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DS18B20 Thermometer 2016-01-31T16:19:10+00:00

Home Forums Advice DS18B20 Thermometer

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  • Jason
    Post count: 0

    Hello, I bought your Thermometer probe off of Amazon and have been trying connect it too a Rasberry Pi. I want to make sure I know which wire color is what. Red, Green, Black.

    Red = 3.3v?
    Green = Data?
    Black = Ground?

    Thank you for your help.

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Jason,
    Could you please let us know your order ID of the Asin of the item you purchased?
    With your help, we can solve this problem more quickly.
    Waiting for your reply.
    Best regards

    Post count: 0

    I also just got a DS18B20 and am mostly happy. The wires were red,yellow, green. I eventually figured out that:

    red: 5v/3.3v

    yellow: gnd (what?!?!)

    green: data

    I know that there is no universal color scheme for these kinds of things, but this one was just crazy. Seriously, yellow for ground? In this case due to my setup I was able to try different  combinations without risk of frying anything, but I can imagine some contexts where trial and error isn’t an option. Please try to include color code info when you ship components.

    Otherwise, once I got everything sorted out I stuck the thing under my tongue and got 36C. Awesome!

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