jumper for 3-4 is off, did I misunderstand the capabilities of this unit  or is it not working correctly?

    • Drok December 30, 2019 at 7:03 am - Reply

      Hello William (Bill) G. Freed,
      Could you please tell us how did you adjsut it?
      Only when input is maximumed, you can regulate SPAN potentiometer to get maximum output voltage.
      Best regards.

  323. Steve Reyland January 13, 2020 at 1:50 pm - Reply

    I have your DROK Digital Programmable Time Clock Switch Timer Relay Board DC 5-60V. It is connected to 24VDC (two 12vdc parallel) batteries. I keep the batteries charged with two 12VDC trickle chargers plugged into 120VAC.

    Lightning storms always reset the clock to 0000. At least I think it resets to that. The clock is always hours off after a lighting storm. The power connection is to DC batteries, the storm should not affect the clock.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you.

  324. Dwight Rowe January 17, 2020 at 1:14 am - Reply


    I just got the 180078Buck converter.  I am using it to control voltage from a solar panel to charge a 12 v battery.  In the instructions, you say to install a diode if using for charging.  What size diode ( voltage and current), and where in the circuit should it go?

    • Drok January 17, 2020 at 7:45 am - Reply

      Hello Dwight Rowe,
      Diode is to prevent current feedback from charged battery. It should be on output port.
      Please choose size diode as per actual situation. For example, the inverse withstand voltage of diode should be large enough, otherwise diode will damage.
      Best regards.

  325. terry January 17, 2020 at 4:02 pm - Reply

    wanted to buy a DROK 180081 voltage regulator.  Says not available.  Is it discontinued?  Do you have something else very similar?

    • Drok January 19, 2020 at 6:13 am - Reply

      Hello terry,
      180081 is just out of stock on
      There are not similar item. Would you please moer details about your requirement?
      Best regards.

  326. Jeff Fischl January 17, 2020 at 5:08 pm - Reply

    I have a question on the Digital panel meter DC 0-200v/200A voltmeter ammeter. Product code 100120.

    Can i just hook this up to a power supply that changes ac to dc so i can see what my dc voltages and amps are.And I dont need a shunt is that correct.



    • Drok January 19, 2020 at 6:28 am - Reply

      Hello Jeff Fischl,
      Without shunt, you can’t connect anything to current measuring port. Or it will burn out.
      Best regards.

  327. Mark budd January 21, 2020 at 4:00 pm - Reply

    Hi There,


    that’s fine, thanks for looking.



  328. Ed Travis January 23, 2020 at 8:14 pm - Reply

    DROK 100173 module.  IS this still an active part.  We use about 100 per year.  Do you have a sub part with same mechanical specifications.

    • Drok February 22, 2020 at 5:27 am - Reply

      Hello Ed Travis,
      100173 is still available, you can order it from our website.
      Best regards.

  329. DANIEL MARTÍNEZ GARCÍA February 3, 2020 at 7:44 am - Reply

    Good Morning
    I have recently acquired a DC to DC 12 to 48 volt converter module and the module does not raise the voltage with or without a load.
    Can you help me
    Thank you

    • Drok February 22, 2020 at 6:34 am - Reply

      We are sorry to hear that.
      Would you please kindly offer a product link or ASIN number so that we can confirm the item you mean?
      And how is your wiring?
      Best regards.

  330. Toji Mathew February 5, 2020 at 9:12 pm - Reply

    We bought a 10k B3950 Temperature Probe.



    Can I get table chart which shows the celsius/fahrenheit at various resistance?

    • Drok February 22, 2020 at 6:36 am - Reply

      Hello Toji Mathew,
      We are sorry we don’t have such table chart.
      For any more questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  331. D Link February 7, 2020 at 4:29 pm - Reply

    I purchased the 12V lead-acid battery monitor to give me quick indications of the state of my LiFePO4 battery on my trailer. It is marked SKU:200412, but I found no mention on your website.

    My question: Amazon info states this has a “waterproof face”, but not that it is waterproof itself. Is is possible to mount this on the outside of the trailer, next to the batter box, or should it be mounted inside?

    Thank you.

    • Drok February 22, 2020 at 7:22 am - Reply

      Hello D Link,
      We have received your email and replied.
      It is not waterproof entirely, so you need to protect it from getting wet.
      Best regards.

  332. glenn gordon February 10, 2020 at 5:29 pm - Reply

    I bought a Bluetooth board on Amazon. It was a drink but amp board When it connects to my phone it makes a very noise. Is there a way to turn it down or get rid of the noise?



    • Drok February 22, 2020 at 4:37 am - Reply

      Hello glenn gordon,
      Coudl you please tell us which item it is? A product link or ASIN number would be appreciated.
      Best regards.

  333. David Miller February 20, 2020 at 8:45 pm - Reply

    On your Bluetooth Module, tell me what the white plastic power connector (2.544mm 3P) is by manufacture and model number.

    • Drok February 22, 2020 at 4:35 am - Reply

      Hello David Miller,
      Coudl you please tell us which item it is? A product link or ASIN number would be appreciated.
      Best regards.

  334. Brian February 22, 2020 at 5:52 pm - Reply

    Do you have a suitable converter than can power a MOPHORN 48V 1800W electric motor?

    AS SHOWN ON Amazon:

    I will be supplying power from 20amp 50v alternator/motor to the converter which will then power the 48V motor listed above.

    The following video will give an idea of what I am trying to do:

    Thanks in advance!

    • Drok February 25, 2020 at 10:05 am - Reply

      Hello Brian,
      So far we don’t find suitable item can meet your application.
      Best regards.

  335. David M Guthrie February 24, 2020 at 12:15 pm - Reply

    I have purchase many Drok devices that include a clock. It seems all the clock devices I have purchase do not function as clocks They keep a certain time, but not accurate, as the current on looses about 8 minutes a day. Sad

    • Drok February 25, 2020 at 10:09 am - Reply

      Hello David M Guthrie,
      Could you please kindly offer product link or other information so that we can confir mwhich item it is?
      And do you mean the clock is fast or slow?
      Best regards.

  336. Jeff Maier February 26, 2020 at 3:16 am - Reply

    We are using your

    DC-DC Stabilizer, DROK 9V-36V to 12V Boost Buck Converter 5A 60W Waterproof Auto Step Up Down Voltage Regulator 12V Volt Transformer for Car Audio


    In our current prototype and it is working well for us.  We would like a custom version of it that would lower the output voltage slightly from 12.5V to 11.5V.  Our quantity would be 2500/year to perhaps 10Ku/year.  The package does not fit inside our device now, but we think it would fit without the potting and outer case.  Are you interested in making this customization for us?  Who should I contact?  I do not get a response from

    • Drok February 26, 2020 at 9:47 am - Reply

      Hello Jeff Maier,
      We actually got the same message and have replied. We are not sure if it come into your spam folder.
      Response is sent from
      Best regards.

  337. david (Jeff) Maier February 26, 2020 at 4:03 pm - Reply

    Thank you for the very quick response.  I searched all of my mail including spam and do not see the response email.  Could you please resend it to me?  Make sure you have my email spelled correctly.  Thank you!

    • Drok February 27, 2020 at 7:32 am - Reply

      Your emial address is the same. We have resent. Please check it.
      Best regards.

  338. Dennis Mascherin February 27, 2020 at 10:15 pm - Reply

    I purchased 2-Drok 100A 100ma AC Current Transformer from Amazon on February 26, 2020. Order #702-8874452-5773868.

    I just received it today. Upon opening the package, one of CT’S plastic latch was broken.

    Cannot use it.

    Can you please send a replacement.


    Dennis Mascherin

    • Drok February 28, 2020 at 9:47 am - Reply

      Hello Dennis Mascherin,
      Thanks for your order and sorry to hear that.
      Would you like to show us how it is? As our items are stored in Amazon warehouse and fulfileld by them, we are sorry we can’t deal with shipment or replacement.
      If it is defective, all we can do is refund. Is it ok?
      You can upload picturer here or just send it to
      Wait for your reply sincerely.
      Best regards.

  339. david Maier March 2, 2020 at 6:58 pm - Reply

    Hi Team,

    I still do not see any response to my email (below) to this request.  Can you please send the response to both this email and  I have searched thru my email looking for anything from

    We are using your
    DC-DC Stabilizer, DROK 9V-36V to 12V Boost Buck Converter 5A 60W Waterproof Auto Step Up Down Voltage Regulator 12V Volt Transformer for Car Audio

    In our current prototype and it is working well for us.  We would like a custom version of it that would lower the output voltage slightly from 12.5V to 11.5V.  Our quantity would be 2500/year to perhaps 10Ku/year.  The package does not fit inside our device now, but we think it would fit without the potting and outer case.  Are you interested in making this customization for us?  Who should I contact?  I do not get a response from

    • Drok March 3, 2020 at 8:20 am - Reply

      Hello david Maier,
      Below is our previous email. We just sent it to as requested.
      Best regards.

  340. david Maier March 4, 2020 at 3:19 pm - Reply

    Hi Team,

    for some reason, I have still not received these emails on either account.  So I guess we will have to communicate on this thread.  We would like 5000 a year or perhaps 10K.  We would like to buy in lots of 1000.  Do you have another email address that I can try to communicate with directly?  Or can someone send me a private email to either address with Droking in the subject line?  We really need to get moving on this project ASAP

  341. Frank March 31, 2020 at 4:41 pm - Reply

    How can the 300.482 4-20 mA current generator  4-20mA and OV output current loop be set up isolated from the module’s supply?  This output only works if the remote current sense resistor interface has an isolated return line to the Drok module.  This is not how a standard 4-20 mA current loop was intended to be rigged.  The output transmitter must be isolated from the Drok modules power supply.

    • Drok April 1, 2020 at 3:19 am - Reply

      Hello Frank,
      Thanks for writing in.
      We are sorry this item is not with isolated circuit.
      Best regards.

  342. Justin Graves April 1, 2020 at 9:53 pm - Reply

    Thank you very much for the update.

  343. Warren Smith April 3, 2020 at 2:26 am - Reply

    I installed a sku: 200191 200192 it displays 48v  and 0% what do I do to ,to get it to it show it the % of batteries

    • Drok April 3, 2020 at 8:26 am - Reply

      Hello Warren Smith,
      Did you program battery specification? The default setting is for 12v lead-acid battery.
      If you need to program it, please hold the button then power on. Don’t release button until it show battery code. Then short press button to choose battery code.
      Finally, please power off and power on again.
      Best regards.

