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Current Controller 2019-04-03T14:25:36+00:00

Home Forums DROK Customization Current Controller

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  • Alfred Oraha
    Post count: 0

    Dear Sir or madam,

    I am inquiring if Drok has a Buck converter to output current 0 to 10 amps.

    Input is 12 to 30 VDC.

    Only output current is displayed with 4 segment display for 1 mA .

    Only Output current is controlled displayed by rotary encoder.

    Output Voltage does not matter.  I am willing to pay for design of such circuitry.

    Triple piece per unit (3  in one)


    initial purchase will be 20 to 50 pieces, later volume will increase.


    Thank you and best regards,


    Post count: 2971

    Hello Alfred Oraha,

    We want to confirm if you are going to regulate current.

    Buck converter is  used to control voltage instead of current, so far we don’t have item can control current directly.

    For most of converter, current adjusment function is to limit output current only. It doesn’t mean you set 2 amps, actual output is 2 amps.  Actual current is decided by your load.

    Any more questions, please let us know

    Best regards

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