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Bluetooth Stereo to Mono 2020-07-27T14:48:06+00:00

Home Forums Advice Bluetooth Stereo to Mono

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  • Bill Darron
    Post count: 0

    I have my dad’s 1949 RCA AM Radio with a phonograph.

    Of course No one wants an old tube thing (with bad tubes to boot).  But I don’t want to wreck it, so I bought your Bluetooth Amp and I’m going to hook it to the mono speaker.

    But it is in stereo.  Do you have a solution to make your board output to mono?  These speakers can’t handle more than 5 watts or so.  Turning it down works, but maybe some kind of limiter?

    I have a bunch of these old radios I could convert and sell if I could get a board that does this.


    Bill Darron
    Post count: 0
    Post count: 2971

    Hello Bill Darron,

    Thanks for your supporting. But we are sorry  it can’t convert  stereo to mono.

    Best regards.

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