You are here:>>Buck Boost Voltage Regulator Operating Temperature/ Weather Resistant
Buck Boost Voltage Regulator Operating Temperature/ Weather Resistant 2022-02-13T21:20:38+00:00

Home Forums Voltage Regulator Support Buck Boost Voltage Regulator Operating Temperature/ Weather Resistant

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  • Noah
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    I am looking to purchase a buck boost voltage regulator for a solar application. A photovoltaic solar panel powers a pump at my home, but I want to keep the voltage and current going to the pump constant.

    The solar panel output about 12V and 3.5A, but this is in ideal conditions. If it is cloudy, they do not output as much voltage or current. The pump requires 12V and 3.5A to operate correctly. The setup is outdoors, where the temperature year-round change from -34 C to 26 C.

    Is there a buck boost voltage regulator (with part number) that can safely operate at these temperatures? Is there a buck boost voltage regulator that is weather resistant?

    Post count: 2971


    For now we don’t have item can work under -34 c.

    Best regards,


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