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February 16, 2016 at 3:32 amPost count: 0I just received my TPA3116 board today and got it hooked up, but I am getting no sound. It did not come with any documentation at all.
I have fairly sensitive speakers, if I turn the volume on the amp all the way up I do hear some hiss so the output side of the amp is working. However that is all I get.
I am trying to use the amp as a conventional stereo amp, not mono or bridged. I have a 19 volt 3.5 amp power supply connected to the amp, and the blue power LED on the board does come on.
For normal stereo use, are there any modifications necessary? I see there are solder bridge points on the back that can be connected together for different modes, but if I am reading your diagram correctly only S1 should be connected which is how mine came.
What should I check to determine the source of the problem?
February 16, 2016 at 3:36 amPost count: 0This is the board I purchased: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0177F614Y
February 16, 2016 at 5:04 amPost count: 0Nevermind, I figured out the issue.
The first thing I did to this board was to remove the 1/8″ audio input jack since I did not want to drill a hole in the front of my enclosure for the jack. The jack apparently bridges together the traces for the input together. I soldered my input wire in place of the jack, bridging both solder holes for each channel and now it works perfectly.
Nice little amp!
I’d suggest moving the 1/8″ jack somewhere else on the board, I am guessing others are like me and don’t necessarily want an 1/8″ jack on the front panel of their amp if they are going to be using other inputs like RCAs.