You are here:>>Controlling car battery to 12v 1.5 amp device
Controlling car battery to 12v 1.5 amp device 2017-04-01T21:41:46+00:00

Home Forums Advice Controlling car battery to 12v 1.5 amp device

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  • Doug McRae
    Post count: 0

    Please pardon my lack of knowledge.

    I have a DC 12V 1`.5 amp cellular device at my remote, off grid cabin.

    I need to run it from a car battery… voltage might be 14.4 – 11 volts.

    I don’t want to damage the device. I’m looking for the best way to provide clean and constant power. what’s the best choice?

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Doug McRae,
    Thank you for writing in.
    To find out solution, could you please let us know more detail about your requirement?
    Do you mean you want a buck convertor?
    Best regards.

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