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DROK mini bluetooth amp – turn off greeting music 2015-12-23T10:02:19+00:00

Home Forums Advice DROK mini bluetooth amp – turn off greeting music

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  • Jeff
    Post count: 0

    Great amp.

    Can I turn off the greeting music when it powers up and the messages about bluetooth mode and connecting?

    Post count: 0

    Thats my question too. How to disable?

    Post count: 2971

    Dear friend,
    Thanks for your message and Merry Christmas to you.
    We are sorry to tell you that the greeting voice can not be turned off.
    We feel sorry for any inconvenience may cause on you.
    Have a great day.
    Best regards

    Post count: 2971

    Dear friend,
    Thanks for your message and Merry Christmas to you.
    We are sorry to tell you that the greeting voice can not be turned off.
    We feel sorry for any inconvenience may cause on you.
    Have a great day.
    Best regards

    Post count: 0


    I bought a drok miniblueutooth amp and found it really great. I would like to buy others but would like it without the greating music and the voice messages. Do you think it would be possible to do it for a new order please?

    Looking forward to reading from you.
    Best regards.

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Willugit,
    We are glad that the product can meet your demand.
    We are trying our best to improve the product but we feel sorry that this kind of setting has not be improved.
    Thank you for your business and beg your understanding.
    Best regards

    Post count: 0


    Will this feature be implemented? The greeting music is actually quite annoying after a bit… 🙂

    Thank you

    Post count: 2971

    Hello JN,
    So sorry that this feature cannot be replaced.
    We must apology for the inconvenience caused on you.
    We are trying our best to improving the product.
    We will take this issue into account during improving the product.
    Beg your forgiveness and understanding.
    Best regards

    Post count: 0

    Hi there,

    I really like your little amp, but I too would love to be able to turn off the welcoming music and bluetooth messages – they are really annoying. Have you made any progress on this – is there any way to flash the firmware?


    Post count: 2971

    Hello Timbo,
    Thank you for writing in.
    So sorry that we cannot shut down the welcoming music and bluetooth messages right now.
    But we will reflect this issue to our technicians and try our best to improve it.
    Hope you can understand.
    Great thanks for bringing this issue to our attention.
    Best regards

    Post count: 0

    Please provide firmware flash to disable greeting music / Bluetooth connect voice.

    We all heard you guys are very very sorry — please don’t be sorry, provide a fix instead!

    Post count: 2971

    Hello BT,
    Thank you for writing in.
    Is this product you are referring to?
    DROK Mini 30W+30W Dual Channel Bluetooth 3.0 Stereo Amplifier Wireless Digital HiFi Audio Receiver TPA3110 2.0 DC12-24V
    If yes, we have reflect this issue to our technician and they are trying their best to find a solution for this issue.
    This is the program circuit setting problem and they need time to solve it.
    Hope you can understand.
    Best regards

    Rascar Capac
    Post count: 0

    Hi Drok,
    Did you find a solution to disable the gretting voice and music ?

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Rascar Capac,
    Thanks for your message.
    We are sorry the greeting voice can not be turned off.
    Beg your forgiveness and hope you can understand.
    Best regards.

    Henry G.
    Post count: 0


    I have ordered “DROK Mini 30W+30W Dual Channel Bluetooth 3.0 Stereo Amplifier Wireless Digital HiFi Audio Receiver TPA3110 2.0 DC12-24V”.

    Ordered on January 24, 2017

    Order from Amazon: 105-5485351-3879416


    Brand: DROK

    Item model number: 300245

    Manufacturer Part Number: 300245

    DROK Mini 30W+30W Dual Channel Bluetooth 3.0 Stereo Amplifier Wireless Digital HiFi Audio Receiver TPA3110 2.0 DC12-24V

    The ordered item has not been shipped yet.

    In the meantime i read customers reviews about ordered device. I assume that your device is Class D amplifier (TPA3110) and does not have the output filters (Filter less Class D). Customers experience strong Electromagnetic Interference with other devices. Some experienced damage to their speakers.
    After reading all reviews I would like to make Output Filters to prevent my speakers (6 Ω) from damage, and also EMI Snubbers to prevent Electromagnetic Interference with other devices (my speakers are going to be apart from amplifier 6 – 10 feet).

    Another question: if headphone amplifier needs output filters ?

    I am looking for advice from amplifier designer on how make Filters and Snubbers. I would appreciate a diagram and part numbers.

    Thank you.

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