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Digital Voltmeter 2020-04-17T15:11:51+00:00

Home Forums Advice Digital Voltmeter

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  • Phil Blumenthal
    Post count: 0

    I received your DROK090551 auto digital voltmeter today.  Please answer the following 2 questions. 1) What is the purpose of the white wire?? 2) Does the meter require a separate voltage source other than the 12 VDC from the car battery?  If so, what voltage should I supply to it.  Thank You

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Phil Blumenthal,

    Red: Power Supply +,(3.0~ 30V DC)
    White: Measure Voltage +,0~ 100V DC)
    Black:  Power Supply -, Measure Voltage –

    If measuring voltage is over 30v, please connect separate working voltage source for meter.

    Best regards.

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