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Tim Regan
October 27, 2018 at 1:19 amPost count: 0I am using a 200310 and whenever power is removed from it it always returns to a 5v output. Is there any way to change the default output setting to maintain a specific voltage after a loss of power? I have it set to automatically turn back on but 5v output is too low for my applications.
July 9, 2019 at 12:08 pmPost count: 0Kevin
July 10, 2019 at 9:45 amPost count: 0Hello,
Answering for Pedro who is unavailable at the moment.
The display is stable, what you see on the video is, I assume, caused by the difference in frequency between the camera record and the display emission.
As long as pressure is kept on the yellow component everything works fine. I ended up gluing it to the board. It took time to find out that this component was blocking the output. I shouldn’t have to spend time looking for such defects on a brand new product (then yes it was a first use).
Thanks for the answer anyway
December 6, 2019 at 7:55 pmPost count: 0I have this same unit and have the same problem as Tim. I have followed the instructions titled “Auto-output function when powering it”. Every time my batteries die, the unit comes back to a setting of 5v/3A. I believe what you are telling Tim is to save the settings in address 0 (zero) and it will use this when powering on.
If that is the case, what is the point of the F2 parameter setting?
December 12, 2019 at 5:43 pmPost count: 0Ok, so basically you use the F2/Yo-1 parameter/setting to turn on output when power is restored and you store the voltage and current settings in the F0/Sn-0 parameter/setting to set the values that you want restored when power comes on.
This is working for me now, but I must say that you could make this clearer in the documentation. Given that this is how most other buck converters just work because they use a mechanical setting, I would think you would want to clearly document how to set this up with step by step instructions. This is probably what 99% of the people that buy this will need to do.
That said, I am very happy with how this is now working for me. Your company seems to make very good equipment (I have purchased several components) but good documentation would go a long way to keeping your customers from getting frustrated.
February 5, 2022 at 9:25 pmPost count: 0I’m trying to control a 200310 DC-DC with a Uno R3. The Drok converter serial port uses 3.3v logic and the Uno serial lines use 5v. Stupidly I connected them directly and of course I couldn’t get a response from the Drok to commands from the Uno. Then I connected the two serial ports through a bi-directional level shifter (cyt1076), but I still don’t see any activity of the RX led of the Uno. Strangely on the Arduino software serial monitor I now see “0” values returned from the Drok where before there was nothing. I’ve tried swapping the TX/RX lines.
I’m using the library and example at https://github.com/bengineer19/BuckPSU
Did I destroy the Drok serial port with the 5v mistake? Please suggest a next step. Thanks.
Terry Williamson
October 25, 2022 at 2:45 amPost count: 0Hello Terry Williamson,
To check what wrong it is, would you like to show the issue by images or video? You can share it to service@droking.com
Best regards,