  344. John M Huck April 4, 2020 at 8:04 pm - Reply

    Power Supply Module, DROK DC to DC Converter 5.3V-32V to 1.2V-32V Step Down Voltage Regulator
    I recently  purchased this item and need some additional help using it. What is the large Diode for? I have a 12 volt battery that I plan to use for input power and will be testing small electronic devices such as LEDs. I have a basic knowledge of electronics but need additional help using this. Can I get some additional help info or instructions?

    Thanks for any help you might be able to provide.

    John Huck


    • Drok April 7, 2020 at 9:40 am - Reply

      Hello John M Huck,
      Diode is used to prevent current backfeed. If you need to charge battery, please connect it to output port.
      Any more questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  345. Andy Knauss April 10, 2020 at 1:31 pm - Reply

    Hello I purchased the DROK AC 80-300V Digital Voltmeter on Amazon back on 9/3/2019 and I just got around to hooking up the device and found out that the current transformer that was supplied with the unit is faulty. It makes a loud buzzing noise when a load is on the line I have it around and does not display the information at all. I bought 2 of these units and the other one is working just fine. What do I need to do to get a new CT?

    • Drok April 12, 2020 at 6:29 am - Reply

      Hello Andy Knauss,
      As there are many AC80-300v meters, would you like to offer order ID so that we can confirm which one it is?
      And did you test two items under the same condition? If possible, would you like to show us the connection by images?
      You can upload pictures here or send them to
      With more information, we can find solution as soon as possible.
      Best regards,

  346. Elio Garcia April 10, 2020 at 6:44 pm - Reply


    am looking to purchase 50pcs of your item can you help
    AC Power Meter, Digital Multimeter AC 50-300V 20A Voltage

  347. James April 11, 2020 at 8:45 am - Reply

    Why is it so hard to find your product manual.

    I am in need of a manual/wiring for

    Digital DC Multimeter 0-90V 0-100A Voltmeter Ammeter Hall sensor. 

    Bought this a few month ago and now getting around to wiring and have lost/missplace. Can you help

  348. Kevin Chappelle April 11, 2020 at 5:20 pm - Reply

    I have the 48 Volt Lead-Acid Battery monitor and it was wired up and working fine and now the backlight won’t come on. Sometimes it will but very rarely. I’ve check all the wiring and all is good. Anything else I don’t know?

    • Drok April 12, 2020 at 6:42 am - Reply

      Hello Kevin Chappelle,
      Would you like to offer SKU number or product link so that we can confirm which item it is?
      And where it is connected to?
      Best regards.

  349. Lyle Hettver April 19, 2020 at 12:57 pm - Reply

    I order a Fahrenheit digital indoor and receive a Celsius ??? How do I get it exchanged?

    • Drok April 20, 2020 at 6:52 am - Reply

      Hello Lyle Hettver,
      Would you like to offer product link or order ID so that we can confirm which item it is?
      Wait for your reply sincerely.
      Best regards.

  350. Harold April 19, 2020 at 5:20 pm - Reply

    Where do you manufacture Drok products?

    • Drok April 20, 2020 at 6:53 am - Reply

      All of products are from China.
      Best regards.

  351. Ronald April 24, 2020 at 1:47 am - Reply


    I have bought this product but I would like to know how to configure for a 12v of 100 amp Gel Battery, I saw the manual but nothing is mentioned about gel batteries, could you please tell me how? Thank you!

  352. Ronald April 24, 2020 at 2:14 am - Reply


    I have purchased the Battery Monitor, DROK 10-100V but I would like to know how to configure for a 12v of 100 amp Gel Battery, I saw the manual but nothing is mentioned about gel batteries, could you please tell me how?

    In the manual it is also mentioned about the voltage, the battery is connected to a 110 volt to 12 volt converter, should I modify something else apart from the type of battery?

    in advance, thank you very much!

  353. Paolo Iacobucci April 25, 2020 at 7:43 pm - Reply


    I would like to buy 2 of the following: (green)

    and one of the following: (blue)

    Still, although I am registered, I cannot add the products to the basket.

    Can you help me with that?


    Thank you


    Paolo Iacobucci

    • Drok April 26, 2020 at 9:30 am - Reply

      Hello Paolo Iacobucci,
      We have received your order, so your problem should be solved.
      For any more questions, please kindly contact us.
      Best regards.

  354. Ronald April 29, 2020 at 7:56 pm - Reply

    Yes, this was the one I bought (, I have modified some parameters of the 5 options in the menu, but option 1 is where the battery type is set. There it mentions acid batteries, lithium batteries, lithium iron phosphate battery but I don’t see gel batteries.

    My gel battery is 12 volts and is 100 amps. Should I choose one of those listed in option 1?

    If I have to modify the 3rd menu option, could you please tell me what values to set in the two options present there?

    I apologize for the questions, I have carefully read the manual that comes with the product but I cannot understand much on this topic.

    Beforehand thank you very much!

  355. Ronald April 30, 2020 at 12:09 am - Reply

    Greetings again =)

    I tell you that I try to set the minimum – maximum values in menu option 3. but the values, after saving them, disappear. The other values, such as the minimum of the alarm, or the waiting time with the screen on, remain but not that of option 3 in the menu.

    Does it have to do with battery selection?

    • Drok April 30, 2020 at 8:20 am - Reply

      Hello Ronald,
      Please just program menu 3 only. Other settings are not necessary. Especial menu 5, only when there is large error on voltage reading, you can operate calibration.
      And please kindly notice, if the minimum value at the left side is higher than the maximum value at the right side, setting is invalid。
      If it still can’t work, would you like to show us your operation by video? In that way, we can find solution more quickly.
      Best regards.

  356. Ronald May 2, 2020 at 4:38 pm - Reply

    Thanks, I was able to configure, the error that it did not take the values in option 3 of the menu occurs when it is connected to alternating current, to configure, I had to disconnect and program it while working with the battery, in this way if it saves the values.

    On the other hand, to know the value of 100% charge and 0% charge I had to disconnect after knowing what its maximum charge was and wait for the battery to run out to know the minimum charge, in the case of gel battery It is 10.7 amps. I had searched the internet but got nothing of the discharge rate of a gel battery.


  357. Darren Debattista May 27, 2020 at 3:02 pm - Reply


    I am looking for a programmable power supply, very similar to the one in the link below


    The one in the link has a maximum current of 5A. Ideally, I am looking for one with 10A output max. The important parameters I’m looking for is that it has constant current and constant voltage, both programmable through communication (USB or UART) and Vout max at least 42V. Display is not important. Do you have something similar to what I need?


  358. Bobby May 28, 2020 at 12:52 am - Reply

    Hey I just bought Model:200489 it’s a wire less buck converter module.  It came with no instructions and there is a usb communication port on the side.  I would like to hook it up to my computer like the description says but how would I do that and what software must I be running to monitor the unit through the communication port on my pc???? Thank you!

  359. Michael June 3, 2020 at 11:52 pm - Reply

    I purchased a Digital Temperature Controller XY-T01 from Amazon and would like a protective case for it.  Do you make one?

    • Drok June 4, 2020 at 9:53 am - Reply

      Hello Michael,
      Thanks for your order.
      We don’t make case for it. For any more questions, please let us know.
      Best regards,

  360. nick J June 4, 2020 at 6:49 pm - Reply

    Hi There,

    I have a VAC8010F-80V coulometer. I understand calibration technoques being a ex service engineer but so far have not been able to access this meters calibration routine. Would it be possible to furnish me with the calibration routine.. Ive tried numberous key presses, power cycling to no avail..

    kind regards


  361. Chuck June 5, 2020 at 6:21 pm - Reply

    Need better instructions for 48 volt panel meter.  Can’t seem to understand instructions that came with it. It’s a JS-C33. Programmable power display

    • Drok June 8, 2020 at 9:29 am - Reply

      Hello Chuck,
      Would you pelase tell us more details so that we can offer proper solution?
      If you only need to program battery specification, please choose menu 1 or menu3.
      Notice: please don’t program both of them in the meantime. They are the same function. Menu 3 is custom setting, which can work for more battery specification.
      Other steps are not necessary. Especiall votlage calibration, unless your voltage reading is wrong, you can enter calibration process.
      Best regards,

  362. Lamar June 8, 2020 at 11:11 pm - Reply

    Just received signal generator today. Powered it up with 24 volt transformer I placed meter on terminal common and 10 volt dc I am only getting 0 – 5 volts when I adjust potentiometer.



  363. malandrews June 11, 2020 at 1:18 am - Reply

    Hi I have several (4~20mA LCD Signal Generator DC15-30V Current Transmitter with 9-Segment Programmable Output High Accuracy Load Tester for PLC)

    modules and would like additional 2 pin connectors, what size are they as I cannot seem to find ones that fit.

    can you supply them?

    many thanks

    • Drok June 11, 2020 at 8:51 am - Reply

      We are sorry we don’t sell this compoenent. Please check if it is this item, 300482
      That is 3.96-2p connector
      Best regards.

  364. Richard Blakelock June 18, 2020 at 4:10 am - Reply

    I ordered and received the XY-LJ02 TIMER BOARD through Amazon. I’m trying to use P1. I have a simple switch. I just watched a YouTube video and have it wired in the same way. Using 6VDC power source. It will not trigger, except for power on.

    • Drok June 18, 2020 at 9:17 am - Reply

      We received the same probelm through Amazon. Is that from you?
      Did you connect signal ground and power supply ground together? And only one pwoer supply?
      Best regards,

  365. Patrick Young June 22, 2020 at 10:33 pm - Reply

    Hello, I have the DROKBattery monitor

    sku 200191 200192 It always shows 100% it does not show battery level dropping can you help thank you!

    • Drok June 23, 2020 at 7:40 am - Reply

      Did you program battery type? What kind of battery it is?
      Best regards,

  366. David Johnston June 27, 2020 at 8:06 pm - Reply


    I recently purchased a SKU-300456 digital time-delay relay Iwish to power the 12 volt defog elements on a pair of heated mirrors for a 2007 GMC truck. Could you tell me  if  I need any other equipment other than  fused  power supply to complete this job?



