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Tagged: 090029,
IgorJuly 21, 2015 at 2:18 pmPost count: 0IgorJuly 22, 2015 at 12:53 pmPost count: 0Orlando Steven FerrassoliAugust 3, 2015 at 9:53 pmPost count: 0
Dear Sirs,
A little about myself, and the purpose of my inquiry.
I build mini wind turbines for educational purposes (schools, science camp projects, etc…). These mini wind turbines were very simple in the beginning, but recently I have received several requests to sell my mini wind turbines as kits. The requests came from other teachers, students and tinkerers out there.My mini wind turbine has a small stepper motor as a generator (NEMA 17). The stepper motor produces AC, to which I apply a full bridge rectifier, making it into DC. I have measured the DC output around 60 volts maximum (I don’t know if it goes higher in strong winds) and the amps at around .092. I recently purchased a DC/DC converter from you, on Amazon. Here is the spec: “DROK® LM2596 Voltage Switching Regulator DC Converter Adjustable DC 5-40V to 1.25-37V Buck Converter 36V to 24V to 12V to 5V Volt Stabilizers Car Batt”. The package that I received came with a manual instruction paper that says SKU:090029.
I attached the rectified DC output from my mini wind turbine to the “in+” and the “in-” and set the output to 5.0 volts. For testing purposes, I attached an LED multicolored light containing 15 LED lights and it worked perfectly for a couple of hours (at night). I also attached a small DC motor 3.5 volts, and also tested another DC 5 volt motor. All of these items worked perfectly well. The motors worked OK…but not as fast as if I have connected them to a battery…which is acceptable for my demonstrations. I also connected a small 14 volt incandescent type “flashlight” light bulb to it, and the light barely lit up…it was very faint. Which tells me that the amperage produced by the mini wind turbine must be very low. (Maybe I misinterpreted the amperage reading) Your DC/DC converter did not warm up at any point during those 2 hours I was testing these things.
I would like to purchase them at wholesale price, so that I can include them in my kits. At $8.20 on Amazon, it is too expensive for me, since I would like to purchase 10 (ten) or more at a time (I have a Seller’s Permit). I also need to know your delivery times to Palmdale, CA zip code 93550.
If there is any technical information or advice regarding this Buck converter you can give me, I would appreciate it very much. I hope to purchase them on an ongoing basis.
Thank you very much, in advance
Orlando Steven Ferrassoli
Thanks for your message. Just to confirm that the max DC output of the stepper motor is 60 volts, right? Please note that the input of our buck converter is DC 5-35V, so if the input is too high, it will be broken easily.
Please check if the input is too low when you connected a small 14 volt light bulb. If the input is too low, then you can know that the power of your generator is not enough.
Of course we can give a wholesale price for a bulk purchase. Could you tell us how many you want to buy. We still have about 400 units in amazon warehouse which can is shipped from US. If you want to buy more, we can ship it from China via DHL or other ways.
Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
DROKfoojookAugust 21, 2015 at 9:42 pmPost count: 0Hi foojook, are you talking the voltmeter on the LM2596 Buck Converter Could you please connect the multimeter on terminal in parallel, then tell us what’s the reading.
Looking forward to your reply.