Hi everyone,
well, I bought a http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00HJLJFOK DCDC converter. After a voltage adjustment with the little screw I tried to power a TP-Link 48V PoE Injector.
Connect the DCDC Converte with the PoE Injcetor = Connect it with a 14Ah battery = SMOKE.
After some tests I found out that your converter has no “soft start” feature. The first voltage peak on startup is about 100V after about 2 secs the DCDC converter adjusts the Voltage to 48V.
It’s a pity that you doesn’t provide a datasheet on the amazon website.
So I’ve a broken PoE injector and no DCDC converter to power my module.
Do you provide a DCDC Converter with a “soft start” feature?
Kind regards,