    • Drok June 28, 2020 at 10:05 am - Reply

      Hello David Johnston,
      Please refer to below wiring diagram to check if you need something else.

  367. Brian R. June 30, 2020 at 5:12 pm - Reply

    Just received the transistor tester.What is the HFE limits ? as I am testing a new power transistor with HFE tipical gain of 40 but it’s telling me they are no good ?

    • Drok July 1, 2020 at 10:03 am - Reply

      Hello Brian R
      Could you please tell us which item it is?
      Product link or ASIN number would be appreciated.
      Best regards,

  368. Frederic Augugliaro July 2, 2020 at 7:17 pm - Reply



    regarding the DC12V 24V Digital Meter -20~+100 Degrees Celsius Thermometer Dual display Temperature Meter for Car/Water/Air/Indoor/Outdoor etc


    i would like to know what is the length of the wire connected to the prob and if short can we extend it without having the temperature value changed?

    Thank you

  369. Gus July 8, 2020 at 3:00 am - Reply

    Hello… I just purchased from Amazon one of your “Bluetooth Board, DROK Audio Receiver…”, and I am having a problem with it. When a device is connected to it through Bluetooth it works great, but when I turn off the device there board is sending a lot of noise to the amplifier, almost as loud as the music. The part number on the board is “AS1711BTSE Ver:1.4”. Could you please tell me if I received a bad board, if it is a design issue, or if there is anything I can do to fix the noise? Thank you much.


    • Drok July 8, 2020 at 6:50 am - Reply

      Hello Gus,
      Would you please check if it is this item? #200367,
      When you turn off device, is bluetooth also disconnected? And did you power amplifer and bluetooth receiver with the same power supply.
      To check further, would you like to show us how it is by video?
      You can share video link or send attachment to
      Best regards,

  370. Earl Armstrong July 8, 2020 at 5:06 pm - Reply

    USB Intelligent Discharge Resistance/USB Doctor DC3~21V/3A 35W USB Adjustable Constant Current Electronic Load/USB Tester/Multifunction Digital Meter
    Is there a manual for the device? Does it record data? How do you get data after you’ve used the tester?

    • Drok July 9, 2020 at 7:59 am - Reply

      Hello Earl Armstrong,
      This item doesn’t support data recod and transmission.
      Best regards,

  371. Gus July 8, 2020 at 7:44 pm - Reply

    Yes… That is the item.
    Device = Phone or Computer
    1) Yes, with the computer, when I turn off the computer, Bluetooth gets disconnected.
    2) With the phone, I sometimes go to Bluetooth settings and disconnect Bluetooth, or other times I leave the house and Bluetooth gets disconnected.
    In both (1) and (2), the Bluetooth board is sending noise to the speakers.
    The powered speakers I am using have their own power supply. I would have to get a Y power cable with barrel connectors to be able to connect both to the same power source.
    Why?  Are you thinking this may be a ground loop?
    If so, how come it is absolutely quiet when device is connected but sending no music to it? If it was an issue due to the power supplies, I would expect the noise to be there at all times, when device connected, or disconnected.
    Thank you for your support.
    Any ideas?
    Also, any way to keep the board from turning itself off when nothing connected to it so that when i return back home my phone can reconnect by itself instead of having to power cycle the board before being able to reconnect?
    Thank you again.
    – Gus

    • Drok July 9, 2020 at 7:33 am - Reply

      Hello Gus,
      May I know if you connect any cable to 3.5mm Aux input port?
      It would be appreciated if you can show the whole connection by images or video. You can send them to
      And to check if there is problem on power source, you may try to power them separately.
      Best regards,

  372. Jeff Smithberger July 25, 2020 at 3:19 am - Reply

    Hi! I purchased DROK dc-dc converter model fs11d12a3. I understand 6v power in, 12 v power out.  It has 2 black wires. Do both go to a ground?  Do I need an in line fuse? What size fuse?



    • Drok July 27, 2020 at 6:14 am - Reply

      Hello Jeff Smithberger,
      is it this item? #200111,
      They are input negative and output negative respectively. But they share the common ground, you can connect one of them or both as needs.
      May I know your purpose of fuse?
      Best regards,

      • Jeff smithberger August 1, 2020 at 9:23 pm - Reply

        The back of the converter says model fs11012a3 5-11 v. 12 v 3 amp max. I am using it on a 6 volt 1938 Harley big twin Flathead. It is mostly original and someone told me if I used a 6 to 12 v converter that it gives it a “kick” ignition wise. I know I have to change the coil.
        The way I understand it, you install an in line fuse in between the power source and the converter and then wire from converter (red…in, yellow…out) to a 12V coil.


      • Jeffrey Smithberger August 10, 2020 at 12:28 pm - Reply

        Hi! The purpose of the fuse was a suggestion by someone running one of these. Maybe piece of mind?  Do you think I need it?



        • Drok August 11, 2020 at 7:53 am - Reply

          Hello Jeffrey Smithberger,
          If you are worried the converter will be damaged by short circuit or other issue, you may think about havING fuse installed.
          Best regards,

  373. Gilles July 27, 2020 at 9:10 pm - Reply

    I recently purchased the 091029 to use with a roof ventilation fan (MAXXFAN Deluxe model) on recreational vehicule. This fan is only designed to run between 10.8 and 13.2 at 5 amp. I adjust the output voltage at 12v with with the potentiometer easely, but I can’t adjust the output current at 4.5 or 5 Amp.

    I try to adjust the current potentiometer for that, but the output digital display can not show the good value.  Is the product faulty or am I doing something wrong.



    • Drok July 28, 2020 at 9:51 am - Reply

      Hello Gilles,
      May I know the actual value you can set? Do you mean output current bounces around?
      And when output current is over 3A or output power is over 35w, please enhance heat dissipation.
      Best regards,

  374. Ken klontz July 31, 2020 at 9:55 pm - Reply

    I just got the  sku # 2001712003 do you make a extension for this unit I want locate the meter about 5 ft away from the lead


    • Drok August 2, 2020 at 2:38 am - Reply

      Hello Ken klontz,
      Do you mean the sensor cable? We are sorry there is no longer cable.
      You may try to find one, but it must be shield cable. Connector is XH2.54-3P
      If it is hard to find that cable, you can make one, as shown below.

      Best regards,

  375. Michael A Silveus August 1, 2020 at 6:01 pm - Reply

    I recently purchased this item I followed all of the instructions for operating the device but it only shows the input voltage and never displays the output in any mode that should. I’m getting ready to return it unless you explain how to get it to function properly.



    • Drok August 2, 2020 at 2:42 am - Reply

      Hello Michael A Silveus,
      Can you switch display mode?
      To check it further, would you like to show us how it is by video or images?
      You can send picters here or send them to
      Best regards,

  376. Ken klontz August 3, 2020 at 9:16 pm - Reply

    Thanks do you sell the cable by the foot or can you tell me the correct wire and shielding type

    again thanks

    • Drok August 4, 2020 at 3:42 am - Reply

      We are sorry we don’t sell longer cable. There are no specific shielding type, any cable can protect signal from interference is available.
      Best regards,

  377. Keith Bradley August 4, 2020 at 10:06 am - Reply

    Morning. I purchased a “Buck-Boot Converter” via Amazon on 19th Aug 2019. At no time did it need tp provide > 1 amp. It has just failed, which I have disappointing.

    Do you have any comments?

    • Drok August 5, 2020 at 1:55 am - Reply

      Hello Keith Bradley,
      To give you accurate answer, could you please kindly offer product link or ASIN number so that we can confirm which item it is?
      And we hope to get more information about your problem. Can’t it power on now? If possible, would you like to show how it is by images or video?
      In that way, we can check it quickly.
      Best regards,

  378. Jorgen Frandsen August 4, 2020 at 9:31 pm - Reply

    Hello, I just purchased 30 of the

    It said order placed. But I haven’t received a receipt at  Can you please send me a receipt? I’m at 303-886-8610.

  379. Larry Owens August 8, 2020 at 7:40 pm - Reply


    I purchased an LY7 battery monitor through Amazon.  The display does not always work well – it fades n and out.  Using the k+ and k- buttons, I can program the F numbers and the V/% settings, but I cannot program the battery type.  I followed the instructions and tried many times.  Something is wrong with the unit, can you please send a replacement.


    • Drok August 10, 2020 at 7:30 am - Reply

      Hello Larry Owens,
      If you press button after power on, it can’t enter program window.
      Please hold the button firslty, then plug into power source. Don’t release button until it show battery code.
      Would you like to shouw us how the display is by video? You can share a video link or send attachment to
      Wait for your reply sincerely.
      Best regards.

  380. Orlando Kenny August 11, 2020 at 2:53 am - Reply

    I am looking for the specifications on the DROK 3 Inch Round 4 Ohm HiFi Full-Range Speaker 15W Tweeter. I would specifically like to know the resonant frequency, the quality factor, and the Vas (equivalent compliance as volume).


    • Drok August 11, 2020 at 7:54 am - Reply

      We have received your email and reply to it, please kindly check it.
      Best regards,

  381. patrick beck August 14, 2020 at 7:38 pm - Reply


    I bought a LCD Hall Cullen Meter 200A 0-300V it came with a business card with a website address and nothing else

    I want information about installing and any programming or how to read and or any and all information i might need


  382. Bill August 24, 2020 at 8:31 am - Reply


    I note that your item the 900W Power Supply Module DC 8~60V to 10~120V 15A NC Voltage Regulator/Adapter/Boost Converter/Constant Voltage Current Driver Module High Precise Adjustable Output 48V 24V 12V DC Power Supply with LED Display Voltmeter Ammeter is not currently available on your Amazon (UK) online store. Any idea when this product might become available again?



