Home › Forums › Any Other Products › DROK SIM800 GSM GPRS
August 14, 2017 at 12:47 pmPost count: 0Hello, I bought the GSM module on Amazon.
I hoped to find any documents, schematics or whatsoever in Your website but I’m not able to find absolutely anything even if the search has been extended to web.
Could You kindly tell me where I could find anything specific for Your module board?
Thank You in advance foe any suggestion and awaiting for it, I remain.
Best Regards,
August 15, 2017 at 12:49 pmPost count: 0Hi There,
I’ve just purchased the 200221 module board from Amazon.it and would appreciate a quick hint for wiring the device to Arduino and Raspberry Pi GPIO.
The kit includes 4 wires and one JUMPER, and searching Amazon reviews it looks like:
– GND to Arduino GND
– RXD to Arduino TX
– TXD to Arduino RX
– VCMU (=VDD in your leaflet) to Arduino +5V for matching Arduino TTL Voltage LevelPlease confirm.
Also, the VIN (power input) pin can be fed with 5V power from Arduino: please confirm.
If affirmative, can the JUMPER be used for shorting 1 of 2 VIN pins with 1 of 2 VCMU pins, in order to have only one 5V wire from Arduino feeding both VIN and VCMU on the GSM board?
Regarding Raspebrry Pi wiring, can be VIN connected to external 5V supply while VCMU is wired to the PI 3.3V pin in order to match PI input level? Would this work?
Thank you in advance for your support
August 18, 2017 at 11:00 amPost count: 0Stefano
August 19, 2017 at 12:48 pmPost count: 0Stefano
August 24, 2017 at 6:54 amPost count: 0 -