Hi there, I’m not very savvy with electronics so maybe this is an obvious question. I have a DC fridge that has low voltage shutoff, the fridge is somewhat faulty and keeps shutting down even when voltage is at 13.5 (I have Lithium battery). However, the fridge does seem to work when it’s plugged into AC, the converter output is 14.5.
This tells me 14.5 volts is enough to please the low voltage cutoff so I got a buck booster to get to 14.5 volts. I set it up, and I thought I had it set to CV (constant voltage) and it was set to 14.5. When the buck is turned on but the fridge is off, then it hovers right around 14.5. However, when the fridge tries to start cooling, the buck booster readout shows output voltage jumping all over the place. This seems to cause the fridge to not be able to start up, it tries to start and then stops.
Is there a way to get a constant output voltage, regardless of the watts that the load is trying to pull?