    • Drok August 24, 2020 at 9:38 am - Reply

      Hello Bill,
      We are sorry this item may be not available any more in Amazon UK.
      But you can find it from Amazon US or our website.
      Best regards,

  383. brandon rosario August 30, 2020 at 12:26 am - Reply


    I recently purchase this converter

    for led lighting on my electric skateboard. Before I purchase this item I blew 2 other smaller converters (not from drok) due to heat most likely. I have a 50v battery, 3 cob plates and tail/head light with a max draw of 2.5amp and well under max wattage and amps. However this converter introduces some sort of noise or RFI that greatly interferes with my skateboard RC remote receiver which is 2.4ghz. When the unit is powered off no issues and reception is as reliable as to be expected…. when the converter is powered = very unsafe remote conditions. Do you have any recommendations, ideas or input? Another unit? Noise reduction product?? thanks

    • Drok August 30, 2020 at 8:02 am - Reply

      Hello brandon rosario,
      That may be electromagnetic interference. As it is non-isolated module,so anti-interference performance is not as well as isolated module’s.
      Does our converer offer power for remote receiver? Or it just get interference by space?
      Best regards,

  384. Rich September 2, 2020 at 9:24 pm - Reply

    Need to adjust amps on ac130 panel meter.  How do you get to adjustment.  How to get back cover off

    • Drok September 3, 2020 at 2:20 am - Reply

      Hello Rich,
      We are sorry it is hard to confirm which item it is. Would you like to offer product link or SKU number?
      Best regards,

  385. Steve September 8, 2020 at 11:18 am - Reply


    What might cause my “Relay Module 5.0V~60V Real Time Relay Time Control Switch 24 Hour Timing Control Clock Synchronization Time Control Delay Module” to lose time.

  386. Josh September 14, 2020 at 5:27 pm - Reply

    Hello How many watts is this unit rated to handle?
    DC Shunt DC 50A 50mV High Accuracy Electrical Current Shunt Resistor Kit for Ammeter/Automotive Ampere Current Testing etc

    my application is automotive and I want to confirm it can handle 50 amps at 12v (600w) for at least 60 seconds

    • Drok September 15, 2020 at 7:34 am - Reply

      Are you going to use it to measure current or for other application?
      It is low value resistor. Resistance is 1000 microohm. If you make it at at full rated load(50A), it may disspate 2.5w power (50A x 50mV = 2.5 Watts) and with significant temperature rise.
      Best regards,

  387. Joe Bouza September 15, 2020 at 3:35 pm - Reply

    i am using your 5.5v to 12vdc power supply model 200217 and need to know the temperature operating min and max.  Please provide this via e-mail.

    • Drok September 16, 2020 at 2:56 am - Reply

      Hello Joe Bouza,
      200217 is buck converter, it can’t step up voltage from 5.5v to 12V.
      We are sorry there is no information regarding temperature range.
      Please refer to below output capacity range.
      DC 9-24V input, Max output 5.2V/6A/30W
      DC 24-32V input, Max output 5.2V/5A/25W
      DC 32-36V input, Max output 5.2V/3.5A/18W
      Best regards,

  388. Scott Byrd September 16, 2020 at 1:49 am - Reply

    How can I lock the Drok buck converter (SKU: 200310) in the “ON” position so that when the buck converter loses power shuts off, when power is restored to converter it is still in the “ON” position so that no buttons (e.g. “OK”) need to be pressed to turn the converter back on?  I’m using this on a solar powered system so when the batteries are low and the system shuts down until the batteries have recharged I need the buck converter to start back up automatically without pressing any buttons.

    • Drok September 16, 2020 at 7:25 am - Reply

      Hello Scott Byrd,
      You need to save output setting parameters in address “0” and enable automatic output function.
      Please refer to Part. 6 “Auto-output function when powering it” and Part.8 “Parameters store and recall” in this manual.
      For any more questions, please kindly let us know.
      Best regards,

  389. Scott September 16, 2020 at 3:36 pm - Reply

    How can I lock the Drok buck converter (SKU: 200310) in the “ON” position so that when the buck converter loses power shuts off, when power is restored to converter it is still in the “ON” position so that no buttons (e.g. “OK”) need to be pressed to turn the converter back on?  I’m using this on a solar powered system so when the batteries are low and the system shuts down until the batteries have recharged I need the buck converter to start back up automatically without pressing any buttons.

    • Drok September 17, 2020 at 3:23 am - Reply

      Hello Scott,
      PLease refer to above response on September 16.
      For any more questions, please let us know.
      Best regards,

  390. Ray September 17, 2020 at 4:53 pm - Reply

    I have a new Droking Switch regulated DC power supply I purchased years ago but haven’t installed yet, and I require documentation of the pinouts on the unit.  The unit takes AC110V-240V in and outputs DC13.5V5A with battery backup.  From left-to-right, the pins on the unit are:


    3 pin screw terminal:





    2A Fuse


    4-pin JST connector labeled CN1 (can this be connected to an external MCU for monitoring?)


    5 pin screw terminal

    BAT +

    BAT –

    Sortie –

    Sortie +

    Sortie C


    Here is a picture of the unit:


    Thank you.

  391. Scott September 24, 2020 at 7:00 pm - Reply

    How can I reset  the Drok buck converter (SKU: 200310) to factory settings?

    • Drok September 25, 2020 at 6:47 am - Reply

      Hello Scott,
      It is not with factory reset option. Do you have any problem on it?
      Best regards,

  392. richard grows September 28, 2020 at 5:19 am - Reply

    I will be purchasing a DROK  6v to 12 v step-up converter for a 6v positive ground  Mercury. Will there be any grounding problems?  It will only be used for an electric 12v carburetor so will I need to install an in line fuse?

    • Drok September 28, 2020 at 7:48 am - Reply

      Hello richard grows,
      We are sorry it is hard to confirm which item it is. Would you like to tell us the product code or product link?
      Best regards,

  393. Jesse September 28, 2020 at 8:52 pm - Reply

    do you have a PDF data sheet and drawings for

    15W Full-range Speaker 3 inches 4 ohms HI-FI Stereo Speakers Unit Antimagnetic Speaker Satellites good audio sound

    • Drok September 29, 2020 at 6:48 am - Reply

      Hello Jesse,
      We are sorry there are no PDF data.
      You can refer to below diagram.
      Best regards,

  394. kenneth mckown October 2, 2020 at 10:01 pm - Reply

    I just bought a DROK 3005ADJ DC/DC converter from AMAZON.

    Specs advertise 1.5-24 V ADJ 5 amps output. Input 8-35V.

    I hooked it up to 12v 10 amp power source and voltmeter to adjust the output.

    It seems to be stuck on 12V output. You just need to adjust the screw in the back…correct? Am I missing something? 

    Is there something else I’m suppose to do to adjust the output? Can they both be broken (I doubt this is possible).

    • Drok October 11, 2020 at 6:13 am - Reply

      Hello kenneth mckown,
      Is it this item? 090198
      Did you turn potentiometer anticlockwise or clockwise? If possible, would you like to show us your operation by video?
      You can share video link here or just send attachment to
      We will find solution for you once confirm problem.
      Best regards.

  395. David Bertsch October 15, 2020 at 5:21 pm - Reply

    I have a 12 volt solar charged system that I am trying to attach some LED lights to . My solar system puts out 44 volts that goes through a Victron 110/30 Solar charger to my 2, 100 amp lithium  batteries. When charged my batteries can show as high as 14.5 volts this makes my LED’s get to hot. I attatched a Drok 120w DC-DC Converter with a 48v input and a 12v 10A out put. But nothing happened? Am I using the wrong product? or ?

    • Drok October 16, 2020 at 3:58 am - Reply

      Hello David Bertsch,
      Would you like to tell us the SKU number or product link so that we can confirm which item it is?
      And do you mean there is no output voltage/current? If possible, would you like to show us your connection?
      Best regards,

  396. John Drew October 20, 2020 at 2:30 pm - Reply

    I purchased a XY-LJ02 from Amazon. Is there an instruction manual. I want to use with a Normally Closed magnet door sensor and to turn on when the door is opened. (the magnet is seperated)  The sensor is normally closed. Will I have to have a Normally Open (no) switch?

    • Drok October 21, 2020 at 7:33 am - Reply

      Hello John Drew,
      Accordign to your information ,it should be #200350.
      Please feel free to download pdf manual from Amazon details page. Here is the link,
      And we can’t confirm how your application is. Would you please tell us more details? Do you use door sensor as signal input?
      Best regards,

  397. Jay Anderson October 21, 2020 at 4:56 am - Reply

    I am looking for a 120v Ac to 15v 1.5a DC converter/power supply. Also If you have  a small enclosure That fits over it. Ill be looking to encapsulate it to make it watwrproof

  398. Bob Dunn October 26, 2020 at 3:58 pm - Reply

    recently purchsed one of your battery volt meter for my golf cart.  ON line instructions seem fairly clear with one exception

    toe synchronize the meter you require a 20v source to proprely sync.  THis is after setting the parameters for the 48 v system it will serve.

    It seems t hat everytime the meter is disconnected fomr a power supply source the settings are not saved i.e once i sync for 20v then disconnect and then connect to the 48 v source lthe settings need to be re set thus at step 5 it has to be re sync’d ergo a continuous never ending loop that will not be adequately sync’d.  AM I missing something here?

    • Drok October 27, 2020 at 3:16 am - Reply

      Hello Bob Dunn,
      Is your voltage reading not accurate?
      Please kindly notice menu 5 is for voltage reading calibration only. It is not necessary step. If voltage reading is normal, you just need to program battery specification.
      Any more questions, please let us know.
      Best regards,

  399. Jerardo Arias November 1, 2020 at 10:56 pm - Reply

    Hello there my name is Gerardo I bought a 4.4 out of 5 stars


    DC Buck Module, DROK Adjustable Buck Converter Step Down Voltage Regulator 6V-32V 30V 24V 12V
    what I am trying to do is eliminate the buying batteries for a tools that I have that takes 4c batteries 1.5v – what I have a lot 18v batteries from my drills power tools. Will this help me regulate the 18v battery to 6v?

    • Drok November 2, 2020 at 8:21 am - Reply

      Hello Jerardo Arias,
      As long as it is DC voltage, this converter is available. And please check if output current range meet your application.
      Best regards,

  400. Travis Taddey November 1, 2020 at 11:45 pm - Reply

    The first dc buck module I bought on your amazon store the amp adjustment would not work not would the USB port work. So I am in the process of shipping that one back, I chose to have amazon send me the exact replacement and after opening it I notice a part missing , the unit has 2 small metal cyclinders both say 220 50v UT. The one I received is missing one of them. This is the second time I had issues with this product , should I just return it and get my money back and leave a review saying I tried twice to get a decent product and failed or is their something you guys can do for me?

