You are here:>>PAM8403 2*3W Stereo Audio Amp Module Design
PAM8403 2*3W Stereo Audio Amp Module Design 2016-04-28T18:04:14+00:00

Home Forums Advice PAM8403 2*3W Stereo Audio Amp Module Design

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  • David
    Post count: 0

    I purchased a PAM8403 2 * 3W Stereo Audio amp module from your Amazon Shop (ASIN:B00IGNUZ1C) . I was suprised by the good audio quality, but there was one problem for me: The module didn’t seem to be breadboard-friendly. Because I wanted to use it for many different projects, I had to design a rather complicated breakout for it, which was really annoying..
    So for the future, it could be cool if you can design your modules breadboard-friendly.

    Post count: 2971

    Hello David,
    Thank you for your message and your valuable suggestion.
    We will provide this suggestion to our technician.
    We are trying our best to improve the product and your suggestion will be great helpful.
    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
    Looking forward to serving you again.
    Best regards

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