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Wiper motor not getting sufficient current 2019-05-09T17:32:44+00:00

Home Forums Advice Wiper motor not getting sufficient current

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  • svkabd
    Post count: 0

    I have a 12V wiper motor connected to the DROK motor driver ( powered by a 24V 10A power supply and controlled by an ESP32.

    I have connected the motor directly to a 12V power supply (bypassing the motor driver) to test it, and it runs fine – pulling about 2A.

    When the ESP sends HIGH to the EN pin and HIGH/LOW to the INPUTS, the motor stutters and does not spin.  Measuring the current on the both the input and outputs of the driver shows that it is pulling less than 1A, thus not enough to power the motor.

    Is this a faulty driver, or is there something else that I am missing?

    Post count: 2971

    Hello svkabd,

    Thanks for writing in.

    Did you send high to input 1 and low to input 2? or  input 1 is low, input 2 is high.

    Best regards.

    Post count: 0

    Both, depending on the desired direction of the motor.

    Post count: 2971

    Hello svkabd,

    Do you mean you have tried both of below situations?

    Could you please kindly tell us more details about the  connecton siganl terminal? It would be appreicated if you can show that by image.

    Best regards.

    Post count: 0

    I exchanged this motor driver for a new one, and the new one is working properly.  The previous driver was defective.  Thank you for your assistance!

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