    • Drok November 2, 2020 at 8:24 am - Reply

      Dear customer,
      We are sorry for inconvenience caused on you. Would you like to tell us the ASIN number or product link so that we can confirm which one it is?
      And a picture to show how it is. We will find solution for you once confirm the problem.
      If you are not sure how to upload picture here, please send it to
      Best regards,

  401. Alex Browne November 5, 2020 at 8:57 am - Reply

    i need the softwear to run the 250 watt dc buck converter through usb on my windows computer. i can not find the download anywhere. my email is i have perchesed your product pls send me softweasr so i can moniter on my pc please.

    • Drok November 5, 2020 at 9:23 am - Reply

      Hello Alex Browne,
      May I know which item it is? A product link or SKU number would be appreciated.
      Best regards,

  402. James Thoin November 8, 2020 at 1:13 am - Reply

    just puchased the LY7 sku:2001709010 and would like to extend the wiring to reach my battery what size wire should i use will 22AWG work. thank you

    • Drok November 9, 2020 at 6:48 am - Reply

      Hello James Thoin,
      Any wire size is available.
      Best regards,

  403. Calvin Gilreath November 15, 2020 at 9:42 pm - Reply

    Which product will enable monitoring of circuit powered by four (4) AA batteries? That’s 6 VDC. See product rated at 6.5-100 VDC. Saw an ammeter that showed circuit current draw, monitored battery life, battery remaining AH…, has a power wire coil,..good things to know. Will it work on a battery pack of 4 AA batteries?

    • Drok November 16, 2020 at 7:44 am - Reply

      Hello Calvin Gilreath,
      What is the maximum load current? To get accurate reading, measuring range should be closed to ,easured current and voltage.
      Best regards,

  404. Ralph Lee November 17, 2020 at 4:08 am - Reply

    Sign-in impossible!  Refuses to recognize PW and or eM?  What’s wrong?

    • Drok November 17, 2020 at 6:22 am - Reply

      Hello Ralph Lee,
      Do you mean you can’t log in our website? Would you please tell us more details?
      Best regards,

  405. Stephen Dorman November 17, 2020 at 9:56 pm - Reply

    Can you scan me the manual for this product?  I can’t seem to find mine and I can’t turn off the monitor.


    Digital Meter DC 10~100V Universal LCD Car Acid Lead Lithium Battery Capacity Indicator Tester with Low Pressure Alarm

  406. Chuck0 November 17, 2020 at 11:23 pm - Reply

    DC Battery monitor won’t stay on.

    unit continues to shut off, this makes it impossible to monitor battery voltage beyond 120 seconds.

    how do you switch it to permanent ON state ?

    • Drok November 18, 2020 at 4:00 am - Reply

      Hello Chuck0,
      Would you please check if you enable time delay off? Please try to reprogram menu 2.
      Best regards,

  407. Mike Garcia November 18, 2020 at 4:16 pm - Reply

    How do I check the input voltage and the output voltage on sku#180057

    • Drok November 19, 2020 at 2:41 am - Reply

      Hello Mike Garcia,
      #180057 can display input and output voltage, please press the MODE button to switch display.
      If you want to check voltage with other meter, just check the voltage on screw terminal.
      Best regards,

  408. ton November 25, 2020 at 1:28 am - Reply

    can not find the manual for (
    USB Voltage Regulator, DROK DC 3.5V-15V to DC 0.6V-30V Buck Boost Converter).
    Can you point me to a link for this product





  409. Mark Jose November 25, 2020 at 6:00 am - Reply

    i just bought this item online: VAC9010H Hall Coulombmeter
    i’ve managed to get through the calibration screen. I’ve tried to calibrate the voltage multiple times until I got the closest reading. Now I’m stuck with the calibration of the Amperes. Everytime I set my DC power supply to a lower voltage (ex.10v), the ampere readings on this meter shoots up to 50+amps.
    A   —   Do i need to change the values of this? if yes, will it be higher value or lower? if No, what’s the default value since I’ve change this.
    +4  —  how to calibrate this part? if my DC Power supply is set to above 4Amps then I will need to adjust this?, what if my DC Power supply is set to 2.2Amps then there’s no need to adjust this but I need to adjust the -4 settings??
    -4  — how to calibrate this part? if my DC power supply is set to 1.8Amps then i would need to adjust this? what if my DC power supply is set to 4Amps then there’s no need for me to change this parameter but I would need to change the +4 parameter instead???

    • Drok November 25, 2020 at 6:29 am - Reply

      Hello Mark Jose,
      May I know if both readings are with large error now? If not necessary, it is not recommend to calibrate meter.

      Charging and discharging current calibration methods are the same. Did you refer to below steps?
      1. Hook up the measuring module with power supply and load according to the charging/ discharging wiring diagram.
      2. Set the power supply as over 12V, then hold on the OK button and power the meter simultaneously. release button after 3 seconds. It will come to parameter setting;
      3. Please move yellow cursor to “Mode” and short press OK button, then move the yellow cursor to “+4.A”(It is “-4A” in discharging mode). In that case, please make sure the actual load current is over 1.00A. Next, please press up or down button to adjust the current reading of meter until it is the same as actual load current. After that, press OK, andmove yellow cursor to ”Save” and save the setting.
      Best regards.

      • Mark Jose November 26, 2020 at 3:32 am - Reply

        Oh now I get it. So the +4 is the charging current while – 4 is for the discharging current. Is there a way for me to contact you guys via live video chat so I can show and verify to you my wiring setup so you can correct whatever the stuffs I’m doing wrong???

        I have high hopes for this coulumbmeter, its just hard to setup.

        • Drok November 27, 2020 at 3:02 am - Reply

          Hello Mark Jose,
          May I know if there is large error now? If it is necessary to calibrate it but you are not sure how to do that, would you like to take a video to show your operation?
          You can offer a video link or send it
          Best regards,

          • Mark Jose November 28, 2020 at 2:59 am

            here’s the video link that I have just uploaded in YouTube.

            values keeps on changing, I’m not sure if I have a faulty module or what. By the way, I’m using the “Discharging circuit” based on the product’s manual.

          • Mark Lawrence Jose December 2, 2020 at 4:21 am

            Any news on this? What are your findings?


          • Drok December 2, 2020 at 6:40 am

            We are terribly sorry we missed your response. It seems we can’t find the video link, would you like to show it here?
            Best regards.

          • Mark Lawrence Jose December 2, 2020 at 6:53 am

            Here’s the link:


          • Drok December 2, 2020 at 8:47 am

            Hello Mark Lawrence Jose,
            Regarding voltage calibratrion,it seems you only calibrate one reference Voltage. “10.0v” and “40.v” both need to be calibrated. And it requires 12v input voltage and 32-40v input voltage separately.
            Actually, we think voltage error should be not large. Voltage measurement accuracy: ±3% ±5 digits. Current measurement accuracy: ±2% ±5 digits
            If you want to get more accurate result, please try to calibrate “10.0v” and “40.0v”.
            And please save voltage calibrate data firstly, then come to current calibration.
            When calibrating current, supply voltage should be over 12v.

            Below are the operatioon details:
            Voltage calibration:
            1) Hook up the meter with power supply and load.
            2) Hold “OK” button and power the meter simultaneously.After power on, please release button after 3 seconds, it will enter parameter setting interface.
            3) Please move yellow cursor to “Mode” and short press OK button, then move the yellow cursor to “10.V” and adjustable power supply voltage is set as 12V. Then press up or down button to adjust voltage reading of meter until it is the same as actual voltage.
            4) Next, please press “OK” button to move the cursor to “40.V”; power supply voltage can be any one between 32V-40V; then press up or down button to adjust voltage reading of meter until it is the same as actual voltage.
            5) Please short press “OK” button again to move to”10.V”, and repeat the above two steps for 12V and 40V. When the error between measured value and actual value is small, the calibration is finished. Then please press “OK” to move cursor to “Save” option to save calibrate data.
            At last, power off and then power on again.

            Charging / discharging current calibration:
            1. Hook it up according to the charging/ discharging wiring diagram.
            2. Set the power supply as above 12V, then hold the OK button and power the meter simultaneously. Hold “OK” for 3 seconds and then release. It will come to parameter setting;
            3. Please move yellow cursor to “Mode” and short press OK button, then move the yellow cursor to “+4.A”(It is “-4A” in discharging mode). In that case, please make sure the actual load current is over 1.00A. Next, please press up or down button to adjust the current reading of meter until it is the same as actual load current. After that, press OK to move yellow cursor to ”Save” and save the calibration.
            At last, power off and then power on again.

          • Mark Lawrence Jose December 4, 2020 at 9:42 am

            Ok, let me try those steps then I’ll let you know if I’ll be needing your help. Thanks! ?

          • Mark Lawrence Jose January 17, 2021 at 6:51 am

            I was able to get the accepted voltage reading but I still have large readings on current. I’ve tried both discharge and charging diagrams but with no luck. Also, whenever my voltage drops to 10v the current reading shoots up to 50A+

          • Drok January 18, 2021 at 7:42 am

            Hello Mark Lawrence Jose,
            Coud you pleaset tell us how large the error it is?
            And did you use one power supply?
            When meter get power from measuring circuit, please make sure measuring voltage is higher than 12v.
            If measuring voltage is lower than 12V, you need to connect DC10-60v independent power supply to Vext port and put the jumper cap on J3.
            Best regards,

          • Mark Lawrence Jose January 20, 2021 at 1:01 pm

            That solves my problem and I have calibrated it. Thanks. Lastly, can you help me understand how to set the OAH? I followed the instructions on the manual and cleared the time & capacity %. How to set it? After I cleared it, its showing 0% battery capacity.

          • Drok January 21, 2021 at 8:37 am

            Hello Mark Lawrence Jose,
            The percentage of capacity = (actual AH value/ setting AH value)*100%
            Please program OAH according to actual situation. Assume the maximum battery capacity is 100AH, just set it as 100AH.
            Notice: actual AH value only increase in charging mode. When discharging battery, AH value will decrease until reach 0.
            Reset operation can clear the AH value or fill it up. Please do that as needed.
            Best regards,

  410. Scott Fisher November 26, 2020 at 2:46 am - Reply


    Can I get a status on this order
    Order ID: 12270
    Date Added: 13/11/2020


  411. Luo December 3, 2020 at 11:56 pm - Reply

    Do you have a business contact info for B2B ?

