You are here:>>Bluetooth reciever board JCH-8001.v5 power?
Bluetooth reciever board JCH-8001.v5 power? 2016-02-18T00:25:22+00:00

Home Forums Any Other Products Bluetooth reciever board JCH-8001.v5 power?

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  • Marc
    Post count: 0

    Purchased this board-

    Looking for a data sheet for it or info on powering it. Will it only accept power via the USB? I hooked up 3.7v to the battery +/- and only got red flashing light. Haven’t hooked up audio, but seens to work with USB connected.

    Will the battery +/- charge a lipo battery and then run off of the battery when USB is not connected?


    Post count: 2971

    Hello Marc,
    Thank you for purchasing.
    Actually, the module accept power via the battery +/-. The USB power is charged for the battery. The module should not be charged by USB plug without the connection of battery, or it will appear intermittently promote sound because of the charging protection function.
    If you only got red flashing light, that means the module stopping searching Bluetooth device, you can try to wire the module again.
    Here is the datasheet of the module Datasheet_B016Y1850U
    Hope this will be helpful to you.
    Best regards

    Post count: 0

    I have same board. Plug in Micro USB from computer, no LEDs light up no mater what or how long I press buttons. What am I missing?

    Post count: 2971

    Hello George,
    Thank you for writing in.
    Could you please tell us more details of your operation, such as the input voltage/current, the speaker, the wiring, the working environment?
    If you can, we sincerely hope that you can send us some images or video to let us check the problem details.
    You can send this information to us via email (service at droking dot com).
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Best regards

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