You are here:>>DROK mini bluetooth amp – turn off greeting music
DROK mini bluetooth amp – turn off greeting music 2015-12-23T10:02:19+00:00

Home Forums Advice DROK mini bluetooth amp – turn off greeting music

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  • Drok
    Post count: 2971

    Hello Henry G,
    Thanks for writing in.
    We have checked all of our site, but we are sorry we can’t find out your order, is it sold by DROK?
    About your question, in general, it doesn’t need output filters, but it is available if you want a better protection。
    And it’s a pity that we don’t have such item at present.
    We will try our best to improve our product and service.
    Beg your forgiveness and hope you can understand.
    Best regards.

    Henry G.
    Post count: 0


    Thank you for your help.

    Can you verify if an amplifier has “Low-Pass” filters ?

    If not, is it possible to find a diagram of your device (there is nothing on the web) ?

    If not, is it possible to send a diagram to my e-mail ?

    Thank you.

    Post count: 0


    I’ve been following this post for a while, it is really hard for me to understand that your technicians are unable to remove the greeting message! But even if they really can’t (or won’t for whatever reason) you could at least try to hide it by inserting a checkbox in the firmware which on start sets the volume to zero for 5 seconds. Please provide a solution (or allow the community to find one) I would like to buy more of your products but this message is really really annoying!

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