    • Drok December 4, 2020 at 6:53 am - Reply

      Hello Luo,
      For any questions, please feel free to send email to
      Best regards,

  412. Robert Baker December 13, 2020 at 5:39 pm - Reply


    I’d like to purchase a DROK Timer Relay with LCD, model 200350, but it isn’t clear how to program it.  I can’t seem to find a link for a user manual or technical instructions.  Could you please send me a link to  Thank you.

    Best regards,


  413. John Minor December 14, 2020 at 5:44 pm - Reply

    I want to compare all available inexpensive DROK buck converters with regard to efficiency and ripple voltage. I’ve searched everywhere I know and am unable to find such specs. Does your company offer any comparison charts?

    • Drok December 15, 2020 at 8:33 am - Reply

      Hello John Minor,
      We are sorry we don’t have such document.
      If there are anything we can help with, please let us know.
      Best regards,

  414. Paul Sakamoto December 16, 2020 at 6:52 pm - Reply

    My USB buck converter 200488 arrived with a broken top panel. How do I get a new one?

    • Drok December 17, 2020 at 6:13 am - Reply

      Hello Paul Sakamoto,
      We are sorry to hear that.
      Is it convenient for you to show us how it is?
      If you order it through Amazon, Amazon warehouse will send replacement on behalf of us.You just need to submit request through online return center.
      Any more questions, please let us know.
      Best regards,

  415. Stefan Shelander December 16, 2020 at 8:13 pm - Reply

    Hello I ordered as set of 5 B3950 temperature probes order # 12683. So far the only emails I have received is a verification the I ordered the components and that the order was in process. I would just like to know if the order is in fact going to be filled and shipped to the address indicated in the order?

    Thank you for addressing this for me

    Sincerely, Stefan S. Shelander

  416. Rex Harvey December 16, 2020 at 11:40 pm - Reply

    I’m looking for a dual volt amp meter, AC 0-30 volts Amps 0-50, amps and volts can go much higher if needed, looking for 8 units

    • Drok December 17, 2020 at 8:22 am - Reply

      Hello Rex Harvey,
      We are sorry we don’t have AC meter can read small voltage. The minimum measurement value is AC 80V.
      Best regards,

  417. Sebastian December 17, 2020 at 9:59 am - Reply

    Hi DROK,


    we are planning to use the your waterproof step-down converter Model 090585 in larger quantities for our series production of luminaire.

    Please make me an offer for 100/250/500 pieces.

    Could you please send me the certificates for a declaration of conformity in EU. We have to check them prior to an order.



    Ingo Maure GmbH

    Sebastian Hepting


    • Drok December 18, 2020 at 3:44 am - Reply

      Hello Sebastian,
      As it is semi-manufactured module, factory doesn’t apply for certificates.
      For quotation, would you like to send email to
      Best regards,

  418. Dave December 22, 2020 at 2:46 pm - Reply

    I just received my 200218 power supply I bought on Amazon and when I wired it up and plugged it in it tripped the circuit breaker. It also showed signs of damage and possible previous use, the plastic was removed from part of the unit.

    • Drok December 23, 2020 at 1:55 am - Reply

      Hello Dave,
      To check what wrong it is, would you like to tell us more details about your connection?
      For example, input voltage/current, load. It is possible for you to show us the connection by images?
      With more information, we can find solution more quickly.
      Best regards,

  419. Todd December 25, 2020 at 10:14 pm - Reply

    Just ordered 200336 and it won’t go into pairing mode. I have tried turning power on and off without aux input connected. Still no pairing

    • Drok December 28, 2020 at 6:32 am - Reply

      Hello Todd,
      Can the bluetooth name be searched? And did you try to hold the “PLAY/M” button to change mode?
      If it still not work, would you like to show your operation by video?In that way, we can find soluiton quickly.
      Best regard,

  420. Kelly Murphy December 29, 2020 at 10:06 pm - Reply


    I am looking for a potted unit that will provide a steady 14 volts (12-13 volt input) for a 1 amp or less. 20 watts or less.  Do you have something like this?

    • Drok December 30, 2020 at 7:46 am - Reply

      Hello Kelly Murphy,
      You may need a boost converter. There are many items should be available.
      Please kindly notice, if the output current is not over 1 amp, the max output power is 14w. It is impossible to get 20w.
      Here is one item for your reference,
      Best regards,

  421. David Kessler December 31, 2020 at 8:49 pm - Reply

    We are looking to purchase this item in quantity….30 at a time. Model# 200388. PLease send me a specification sheet so I may show the end consumer without pricing please.

    Thank You


    David Kessler

    405-651-5131 Cell

    Commercial Account Manager


    • Drok January 1, 2021 at 7:36 am - Reply

      Hello David Kessler,
      We have received your email and reply to it. Please kindly check it.
      Best regards.

  422. Daniel M Delgado January 14, 2021 at 12:43 am - Reply

    I purchased the 200389 battery meter. I am using it on my golf cart. Its a 36volt motor. I am having issues programming my meter. I go through the programming instructions and can only get the meter to either read 0% or 100%  i rode around in the cart for 3 days with no charge and the meter still showed 100% not sure what I’m doing wrong.

    • Drok January 14, 2021 at 3:32 am - Reply

      Hello Daniel M Delgado,
      Did you select correct battery type in menu 1? If there is no suitale option in menu 1, please program menu 3, custom setting. You just need to set the minimum voltage and maximum voltage for your battery.
      Best regars,

  423. Dale Bird January 25, 2021 at 3:11 pm - Reply

    Hello DROK,

    We here at OPG in Canada, bought 4 Power supplies to be used in building/modifying some LabVolt equipment.

    However we now need to get it inspected before using it.

    Could you provide us with any Certification to give the ESA inspection (CSA sticker , etc)

    The specs on the power supplies we bought from you of Amazon is listed below.
    AC to DC Power Supply, DROK AC 110V-220V to DC 0-48V Converter LED Adjustable AC-DC Transformer 48V 10A 480W Switching Power Supply Voltage Regulated Converter Built in Cooling Fan

    Thank you.


  424. RJ Savittieri January 25, 2021 at 3:57 pm - Reply

    I purchased the 12v lead acid battery monitor; in the instructions it stares unit must be calibrated, however, it states the voltage must be 19-20v. How can this be accomplished in a 12V system???

    In addition there is a ?Temperature Prob, but, no instructions on it’s use or placement???

    I got this to monitor a solar batteries voltage during use, instructions aren’t covering necessary data in PLAIN LANGUAGE!?!

    • Drok January 26, 2021 at 7:09 am - Reply

      Hello RJ Savittieri,
      We think it should be this item,
      Voltage calibration is not required unless there is large error. If voltage reading is correct,please ignore this step.
      And to calibrate voltage, please connect accurate 20v voltage, or that will cause larger error.
      Regarding temperature sensor,please put it anywhere you want. For example, battery temperature, ambient temperature。
      Best regards,

  425. Fiedler January 26, 2021 at 6:01 pm - Reply

    Hello, I ask for a manual in a pdf for JS-C33, which I can translate myself.
    The instructions on Amazon

    unfortunately I cannot translate with any program.

    I would be very happy if you email me the instructions in German.

    Bye Andreas from Germany

    • Drok January 27, 2021 at 3:46 am - Reply

      Hello Fiedler,
      We are sorry we don’t have instruction in German.
      Did you try to translate images? Google Translate can now translate text in images.
      Best regards.

  426. Ajay Assani January 27, 2021 at 3:07 pm - Reply

    Hello looking for 10 x Above link Could you please let me know if you have stocks and how long to ship to UK

    wechat : Ajaxonline  if this is easier

    • Drok January 28, 2021 at 6:31 am - Reply

      Hello Ajay Assani,
      We have email before. Did you get our last email?
      As there are no enough stocks, it will take 4-7 days to prepare items. Logistics company will shut down after Feb 8.
      The time is clearly getting short. Please kindly make decision as soon as possible.
      Best regards.

  427. Nazar Yousif September 15, 2022 at 1:32 am - Reply



    I wonder if you have a product that will do this:


    I want to cut power to a maglock when a different circuit is closed, and I want there to be a delay between the circuit closing and the maglock circuit opening.


    1. maglock is powered

    2. external circuit is open

    3. external circuit closes

    4. delay 2 seconds

    5. open maglock circuit




    • Drok September 15, 2022 at 2:45 am - Reply

      Hello Nazar Yousif,
      Are you looking for a relay?
      Best regards.

  428. Nazar Yousif September 15, 2022 at 9:44 pm - Reply

    Yes, but one that will delay activating.


    maglock circuit is 12V.


    Basically, the maglock circuit is closed with 12V going to maglock to keep it turned on. When external circuit is closed, we want to release the maglock (so open the maglock circuit) after a several second delay (hopefully the number of seconds is adjustable).

  429. Russ Mintkenbaugh September 22, 2022 at 9:48 pm - Reply

    Question: I purchased the Drok Buck Converter, the info sheet cautions not to share the same ground on input and output , and I am using the converter to charge an AGM battery that is separate from main motorcycle battery, do I need to keep main battery that is frame grounded separate from auxiliary battery that the Buck will be maintaining charge.?

    Note: Auxiliary battery is for powering miniature LED’s strips for ground effects lighting.

    Thank you

    • Drok September 26, 2022 at 8:56 am - Reply

      Would you please kindly offer product link or ASIN number so that we can confimr which one it is?

  430. steve malo October 4, 2022 at 9:16 pm - Reply

    Hello, installing a Drok WLS-PVA200.  This application is for my RV which has 2 – 12vlt deep cycle batteries.  I wanted to monitor my 12 volt system better than I have been. I have the black wire coming from the unit going to the negative terminal on battery #1.  I have the red and yellow wire from the unit going to the positive terminal of battery #2.  I have placed the Hall sensor on the Main positive cable going from battery #2 to all my load centers.  When the unit comes on, and I try to set my AH and FU (V) parameters, the display never shows AH  XXX.X  or FU XXX.X.  The unit shows AH2  00.0  or FU3 00.0.  I’m not sure if the unit is screwy or if I’m doing something wrong.  I can’t seem to get the AH reading to ever show what I’m inputting.  The display always shows an empty battery capacity bar.

    Thank you for any help you can be.


    • Drok October 9, 2022 at 8:38 am - Reply

      Hello steve malo,
      After setting AH or FU, did you save the setting by holding the button with square mark?
      And meter can’t detect the current capacity, after setting AH and FU parameters, please fully charge battery again. When battery voltage reaches FU value, it will show 100% capacity.
      Best regards.

