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Brian Dolge
October 15, 2016 at 3:01 pmPost count: 0I bought a “dual h-bridge motor controller ” from Amazon which came with a card for this site as the only documentation. I can make out markings on the board for 4 in and out pins and 12 and 5 volt and grnd pins, but I have no idea how I would use these for stepper vs pwm DC motors, nor do I know what the jumpered pins marked ENA and ENB are for.
Arriving at this page, I find no mention of the existence of the part I bought, much less an easy to read illustration or any explanation of how to connect the item to a motor, nor any example sketches for connecting the board to an Arduino.
Please help, I am mechanically competent but have limited experience with electronics and want to motorize a Halloween project.David
October 29, 2016 at 2:41 pmPost count: 0I purchased this unit:
https://www.amazon.com/DROK-ATmega328P-Atmega16u2-Compatible-Automotive/dp/B00ZP4PDL2/ref=sr_1_8?m=AFHAE9RJVUMB&s=merchant-items&ie=UTF8&qid=1477749012&sr=1-8&keywords=motorOn it is printed Fundumoto Keyes_L298P. The item number from Amazon is LYSB00ZP4PDL2-ELECTRNCS. I found this pdf looking at other forums: http://www.droking.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/091035_L298P-Motor-Shield-Instruction.pdf
I am trying to find information on the pins other than the motor drive. I am having trouble with the buzzer. And I am curious which digital pins should be used for the bluetooth transmit/receive. Last, I am trying to sense the current running into the motors – according to the documentation for the chip L298P there is a current sensing pin, but I am not sure if the arduino has access to that pin on the chip. Any advice you can provide would be helpful
Hello David,
Thank you for writing in.
Here is an image that we think it is useful to you, please check it.
If there is still buzzer, could you please tell us more details of your application, such as the input voltage/current, the load, the wiring, the working environment?
If you can, we sincerely hope that you can send us some images or video to let us check the problem details.
For the current sensing of the L298P board, do you mean you want to use this board to test the current running into the motor?
Best regards -