You are here:>>TDA7377PRO2 question and improvement suggestion
TDA7377PRO2 question and improvement suggestion 2021-08-31T15:29:18+00:00

Home Forums Advice TDA7377PRO2 question and improvement suggestion

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  • Johannes Eggers
    Post count: 0

    What is the resistance value and type (log or lin) of the volume control potentiometer ?  Is the pot in series with the line-in ?

    It would be nice if the frame of the volume pot would overhang the PCB.  Right now I cannot screw the pot into the housing because the board will hit the housing and bend.  Maybe you can shorten the PCB or use a pot with a longer neck.


    Post count: 2971

    Hello Johannes Eggers,

    Is it below item?

    It is not linear . Resistance value is 50K.  Is it possible to open hole for potentiometer?

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Johannes Eggers,

    Is it below item?

    It is not linear . Resistance value is 50K.  Is it possible to open hole for potentiometer?

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