  431. Larry A Rice October 6, 2022 at 11:27 am - Reply

    I want to monitor 120/240 volt single phase power usage to my garage. Do I need two meters to monitor? One for L1 and one for L2.

    Thank you.

    • Drok October 9, 2022 at 8:39 am - Reply

      Hello Larry A Rice,
      If your system has two hot wires, then you need two meters, or it is better to find one can work for your system.
      Best regards.

  432. David James November 11, 2022 at 1:38 pm - Reply

    My p/s 0-48vdc puts out no voltage digital display comes on with 0.00, tried with a load and then no load, nothing

    Next to voltage adjust knob is a green led, it is not lit?

    What am I doing wrong?  I am sure the brand new unit isn’t defective.

    Mr. James


    • Drok November 13, 2022 at 10:21 am - Reply

      Hello David James,
      Would you please kindy offer product link or product code so that we can confirm which item it is? And would you like to show the connection by image?
      Best regards,

  433. Aaron November 20, 2022 at 9:44 pm - Reply

    Good evening. I’m trying to program the 12 Volt Timer Relay, DROK 0.1s to 999min. It didn’t come with any information.

    • Drok November 29, 2022 at 9:37 am - Reply

      Hello Aaron,
      Sorry,would you please kindly offer product link or ASIN number so that we can confirm the item?
      Best regards.

  434. michael mcconnaghy December 15, 2022 at 7:21 pm - Reply

    Do you have a 3-d model of the voltage supply SKU 200624/200625. I’m installing 9 of them into an electrical cabinet and would like the measurements of the shell and bolt hole locations and sizes to design a rack.


    • Drok December 26, 2022 at 7:12 am - Reply

      Hello michael mcconnaghy,
      Sorry, we don’t have 3D model.

  435. Ryan January 8, 2023 at 6:35 pm - Reply

    I bought a few Analog control buck converters DC – DC step down transformer Voltage regulator modules 36 V 24 V 12 V 5 V.

    One of the modules came with a piece taken or broken off of it. And the other two did not come in the proper anti static bags.

    • Drok January 9, 2023 at 6:52 am - Reply

      Hello Ryan,
      Sorry, would you like to offer product link or Order ID so that we can confirm which item it is?
      Best regards,

  436. Nick January 13, 2023 at 3:18 pm - Reply

    Hello Support,

    I have purchased the following and am not seeing an amp reading on the indicator panel. I have voltage readings which are correct and when testing with another amp meter I’m able to see current is present, but just not present on your indicators. Can you provide any support on getting the reading to appear? All connections are made complete.
    DROK AC Volt Amp Meter, 3pcs AC 50-500V 100A Voltage Current Monitor Digital LED Display Voltmeter 110v 220v Volt Detector Green Red Yellow Signal Indicator Light Panel

    • Drok January 30, 2023 at 7:08 am - Reply

      Hello Nick,
      Would you like to show the connectin by images? Did you put one load wire go through the current sensor?
      Best regards.

  437. Dan Drapeau January 14, 2023 at 2:32 pm - Reply

    Hi, I bought a monitor model 200141 in october 2022 and started using it in décember 2022. Due to the fact the current readings were way out, I tried to reset it. It started flashing and then went dead. Is there a secret to revive this item that was not included in the user’s handbook

    best wishes



    • Drok January 30, 2023 at 7:11 am - Reply

      Hello Dan Drapeau,
      May I know more details about your operation? How did you reset it?
      Best regards.

  438. Porsche Everson January 23, 2023 at 11:28 pm - Reply

    I have a 42 volt Western Golf Cart. There are 7 six-volt batteries powering the cart. I would like to replace the non-working battery meter. I’m thinking that I would like to purchase the Battery Capacity Monitor DC10-100v Battery Meter 12v 24v 48v Battery Power Percentage Voltage Fahrenheit Temperature Indicator Gauge, part #200506. Will this work for a 42 volt system? Can I attach it to any positive & negative wire or battery terminal in the cart? Thank you for your advice.

    • Drok February 24, 2023 at 9:48 am - Reply

      Hello Porsche Everson,
      There is a custom setting menu in #200506, it can work for any battery type, as long as the voltage is within the rated range 10-100v, it should be no problem.
      Best regards.

  439. Thomas January 28, 2023 at 6:26 pm - Reply

    Hello, does the DC Buck Converter, DROK DC to DC Step Down Power Supply Module 10V-65V to 0-60V 0-12A Adjustable Voltage Regulator Transformer Board with LED Display for Volt Reducer ( have an adjustable minimum input voltage? I would like to use this to down convert voltage from a lithium battery, and I want the supply to turn off if the input battery voltage gets too low.

    • Drok February 24, 2023 at 9:51 am - Reply

      Hello Thomas,
      The converter you mention is not with low-voltage protection.

  440. Lorenzo February 24, 2023 at 12:34 am - Reply

    I just purchased a coulometer DC voltage and current meter. Model KG-F series.

    Ihave cconnected it to test a battery capacity for a 12 volt 280Ah pack with BMS. When powered up I set all parameters according to the manual. After about a minute the display stops showing current and watts with it still is under a load.

    Please advise.

    • Drok February 24, 2023 at 9:52 am - Reply

      Hello Lorenzo,
      Sorry, Would you please kindly offer product link or SKU number so that we can confirm which item it is?
      And is it possible for you to show how it is by video?
      Best regards.

  441. marnaz March 4, 2023 at 6:32 pm - Reply

    Is there a user manual available for the 300042 usb tester

  442. Frank Jordan March 6, 2023 at 7:55 pm - Reply

    Good Morning,

    I am trying to find out what type of fuse the DROK 48V Power Supply, AC 110V/220V to DC 0-48V 10A 480W Buck Converter, Adjustable Variable LED Adapter Regulated 5V 12V 24V 30V 36V 48V Volt Voltage Transformer 10A Amp uses on the internal mother board it blew and i need to replace it and im not sure why it blew do you have any ideas it was working fine had it for a few months now.

    • Drok March 8, 2023 at 3:13 am - Reply

      Hello Frank Jordan
      For 48v/10A power supply, the fuse is 5A. If the input current is overlarge, fuse will blow.
      Best regards,

  443. Charles March 7, 2023 at 4:20 pm - Reply

    I purchased your 48v battery monitor . There are no leads to connect to the battery terminal. Do you recommend how to connect it to the battery terminal?

    • Drok March 8, 2023 at 3:06 am - Reply

      Hello Charles,
      Please check if it is this kind of meter.
      Just use the ordinary wire you have, it only measrue battery votlatge instead of current, so it doesn’t matter what wrie it is.
      Best regards.

  444. Fred Smith March 9, 2023 at 1:07 am - Reply

    Buck boost 200573

    Is there not a way to set the usb power output to be default on?  I know the included instructions say ‘no’. If so, the device is worthless to me.

    Please advise

    • Drok March 14, 2023 at 2:36 am - Reply

      Sorry, USB output can’t be default on.
      Best regards.

  445. MUZAFFER ALBAYRAK March 24, 2023 at 9:34 am - Reply

    Dear Sir,
    Doyou have a distributor in Turkey that we can find 4 pcs of your below product.

    480W AC Power Supply, Switching AC110~220V to DC0 ~ 48V 10A Led Display Adjustable Voltage Regulator DC 12V 24V Power Adapter/Driver

    Best Regards,


    • Drok March 26, 2023 at 8:27 am - Reply

      Sorry, we don’t have distributor in Turkey, you can order it from our website, it will be shipped from China to you directly.
      Best regards,

  446. Raul Murillo March 26, 2023 at 2:39 am - Reply

    YES, Is there a way to switch your thermometers from Celsius to Fahrenheit ? I bought your double temp small gauge, but had no idea it was in Celsius ?? Thank You

    • Drok March 26, 2023 at 8:29 am - Reply

      Hello Raul Murillo,
      Would you please kindly offer product link or SKU number so that we can confirm which one it is?
      Best regards,

  447. David Figueredo March 28, 2023 at 11:19 am - Reply

    Hello, I am looking for this product or one that fulfills all the functions, thanks
    30W Power Supply Module DC 5~32.0V to 0~30.0V Buck Converter/Adjustable Voltage Regulator DC 12V 24V Adapter/Driver Module With Voltmeter

  448. Eric Gidion May 9, 2023 at 7:28 pm - Reply

    According to the instructions for the Drok 200517 regulator, the cooling fan is suppose to run all the time.

    It never runs!

    Got any suggestions?

    Thank you for your time.

    • Drok May 11, 2023 at 2:26 am - Reply

      Hello Eric Gidion,
      Fan only turn on when temperature is over 50 ℃ or load current is over 1A.
      Best regards.

  449. Denise May 16, 2023 at 7:38 pm - Reply

    Hello,  I’m looking to buy your Drok DC-DC Converter 10361205L .  Where can purchase them, and whats the item code?

    • Drok July 24, 2023 at 6:24 am - Reply

      Hello Denise,
      Is it hard for us to confirm which one it is. Do you have old order ID?
      Best regards.

  450. Nolan Worley June 18, 2023 at 5:37 pm - Reply

    Hello Drok…  I have purchased the Dc Coulometer from Amazon.  Do you also sell a longer cable?  The 6 ft included is too short.  I need more like 5 meters or 15 ft.  You should sell this on Amazon as well.

    Thank you for your assistance.  Nolan Worley

    • Drok July 24, 2023 at 6:23 am - Reply

      Hello Nolan Worley,
      Sorry, we don’t sell longer cable. You can try to find it from other seller.
      Best regards,

  451. Eyad July 17, 2023 at 5:18 pm - Reply

    Hi , please send me order tracking number




    • Drok July 24, 2023 at 6:22 am - Reply

      Dear customer,
      We have sent tracking number by email, please check it.
      Best regards,

  452. Ray July 21, 2023 at 6:58 pm - Reply


    I need a dual DC volt meter to monitor two different DV voltages using the 70x40x30 case

    Would be nice to have one LED blue and the other amber.

    This would complement the AC v/a and the DC v/a meters that i am using on the power input side of my RF amplifier. (AC into the power supply and DC output)

    The Dual DC meters would monitor:
        Meter one would monitor the output transistors B++ side,
        the other meter would monitor the bias voltage for the transistors.

    Do you have anything like this?



    • Drok July 24, 2023 at 3:56 am - Reply

      Hello Ray,
      Do you mean one meter to measure two different voltage?
      Sorry, currently we don’t have such meter.
      Best regards,

  453. Wayne July 31, 2023 at 9:20 pm - Reply

    When will you be restocking on USA?
    Class D Amplifier Module 2.0 Dual Channel Digital Audio Amp Board 15W+15W DC 8-26V 12V 24V PAM8620 Power Amp Circuit Board

    • Drok August 1, 2023 at 8:21 am - Reply

      Hello Wayne,
      Sorry, we are waiting for production, it should be available this week. Then we can send replenishment to Amazon warehouse, that may take two weeks on shipping.
      Best regards,

  454. Amit August 7, 2023 at 8:30 pm - Reply


    Could you please confirm the shipment for order number 19461?

    Thank you.

    • Drok August 8, 2023 at 3:31 am - Reply

      Hello Amit,
      Not sure if you can receive our email, you contacted us via email before, and we replied there.
      We told you one amplifier board is out of stock and ask for your opinion about replacement, but no response yet.
      Best regards,

  455. Ruth Morgan September 2, 2023 at 1:44 am - Reply

    We are interested in procuring a Clamp Meter for our business operations and would like to request a quote for the product. After careful consideration, we have identified your company as a reputable supplier in the industry.

    Please provide us with a quote for the following Clamp Meter:

    Model: Digital Clamp Meter
    Quantity: 186

    In addition to the quote, we would appreciate it if you could provide us with the following information:

    Availability: Please confirm the availability of the requested Clamp Meter and provide the lead time for delivery.

    Pricing and Payment Terms: Kindly specify the unit price for the Clamp Meter and any applicable bulk discounts. Additionally, please provide information regarding your preferred payment method. We prefer Net30 as our payment method.

    Shipping: Indicate whether the shipping costs are included in the quote or if they will be billed separately. If separate, please provide an estimate of the shipping costs to our location.

    Return Policy: Kindly provide details of your return policy, including any restocking fees or conditions that may apply.

    Upon receipt of the quote, we will evaluate it based on our requirements and budget. If the terms and conditions are satisfactory, we intend to proceed with the purchase.

    To facilitate the payment process, we prefer to use Net30.

    Thank you for your prompt attention to this request. We look forward to receiving your detailed quote and further discussing the terms of the transaction.

    Should you require any additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


  456. Desmond Maughan October 11, 2023 at 9:35 am - Reply



    I am looking for a Druk module, that has a USB port on both the input, and outputs of the module. I see many of them, very similar to what I want, but I cannot adjust the output to being 10V@4A, which is what my Huaewi phone needs to Supercharge properly. All of these variable units, seen to have the space to add a USB port near the input terminal connectors, I think it would make it a more saleable unit.

    • Drok October 12, 2023 at 3:19 am - Reply

      Hello Desmond Maughan,
      Sorry, currently we don’t have converter with USB port on both input and output.
      Best regards,

  457. John Williams October 17, 2023 at 8:16 pm - Reply


    How do you change the AH decimal place? My battery AH is 518.

    Meter shows decimal 00.0 but I need decimal 000.0 in order to input AH 518.0



    • Drok October 18, 2023 at 1:43 am - Reply

      Decimal place can’t be changed.
      Best regards,

  458. Jack Arnold December 6, 2023 at 4:49 pm - Reply

    I purchased a generator that has an AC 120/240V 50A outlet, and AC  120/240V 30A outlet.  I also purchased 2 of your 200444 products and have them in hand.  I need help hooking them up.  I understand the black wire from the generator 50A service will go through the donut and to the load.  Is it the white wire and the black wire that is connected to the green terminal.  What gauge of wires should I use going to the green terminal?

    I assume since the 50A connector has 4 leads it will also use the red wire from the connector.  Should I purchase 2 more 200444 to monitor it?

    I am going to do the same thing with the 30A outlet.

    • Drok December 7, 2023 at 7:19 am - Reply

      Dear customer,
      Please refer to below wiring diagram. One meter can only measure one load, if you have two loads, please prepare two meters.
      Green terminal is used to power the meter and measure voltage. Load current will not flow throught that port, and meter working current is very small, so it is not important what gauge of wire it is. 200444 wiring diagram

  459. Steve G February 9, 2024 at 5:33 pm - Reply

    I’m having trouble adjusting the amps on my 200573 .  The adjustment screw ADJ-I changes don’t make any difference in my reading of 0.05 A.  What am I doing wrong?

    thank you

  460. Steve G February 9, 2024 at 5:36 pm - Reply

    Drok 200573

    cant change my amps using ADJ-I.  Seems stuck on 0.05 A. What am I doing wrong?

    • Drok February 20, 2024 at 3:49 am - Reply

      Hello Steve G,
      Did you connect load? Without load, the current is zero and it can’t be adjusted.
      Best regards,

  461. John Morfit February 12, 2024 at 8:50 pm - Reply

    Product: Boost Converter DC 8-60V to 10-120V 15A 900W, p/n 421646658,
    Intended Use: to charge a laptop at 20Vdc, using a 12V battery bank with 630Ah capacity.
    Set with 20.00V output, and SF 0 = Y (turn on output when power is applied to input).
    unit, Special Function 2 = Y (display voltage and current in sequence).
    Result: voltage displays 20.01 and current displays 0.00A with loads attached. Loads do not operate or charge.
    LEDS: ON – on, CC – off, CV – on
    Fan: off
    Measured input voltage: 12.59 Vdc
    Measured output voltage: 20.14 Vdc
    Measured output current: 0.06 Adc

    • Drok February 20, 2024 at 6:13 am - Reply

      Hello John Morfit,
      How did you adjust output current?
      Best regards,

  462. Robert February 15, 2024 at 5:10 am - Reply

    Drok meters were chosen because we’ve used other Drok instrumentation in the past without difficulty.  Two WLS-PVA200 meters were purchased, the voltage and amp-hour setup  (HU, LU, HA, AH and FU ) work correctly and within reasonable measurement uncertainty. Both are setup to measure current at same time (same wire running through both Hall sensors at the same time).  How can we calibrate the current? Also, what are CU, AP, AC, AA and AU? It appears U = Voltage and A = Amperage. As a metrologist, I would imagine the calibration is simply a slope and intercept calibration, that is a two point cal, one at or near zero and the other at or near full-scale. I may be incorrect, because there are five parameters (CU, AP, AC, AA and AU) that I do not know what they are. Once these parameters are understood and the current calibration completed we are looking to purchase other similar units. Time is of the essence. THANK YOU in advance for your response!!!

    • Drok February 20, 2024 at 6:46 am - Reply

      Hello Robert,
      CU, AP, AC, AA and AU are for ther other version with bluetooth. Please ignore these settings.
      There is no calibration prcoess, but you can restore factory default calibration value. In the standy interface, please hold the UP button for 6 seconds.
      Best regards,

  463. Connor Davis March 5, 2024 at 4:16 pm - Reply

    Hello, I would like to use one of your devices to gauge my hybrid vehicles battery level as I am driving down the road. It is a 2020 Ford Escape Titanium Hybrid AWD, it has a 1.1 kWh lithium-ion battery. Could someone suggest any products that would assist with this? Thank you.

    • Drok March 6, 2024 at 8:48 am - Reply

      Hello Connor Davis,
      Do you mean battery capacity meter? What is the voltage range?
      Best regards,

  464. Adam Blevins March 12, 2024 at 3:17 am - Reply

    I purchased the delay timer B071XNY72Q

    I am trying to program after power supplied to timer (no trigger) immediately start count down 5 seconds to connect and stay connected

    • Drok March 12, 2024 at 8:59 am - Reply

      Hello Adam Blevins,
      Most of working mode request trigger signal, only P3 doesn’t require trigger signal, but it can’t meet your need.
      Best regards,

  465. Adrian Moreno March 12, 2024 at 8:41 pm - Reply

    Good Afternoon,
    Would you please assist me by quoting your best Price and delivery for the following ítems.  Be sure to mention approx. weight, dimensions and country were made.

    48V Power Supply, AC 110V/220V to DC 0-48V 10A 480W Step Down Converter, Regulated Adjustable Variable LED Adapter 5V 12V 24V 30V 36V 48V Voltage Transformer 40V Charger 10 amps       / 1 unit
    Part number: 200607

    Once we place a firm PO, ítems ship to our Forwarder in 5907 East Drive, Laredo, TX 78041, United States.
    I look forward to your soon reply.
    Best regards,
    Adrian Moreno

  466. Gregg O. Clark March 14, 2024 at 12:17 am - Reply

    I have a Buck/Boost 216 Watt converter.  Model 200592. It has an “OCP” fault.  Is it possible to reset it? If so how?


    • Drok March 15, 2024 at 10:02 am - Reply

      Hello Gregg O. Clark,
      OCP is overcurrent protection, the default setting should be 6.2A. If actual output current is over that value, output will be closed.
      Best regards,

  467. Latha Anekal April 18, 2024 at 7:00 pm - Reply


    Can I get the pinout details for the connector that is used to connect the display?  Is this the connector to measure the voltage output form the sensor?


    • Drok April 19, 2024 at 7:52 am - Reply

      Hello Latha Anekal,
      We can confirm which item it is, would you please kindly offer product link or product code?
      Best regards,

  468. David B. April 27, 2024 at 6:51 pm - Reply

    I have the DROK 200595/200596  module. Where does the temp sensor line connect to?

  469. Nikhil B August 8, 2024 at 9:51 am - Reply

    Hi Drok Team, I am looking for a DROK 0-20mA Signal Generator, Stable Signal Source with Adjustable Potentiometer and Current LED Display.

    Can I get this in India?  


  470. Roger Percival November 13, 2024 at 1:29 am - Reply


    I just ordered two 48v power supply 10amp from you amazon store to be delivered to 1201 E arapaho rd Richardson Texas.

    i need these two  items over night to be delivered by 7 am or earlier.

    I am happy to pay more but need early delivery. Is it possible?

    • Drok November 20, 2024 at 9:37 am - Reply

      Hello Roger Percival
      Sorry, for Amazon order, items are stored in Amazon fulfillment center and shipped by them, you can contact Amazon support for suggestion.
      Best regards,

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